In Revelation 17, the apostle John records a vision he had received from “one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls.” Here, the elderly apostle is shown the state of the world in the last days, specifically the reigning power and false religion that governs the unredeemed before Christ’s promised return.
Like many visions recorded in the book of Revelation, chapter 17 contains several names and images that have puzzled readers for centuries. One name in particular, the whore of Babylon, is well worth discussing.
What Does the Bible Tell Us about the Whore of Babylon?
In John’s vision, the angel says, “come here, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters” (Revelation 17:1, emphasis added). In other translations, this “great prostitute” is referred to as “the great whore” (KJV) or even “the notorious prostitute” (CSB).
When John sees her, he notices that “and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery: ‘BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” …when I saw her, I wondered greatly.” (Revelation 17:5-6).
But who is this whore, what does she represent, and what role will she play in the last days?
The good news is that for those scratching their heads after reading this passage, John confesses that he was just as bewildered by what he saw (John 17:6).
There are many things about the last days, including the exact nature of the whore of Babylon, that have yet to be revealed. That much is clear from Scripture (Revelation 17:5)
Regarding His own return, Jesus told His followers, “about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone” (Matthew 24:26).
However, how things will play out in the end is not entirely unknowable. There are many things God has not only revealed but expects His followers to be prepared for. Jesus Himself taught Christians to “be alert” and “ready” at all times as they eagerly await His return (Matthew 24:42-44).
Christ also revealed, through the apostles, what Christians will encounter as the days grow darker and the world, under Satan’s influence, stages its final attack against the Son of God and His people before Christ returns and reclaims His throne.
Therefore, although some things about the whore of Babylon will be revealed in time, there are many things the Bible makes clear about her (Revelation 17:7).
Why Is Babylon Important in the Bible?
Before we can explore the significance of the whore of Babylon and what she represents, a little bit of context on Babylon is essential.
Babylon was a historical empire that conquered much of the known world and played a major role in the history of Israel in the Old Testament. It was the Babylonian Empire, under King Nebuchadnezzar, that first invaded the Southern Kingdom of Judah in 605 B.C., taking many of its people captive in the years that followed. The city of Jerusalem would eventually fall to Babylon in 586 BC.
King Nebuchadnezzar is also the king we read about in the book of Daniel and the one whose dreams Daniel divinely interpreted (Daniel 2). In one of his dreams, King Nebuchadnezzar was given a vision of a large statue with a head made of gold, a chest and arms of silver, a belly and thighs of bronze, and feet made partly of iron and clay (Daniel 2:31-35).
Daniel revealed that this vision related to the four world empires that would eventually overtake each other in succession (Daniel 2:36-43). These world powers would become Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
True to Nebuchadnezzar’s vision, the Babylonian Empire would soon fall to the Persian Empire in 539 B.C. The Greeks would eventually defeat Persia; Rome would overtake Greece.
Some biblical scholars have also concluded that the four empires of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream make up four of the seven kingdoms (or kings) described in Revelation 17.
“The seven heads are seven mountains upon which the woman sits, and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes he must remain for a little while.” (Revelation 17:10)
Egypt and Assyria, in addition to Babylon, Persia, and Greece, are the five world empires that had fallen by the time Revelation was written. Rome, the ruling power when John was exiled to Patmos, was the current kingdom.
The final kingdom, the one that “has not yet come,” points to a last global empire, or one-world government, that will exist for a limited time under the dominion of Satan’s human puppet, the Antichrist (also referred to as the beast in Revelation), before Christ’s return.
For several reasons, the name Babylon is given to a prophesied world empire, the last and most powerful in world history.
We know from history that the actual Babylonian Empire was considered one of the ancient world’s greatest intellectual, cultural, and religious centers. Settled along the Euphrates River in present-day Iraq, Babylon was known for its laws, religion, and architectural wonders, including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.
In the Bible, however, Babylon is regarded as a symbol of evil, pagan worship, and man’s hubris. It was the cultural epicenter of everything set against the God of Israel.
Many believe that the Babylon of Revelation represents one final world empire that seeks to rule as God in His place. It will be the kingdom of Satan’s last stand.
Like the ancient Babylon from which it gets its name, the Babylon of end times will be a godless, cruel, totalitarian society in which the Antichrist rules as its supreme leader.
