Religious pluralism is the belief that there are many different roads to God and that all religions should be accepted. Religious pluralism is closely linked with the coexist movement, in which all religions can coexist with one another. Religious pluralism is not compatible with Christianity as the Bible tells us Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6).
A Myriad of Roads
A hallmark of religious pluralism is that all religions lead to salvation. Whether if a person is a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, etc., religious pluralism teaches that each of these religious beliefs is in pursuit of the same God.
As stated by writer Rajan Zed, those who hold to religious pluralism “believe that the same Ultimate Reality is interpreted validly but differently by diverse religions/denominations and that no one religion or denomination is the sole proprietor of truth.” Advocates of religious pluralism would argue against the exclusivity of placing faith in Jesus for salvation.
The Word of God is clear that a person cannot have salvation apart from placing faith in Jesus (John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5). During the early church, Peter proclaimed the exclusivity of Jesus as he preached, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Trusting in Buddha, Allah, or Krishna will not provide salvation. Christianity is the truth as all other “religions'' are erroneous teachings created by mankind and fueled by the devil and his demons. The Bible tells us Satan has blinded the mind of unbelievers in order for them to not see the truth of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Propelling and encouraging these false religions and cults is one of the ways Satan has blinded unbelievers from accepting Christ. Christians cannot practice religious pluralism as the only way to salvation is by placing faith in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Islam teaches there is no need for salvation because within Islamic teachings, there was no original sin and there was no Fall of Man. Salvation according to Islam is based on their good deeds outweighing their bad deeds (Ibid.). Surah 23:102-104 says, “They whose balances shall be heavy shall be blest. But they whose balances shall be light, they shall lose their soul, abiding in hell forever” (Quran Online).
In other words, if you do enough good things, you can go to heaven; however, if you do more bad things than good things, you will spend eternity in hell. Even if a person strives after doing good things their entire life, there is no assurance of salvation in the Islam religion.
Salvation in Islam all comes down to judgment day and could waver depending on how Allah is feeling that day. You might catch Allah on a bad day and despite your “good works,” you will spend eternity in hell simply because Allah was cranky that day. As one can see, Islam is not compatible with Christianity.
Islam extremists persecute Christians and try to rid the earth of followers of Jesus. In the same way, Hinduism, Judaism, and other false religions and cults are not compatible with Christianity. Religious pluralism is not permissible for Christians.
God in the Bible Is the Only God
There is only one God, and He is the God in the Bible. The Bible teaches God is the Holy Trinity — the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. All three are three distinct Persons, yet they are still One. Religious pluralism advocates the idea that all religions lead to the same “God” or “the same Ultimate Reality.”
The only true God is the God of the Bible. Allah, Krishna, or the “God” of Mormonism or Jehovah’s Witnesses is not the same God as the God of the Bible. The Bible passes all historical tests, including the internal, external, and bibliographic tests, which means it is the authentic Word of God.
The Quran, the Vedas, and the other sacred texts of other false religions and cults do not pass the interval, external, or bibliographic tests. This is because they are not historically accurate or reliable texts. Cults such as the Mormons (Latter Day Saints) and Jehovah’s Witnesses have updated and changed their religious texts over time to accommodate changing cultural taboos.
Many people believe Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses fall under the same denomination of Christianity; however, this is not true. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are not Christians. Each of these cults twists the Bible, changes it, and adapts their own teachings to the text. These false belief systems are not compatible with Christianity.
The Bible tells us all people are fallen and in need of the Savior (Romans 3:23). We are born into sin, we freely commit sin, and we will go to hell for our sins unless we place faith in Jesus (Romans 6:23). Faith is not something a person should “shop around” in and religion is more than a cultural practice.
Religious pluralism wants to present the idea that all religions are the same and all religions lead to the same God; however, the Bible tells us this is not true. God has revealed Himself in general revelation (nature) as well as in special revelation (the Bible).
Since God has revealed Himself in these ways, mankind is without excuse for failing to accept Jesus’ work on the cross (Romans 1:20). Christians cannot practice religious pluralism because it would be a dishonor to God and the Christian would be living a life of sin.
Many people believe religious pluralism sounds nice and some Christians even believe there are many ways to salvation. A research study conducted by Pew Research Center discovered that 57% of evangelical Christians believed there are many ways to salvation.
What Does This Mean?
With numbers like this, it is not surprising that there is such a high influx of acceptance surrounding religious pluralism. Christians should not practice, endorse, or condone religious pluralism as it is a lie. The Bible is clear that Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6).
Trusting in other religions will not provide forgiveness of sins, salvation, or eternal life with God. If a person fails to ever accept Jesus during their earthly life, they will be eternally separated from God in torment, pain, and agony.
Rather than practicing religious pluralism, Christians need to help those lost in false belief systems and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. The Lord will accept all those who come to Him, and He will never turn anyone away if they place faith in Him (John 6:37).
For further reading:
Is Religious Tolerance Biblical?
Why Is Being a Good Person Not Enough to Get into Heaven?
Are the World Religions That Different from Christianity?
What Hope Do Other Religions Have in the Afterlife?
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