What Should Christians Know about Scientology? Background and Beliefs

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

According Scientology.org, “Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.”

L. Ron Hubbard formed the Church of Scientology in 1954. This relatively young religious movement has spread around the world, and today, there are millions in 165 countries across the globe who ascribe to the teachings of Scientology. Scientology has become popular among some of the wealthy and famous, with Tom Cruise perhaps being the most well-known Scientologist. Couple that with documentary shows like the one by Leah Remini, which give a behind-the-scenes perspective on this religion, and it may cause Christians to be curious and desire to learn more about it.  

What are the Core Beliefs of Scientology?

Scientology has a range of beliefs, but at its core, Scientology is a self-help religion. There is a heavy emphasis on spiritual growth and personal development. The religion is a journey of personal and spiritual improvement that Scientologists believe you can achieve by following their core principles and teachings. The goal is to achieve greater enlightenment, which can lead to more self-awareness and higher levels of spiritual freedom. According to their own website, “The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom for all.”

Scientologists view man as a spiritual being known as a thetan which is derived from the Greek letter theta. The thetan is immortal and has lived through countless lifetimes. To be a thetan one must have a mind and occupy a body.

Scientologists also compartmentalize life into what are called dynamics. They group these dynamics based on what they call "urges, drives, or impulses toward survival." There are eight dynamics in all.

  1. The Self Dynamic - the impulse to survive as an individual
  2. The Sex Dynamic - the impulse towards sexual activity as well as the desire to create and maintain the family unit
  3. The Group Dynamic - the impulse for the survival of groups, communities, or organizations that one belongs to
  4. The Mankind Dynamic - the impulse towards the survival and the improvement of all Mankind
  5. The Animal Dynamic - the impulse towards the survival of the animal kingdom and all living things which includes plants, animals, and the environment
  6. The Universe Dynamic - the impulse towards the survival of the physical universe. Scientologist believe the physical universe is composed of Matter, Energy, Space and Time which they call MEST. 
  7. The Spiritual Dynamic - the impulse towards improving one’s spiritual existence  
  8. The Infinite or God Dynamic - the impulse to connect with and understand infinity. This is also defined as the Supreme Being. This is the eighth dynamic because the symbol of infinity when you stand it upright resembles the number 8.

What are Scientologists’ Views of God and the World?

Scientology believes in the concept of a higher power or supreme being. However, there is no specific doctrine or understanding of this supreme being that members must ascribe to. Members may create their own understanding of how they define this supreme being. Also, because God does not exist in the manner we understand it as Christians, there is no real capacity to develop a personal relationship with a living God.

When Scientologists consider the world, man and his ability to change it are at the core of their worldview. According to Scientoloy.org, here is how Scientologists view man’s role in the world.  

“Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisions. He is not only able to solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but he can achieve new states of awareness he may never have dreamed possible.”

As you can see in Scientology, there is no need for God. Man is an immortal being, with unlimited capacity and all Scientologists believe they need to do is learn how to tap into that potential.

What are Some Scientology Practices?

One practice prominent in Scientology is auditing. This is a process that helps an individual reach their complete spiritual potential by addressing the negative influences and experiences from their past. The term for these experiences is engrams, which are stored in the reactive mind as vivid mental images or memories of past traumatic events. Negative emotions, irrational behavior, and psychosomatic illnesses are believed to stem from these engrams.

The purpose of auditing is to assist individuals in eliminating the engrams from their reactive mind. During this process of auditing, an experienced auditor will guide the individual through a session. The auditor who plays the role of a counselor, is critical to making these sessions successful. By engaging in this activity, individuals will be prompted to revisit their past experiences, memories, and even past traumas. The aim is to let go of past negative experiences and move forward towards spiritual enlightenment, liberating themselves from the boundaries of the mind and physical existence.

These auditing sessions are necessary to help a Scientologist move close to becoming Clear. When they reach this state of Clear, their reactive mind no longer has any influence over the individual, and they are therefore no longer hindered by its limiting nature. Reaching this state of Clear differs from person to person, but it is determined by how quickly someone can navigate through these levels in the auditing sessions.

What are the Differences between Scientology and Christianity?

While there are many differences between Scientology and Christianity, let me highlight three critical disparities.

The nature of man

Scientology believes that humans as we see them today have existed through many lifetimes. Overall, they believe man is basically good, but his experiences through many lifetimes have led him into evil and to commit sinful acts.

Christianity teaches that man is born once, born into sin, and therefore, the nature of man is sinful.


“Scientology further holds humans to be basically good, and that our spiritual salvation depends upon ourselves, our fellow humans, and our attainment of brotherhood with the universe.” (Scientology.org)

Since Scientology believes man is basically good, there is no need for redemption from sin to obtain salvation. The path to salvation involves experiencing spiritual enlightenment and self-realization, which are attained through personal growth and an increased awareness of the spiritual realm. Salvation entails becoming conscious of and comprehending the numerous past lives that thetans are believed to have lived. Through this process, the thetan liberates himself from the endless cycle of rebirth and attains mastery over their future existence.

In Christianity, the need for salvation is based on man’s sinful condition because we have not lived up to God’s holy standard. This puts man in a place deserving of God’s judgment; however, because of Christ’s sacrifices for our sins, we can find forgiveness, mercy, redemption, and eternal life by putting complete faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross.


Scientology believes that humans are immortal beings, having lived through countless prior lifetimes. They will continue to be immortal and experience rebirths until they reach the place of spiritual freedom.

Christianity believes in death and the resurrection of the dead. Those who receive Christ as savior and God’s plan of salvation, will be raised to life and live eternally in heaven. Those who reject Christ and God’s plan of salvation will be eternally separated from God’s presence in hell.

Final Thoughts about Scientology

As you can see, there are vast differences between Christianity and Scientology. Scientology is centered around you as the individual and what you can do to free yourself. Christianity is centered around Christ and recognizing you can’t save yourself and your salvation is a free gift from a God who loves you. 

When you pull back the curtain on the beliefs of Scientology, they follow the same lie Satan told Eve in the garden, you can be like God (Gen. 3:5). Since that time, man has sought to either be their own god, or try to find salvation, happiness, and contentment outside of God. Eve did not find what she was seeking in the fruit she ate, and no one will find the peace and contentment they are searching for outside of Christ either. Whether it is Scientology or any other religion, there still remains only one name given under heaven by which all men can be saved. That name is and forever will be Jesus.     

Further Reading
What is Scientology? Everything Christians Should Know
5 Things Christians Should Know about Scientology

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Mokee81   

Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. His most recent book is The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. Clarence is also committed to helping 10,000 people learn how to study the Bible and has just released his first Bible study course called Bible Study Basics. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com

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