The identity of children is extremely important. It is crucial for children to grow up knowing their identity is in Christ. If a child is unsure of their identity, it can cause them problems later on in life.
The Importance of Growing Up
I did not grow up in a Christian home. Maybe you can relate, or maybe you grew up in a Christian home. If you are like me, not growing up in a Christian home does affect your self-identity.
Since I did not grow up in a Christian home, I did not place my identity in Christ because I did not know Him. Due to not knowing Christ, I placed my identity in the things of the world, such as my academic accomplishments, my friends, or my appearance.
This can be a dangerous game to play for children, teens, and adults. Placing our identity and worth in anything besides God leads us away from His grace, mercy, and love.
Without having a firm foundation in the Bible and knowing your identity in Christ, it is easy to lose yourself in the world, especially for children.
Children are desperate for the approval of their parents, siblings, friends, and teachers to the point that they are willing to do anything to ensure the other person is happy with them and proud of them.
If a child places their identity in their parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or anything else, it will only lead to disappointment. The Lord has placed family, friends, and teachers into our lives for a reason; however, they are not what we place our identity in.
For children, it is crucial to know this at a young age. As adults, we need to teach children that their identity is found in Christ alone. Even though the world will try to tell you that your identity is in other things, your identity is only found in Jesus.
Placing our identity in anything else is dangerous and will lead to disappointment. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
As soon as anyone places faith in Christ by believing that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again, your new identity is automatically found in Christ. As Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, we are now a new creation!
Since we are a new creation, this means that we do not live according to the patterns of the world and our sinful flesh. Instead, we now live according to the truth of God’s Word.
Our identity is now found in Christ — not ourselves. This can be a difficult concept for children to understand, yet it is vital for children to understand their identity is in Christ.
Identity in Christ
In addition to 2 Corinthians 5:17, many other Bible passages tell us about our identity in Christ. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
As this passage of Scripture tells us, we are God’s handiwork. This means that God dearly loves us and that we are His prized creation. Psalm 139:14 also tells us, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
This Psalm reminds us of the vital truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In the Gospel of John, John informs us that when we place faith in Christ, we become children of God (John 1:12).
This can be helpful to children because it helps them know that they are a child of God Himself. Many children grow up in dysfunctional homes and un-Christian homes, in which they need help to know they are loved and cared about by God.
Unfortunately, many children grow up with abusive parents or are abandoned by their parents. This is a crucial time for Christians to come in and help children know they are eternally and unconditionally loved by the Creator of the world and that their identity is found in Him alone.
Children want to be loved, and they want to know they are loved. God loves all people, and He wants children to come to know Him (Matthew 19:14). Even if a child’s parent abandons them, God is always there. Psalm 27:10 says, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”
Despite that each child deserves to have loving, caring, and supportive parents, most children do not. As adults in the ministry, we need to extend the love of Jesus to these children.
Many of us forget what it is like to be a child because it was such a long time ago. Sadly, this type of mentality can cause us to become cold and calloused, particularly if we had a difficult childhood.
As I shared with you, I was not brought up in a Christian home; therefore, I did not grow up knowing that my identity was in Christ. Since I grew up without knowing my identity in Christ, which made my life much more difficult, I would not want anyone else to have to endure the pain I went through.
Sharing the truth of the gospel and resting in your identity in Christ can bring great joy, peace, and serenity into anyone’s soul, including children. Growing up is extremely hard, and finding your identity can even be harder.
We were all kids at one point; thus, we know what it feels like and how scary it can be to go to a new school, make new friends, and navigate life decisions. If a child does not know that their identity is in Christ during these times, it can cause the child much self-doubt, anguish, and pain.
When a child grows up knowing their identity is in Christ, they are going to be more confident in what God is going to do through their life.
The child who grows up with a strong identity in Christ will be able to know their worth comes from Christ, not their academic success, how popular they are, or their appearance.
The truth is that if a kid does not have their identity firmly rooted in Christ, they will firmly root it into something else. It is important that we help children know that their identity is in Christ and what that means for their life.
When a child or a teen knows their identity is in Christ, they are going to be less likely to doubt their own worth. Many kids and teens who grow up without Christ try to “prove” their worth to others by their accomplishments, popularity, or appearance.
Why Does This Matter?
Long story short, none of these things truly give a lasting sense of identity or worth. Maybe you flunked the test, lost all of your followers on social media, or your hair isn’t very pretty today. In a single instant, your identity and worth can vanish if your identity is placed in the things of the world.
Yet if a child or a teen knows their identity is in Christ, they will not feel like they have lost themselves if they don’t get straight A’s, if they are not the most popular person in class, or if they don’t look picture perfect.
A firm knowledge of your identity in Christ is not only important for children but also for teens, adults, and seniors. Everyone needs to know their identity is only found in Christ alone.
For further reading:
How Are Children Gifts from God?
What Responsibility Do Parents Have in Raising Children?
How Did Jesus Interact with Children? Meaning and Significance
What Does Psalm 139 Mean by 'Fearfully and Wonderfully Made'?
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