Years ago, my dad went on an African Safari trip and soon found himself cornered by a Black Mamba, the world’s deadliest snake, inside his tent. Only hours before, he’d purchased a sword at a local market, mainly for show, but it quickly became a weapon.
Our slithering enemy, Satan, also issues surprise attacks, so we must know how to wield the sword of the Spirit. It is not crafted from mere metal but by the Holy Spirit of God.
What is the Sword of the Spirit in the Bible?
The sword of the Spirit is part of the Armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18. In verse 11, Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand against the schemes of the devil. It’s not a passive suggestion to believers. In fact, the Greek translation of this sentence reveals a sense of urgency. Like a Roman soldier on the battlefield, we need every piece of God’s armor in place, leaving nothing exposed to the enemy’s attack.
Paul connects the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God in Ephesians 6:17: “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” A further connection between the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God comes in another book of the Bible:
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints, and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Although other weapons were in the Roman soldier’s arsenal, the sword Paul mentioned in Ephesians 6:17 was unlike what most would expect. Its blade was only twenty-two inches long, and the sword was lightweight but a formidable weapon in the hands of a skilled warrior. Sharpened on both sides and the tip, soldiers had multiple means of harming their enemies.
The sword is classified as an offensive weapon but can also be used defensively, as is true for the Word of God.
The purpose of the sword of the Spirit is to defend us against the attacks of satan. Scripture goes on the offense by revealing the devil’s schemes and tactics. It also exposes our thoughts and attitudes before God, as seen in Hebrews 4:12 where God says his word is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword. Scripture, God's Words to us, pierces through the body and reach the heart - that which guides our thoughts and actions.
When we read and study the Word, we’re able to discern and receive what the Holy Spirit reveals so that we’re not blindsided by the devil’s attempt to destroy us, our families, and our testimonies.
Scripture is also a powerful defensive weapon. No passage demonstrates this more than Matthew 4:1-11. The tempter tempted Jesus three times, and each time, Jesus responded with scripture that specifically defeated the devil’s temptation. That’s wielding the power of the sword of the Spirit!
How Do We Become a Skilled Warrior of the Sword of the Spirit?
According to, boot camp exists to help soldiers “develop into a mature, highly disciplined and fully capable service member.” Their drill instructors ensure they’re prepared, giving the soldiers everything needed to succeed, but it’s their responsibility to show up and do their part.
Similarly, we can also prepare for warfare by practicing spiritual disciplines that help us to develop into mature, highly disciplined warriors. Like the soldiers in boot camp, we must show up and put on the Armor of God. No one puts it on for us.
With the Holy Spirit as our “drill instructor,” we can show up confidently, knowing He will give us the wisdom, discernment, and strength required to live it out.
So, how do we become skilled warriors of the sword of the Spirit?
1. Read the Word, the sword of the Spirit, regularly. Maybe it’s a verse to chew on throughout the day, a chapter, or a reading plan.
2. Memorize the Word. If you’re new to memorizing, try choosing a few verses that speak to a personal challenge and memorize one a week.
3. Study the Word. Dive deeper.
5. Learn the pieces of your spiritual armor.
6. Practice using God’s Armor by faith.
7. Put on the whole armor.
The key to using the sword of the Spirit effectively is knowing the Word well. It’s hard to wield a weapon we cannot grasp.
How Does the Sword of the Spirit Work with the Rest of the Armor of God?
Let’s start by doing a quick review of the six pieces of armor and their spiritual significance.
1. Belt of Truth. Do you believe God and His Word are true? This is foundational. The other pieces are void of power if this belief isn’t nailed down first. Psalm 18:30 says, “As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless.” Satan lied to Eve about what God said in the Garden (Genesis 3), and those lies continue today. “Did God really say?...” Our Belt of Truth holds all the pieces together.
2. Breastplate of Righteousness. This piece covers the heart, reminding us that we stand firm in God’s righteousness. It’s not a Breastplate of Happiness or a Breastplate of Good Works. Neither happiness nor good works are innately wrong, but when we depend on anything other than God’s righteousness to guard our hearts, we are being led astray by the enemy.
3. Shoes of the Gospel. Roman soldiers were given sturdy, reliable sandals with spikes on the bottom for firm footing as they went into battle. Our feet are fitted with the Gospel, offering us peace and a firm foundation as we go to tell others about Jesus.
4. Shield of Faith. In Ancient times, enemies often shot arrows smeared in pitch and lit. Although the flaming arrow couldn’t penetrate the Roman soldier’s armor, it would cause them to drop their shield, leaving them defenseless to an attack. Our shield is faith. Trusting God even when we can’t see Him, hear Him, or sense His presence. We trust because the Word says He is faithful and keeps His promises (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
5. Helmet of Salvation. This is a vital piece of spiritual armor because the head is a vulnerable place for an attack. The Roman soldiers’ helmets covered their entire heads. When we’re sure of our salvation, we must stand firm against the attacks of doubts that can render us powerless. Are you unsure of your salvation? If so, there’s no better time to experience the peace and assurance that comes with wearing the Helmet of Salvation (Acts 4:12).
6. Sword of the Spirit. The sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, is the only offensive weapon in our arsenal. Defensive weapons protect us, but how can we go to battle without a weapon?
The sword of the Spirit works together with the rest of the armor by contributing an offensive weapon.
How Can We Start Wielding the Sword of the Spirit Today?
1. Ask God to give us discernment, alerting us to the enemy’s schemes.
2. Guard our hearts. Remember that victory comes only through the righteousness of God.
3. Share the gospel with others and preach it to ourselves.
4. Choose now, before the battle begins, to stand firm in our faith.
5. Be certain of our salvation, then refuse to let the enemy rob us of our peace and joy in Jesus Christ.
6. Get in the Word of God. Ask Him to penetrate His truths into our hearts and minds.
7. Pray through the Armor of God.
We walk on the earth, but our footsteps land on a spiritual battlefield daily.
Prayer to Use the Sword of the Spirit
Heavenly Father,
I come before You today seeking Your guidance and strength. Thank You for equipping me with the full armor of God, especially the Sword of the Spirit, which is Your holy Word. Lord, I ask that You fill me with the power of Your Spirit so that I may wield this sword effectively in every aspect of my life.
Grant me wisdom and understanding as I read and meditate on Your Word. Help me to discern Your truths and to apply them in my daily walk. When I face challenges, temptations, and spiritual battles, remind me to stand firm and to speak Your Word with authority and faith.
Father, let Your Word be a light unto my path, guiding me in righteousness and truth. Empower me to use the Sword of the Spirit to defend against the enemy’s attacks and to proclaim Your promises boldly. May Your Word dwell richly in my heart, giving me the courage to speak life, hope, and love to those around me.
Lord, I pray that Your Spirit will continually remind me of Your Word, bringing it to my mind in times of need. Strengthen my resolve to live according to Your will and to be a faithful witness of Your grace and truth.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your Word and the power of Your Spirit. I trust in Your mighty strength and ask that You help me to use the Sword of the Spirit to glorify You in all I do.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Further Reading:
What Is the Belt of Truth in the Armor of God?
What Is the Shield of Faith in the Armor of God
What Is the Gospel of Peace in the Armor of God?
What Is the Helmet of Salvation in the Armor of God?
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/B-C-Designs
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