Whether the Babylon of the end times becomes the name of an actual city is unknown. Some believe that a literal city near the Euphrates will become the capital of the Antichrist’s earthly kingdom. Others have linked the prophesied Babylon to Rome or Jerusalem. Some have even wondered if America could become the Babylon of end times.
In any case, the Babylon of Revelation will undoubtedly be the center of the Antichrist’s secular kingdom. Its sole agenda will be to wage war against the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
What Does the Whore of Babylon Represent?
Like many aspects of Revelation, what exactly the “whore of Babylon” represents has been debated by theologians for centuries.
However, suppose we hold that Babylon is the name given to the Antichrist’s totalitarian one-world government. In that case, the whore of Babylon should be seen as a metaphor to describe the kind of worldview, belief system, and false religion that seduces and deceives the entire unredeemed world in the last days.
As harlotry is often used in the Bible to describe idolatry and spiritual adultery, the whore of Babylon describes the most blasphemous, abominable form of idolatry and false religion in world history. She will be the “mother of harlots” and the pervasive worldview that deceives countless unredeemed souls during the great tribulation period.
What Can We Learn from the Whore of Babylon?
Although the true nature of the whore of Babylon will be revealed in time, there are several details about her and her influence that Christians in all ages should be aware of.
1. Her Influence Over Humanity will be Universal.
Remember the verse about the whore of Babylon, calling her “the great prostitute who sits on many waters...” (Revelation 17:1). In ancient times, great cities were often settled near water sources. Babylon was no exception. In fact, the prophet Jeremiah referred to Babylon as “you who live by many waters” (Jeremiah 51:13).
In Revelation, however, the harlot who sits by many waters may not refer to her literal geography. Rather, the angel tells John that “the waters which you saw where the prostitute sits are people and multitudes, and nations and languages” (Revelation 17:15).
Like the city of Babylon that sits by many waters, the woman’s influence over the world will be universal. People from every corner of the world will be seduced by her promises, deceived into partaking in her abominations. Little will they know what flows from her waters will be poisonous.
2. Her Religion Will Be Mainstream.
“With whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual immorality, and those who live on the earth will become drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.” (Revelation 17:2)
The whore of Babylon’s influence over all peoples will be vast. She will intoxicate countless deceived souls. However, this will not be an obscure religion or religion only of the masses. Prominent world leaders, celebrities, and public figures will become the priests, prophets, and pastors for her perversions and abominations. The belief system she represents will not be on the fringes of society. It will be mainstream and celebrated.
3. She Will Make Herself Attractive to the World.
“The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, holding in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of sexual immorality.” (Revelation 17:4)
As prostitutes often adorned themselves with fancy clothing, makeup, perfume, and jewelry to attract clients, the harlot of Babylon will make herself attractive to the world, promising false power, pleasures, and riches to those who associate with her.
Though abominations and unclean things fill her cup, purple and scarlet (the colors of royalty and wealth) will mark her influence. Sadly, the unsaved and unredeemed will not see her abominations for what they are. Rather, they will partake in them with pride.
4. She Will Target and Threaten God’s People.
“… and I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.” (Revelation 17:6)
The false religion of the end times will set itself against the truth and anyone who speaks it, namely, the people of God who remain on the earth. Christians will be viciously slandered, defamed, and treated as enemies of the global religion and the Antichrist’s one-world government. Accordingly, Christians will be seen as threats that must be silenced or, in many cases, eliminated. Martyrdom will be rampant under the whore of Babylon’s influence.
5. The Antichrist Will Eventually Discard Her.
“And the ten horns which you say, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and burn her up with fire.” (Revelation 17:16)
Although the whore of Babylon’s global influence will be extensive at the start, eventually, the Antichrist and his subordinates (the ten horns) will cut off her influence. Once the Antichrist has convinced humanity to surrender their freedom and give him absolute governing power over every aspect of society, he will discard the false religion of the woman and establish himself as the only object of worship. Those who worshipped the woman will have served their purpose. The Antichrist will then soon have absolute loyalty and worship from his subjects.
6. Christ Alone Will Triumph.
“These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.” (Revelation 17:14)
Although the Antichrist and the false religion of the woman of Babylon will wage war against the King of kings and His people, Christ alone will triumph in the end. Their power will eventually be cut off, and their kingdom will end. When that happens, Christ will return in all of His glory to establish His eternal kingdom, sit on His rightful throne, and rule beside those He calls His own (Daniel 2:44-45).
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