Whether you are a head pastor, ministry leader, or running your own online endeavor or a non-profit organization, sometimes doing what God has called you to do can be weighty.
It can feel heavy physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Have you ever felt this way before? Are you experiencing the weight of ministry right now?
It's one thing to experience the weight of ministry, but it's another thing to withstand it until the burden has been lifted. In other words, when you feel the pressure of the demands and details of a ministry assignment or calling, holding on through it can be strenuous.
This is when you have to pause, pray, and position yourself to withstand it all until God releases the pressure. And releasing the pressure can look like a lot of different ways.
It can look like God supernaturally lifting the weight. Another remedy can be rest. Taking small breaks along the way can help as well.
Also, spending time journaling before you start or end your day to free your mind or record your prayer requests can be invigorating.
Withstanding the weight of ministry can occur through a variety pack of ways. For a moment, I want to share a few specific and revitalizing ways of how to "hold up" in this type of season.
1. Don't Give Up on Your Assignment
Satan wants nothing more than for you to throw up your hands and shout, "I quit!" He wants you to wave the white flag that reads, "I surrender! I'm done with this!" Trust me. After serving in ministry for over 15 years, there have been times when I wanted to drop all of the balls that I was juggling.
Yet, I knew deep down inside that I couldn't stop. I had to press and keep going at all costs. Each task was crucial for the call.
So, even when your body or mind feels heavy from carrying the load of tasks, work, assignments, deadlines, meetings, requirements, and hours of having to be fully present, lift up a prayer to God asking, "Lord, please give me the strength to persevere. This load is heavy.”
And I believe He will grant you supernatural strength in His own way and timing. In the meantime, hold onto Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing well, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest it we do not give up.” Don’t give up! The harvest is coming.
2. Remember Your Why?
As you walk out your assignment or purpose, sometimes you will have to remind yourself of why you said, "Yes!" to God in the first place.
As you carry out what He has called you to do, there may be times when you feel so depleted and exhausted that you completely forget why you signed up for your calling or mission. This is when you have to intentionally take a still moment to consider and remember your "why."
For instance, pause and consider the people. Jesus thought of us as He carried that heavy cross. So, take some time to reflect on why you started and the people you serve. Though ministry is weighty, know that it will be totally worth it in the end.
3. Don't Deny Help
As you carry out your God-given assignments, be open to receiving help. Whatever that looks like for you, receive it. Sometimes when we're doing ministry, we think that we can handle it all on our own. But the reality is that we were never meant to carry it on our own.
The early disciples worked together. Moses received wisdom from his father-in-law Jethro to choose men to help him carry the load. The apostles selected others to handle tasks so that they could focus on praying and preaching.
Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry His cross to Calvary for us. So, I have a few questions for you. Do you have help? Do you have or need to hire a team? Do you have someone who is willing to volunteer? Could you bring on interns?
Consider asking family members to assist you or fellow church members or friends to help you. Whatever you do, don't deny help.
Assistance can come in the form of prayer, encouragement, partnerships, planning, brainstorming, making phone calls, running errands, and even hiring a babysitter if you have smaller kids. Every bit helps when the load is heavy. Don't deny help fellow laborer.
4. Trust God to Lift Your Burden
Lastly, allow God to do what only He can do for you. Talk to Him about the weight. The weight could be your congregants, demands of the day, deadlines, details of the task itself, family issues, financial strain, including spiritual warfare.
Whatever it is, lift it to God. Give it to Him. Cast your cares upon the Lord because He cares about all that concerns you.
I love what Isaiah 41:10 says, "Do not be dismayed. For I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Trust Him.
Know that in the last days, Satan will try to wear out the saints (Daniel 7:25). So, stay alert and let God hold you up. Let Him help you. Let others assist you with the load.
Don't forget your why. God called you because He knew that He could trust you with the mission. You can do this in Christ’s strength and the power of the Holy Spirit within you. These are just a few ways how you can withstand the weight of ministry.
For further reading:
Are all Believers Called to Ministry?
What Is the Significance of Women Within Ministry?
10 Ways to Evangelize in Your Local and Online Communities
4 Helpful Ways to Love Those Who Are Hard to Love
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/benwhitephotography