Have you ever been at a party where the conversation just isn’t clicking? Try mentioning pain. Watch how quickly everyone gets uncomfortable. Pain is a subject we tend to avoid, yet it’s something we all experience. Whether it’s heartbreak, loss, sickness, or challenges at work, pain doesn’t discriminate—it’s part of the human condition.
But here’s the deal: pain isn’t just a problem to solve; it’s a pathway to walk. And the Bible offers us a guide to navigate it. In Proverbs 3:5–6, we’re invited to trust God completely, lean not on our own understanding, and acknowledge Him in all our ways. These verses aren’t just nice to read; they’re a map for getting through life’s toughest moments.
One of the hardest questions people wrestle with is, “Why does a good God allow pain?” It’s a valid question. School shootings, devastating illnesses, and personal losses make us wonder, “Where’s God in this?”
The truth is, we live in a broken world—a world full of beauty and yet marred by sin. Pain exists because humanity chose its own way over God’s. But here’s the hope: God doesn’t waste pain. He uses it. The Bible is packed with stories of people who faced unimaginable suffering:
-Job, who lost everything, only to discover God’s faithfulness in the end.
-Joseph, who endured betrayal and imprisonment before becoming a key leader.
-Paul, who begged God to remove his “thorn in the flesh” but learned that God’s grace was sufficient.
God didn’t remove their pain; He walked with them through it. And in every instance, the pain had a purpose.
Jesus talks about two paths in Matthew 7: the wide path that leads to destruction and the narrow path that leads to life. The wide path is easier and more popular but ultimately empty. The narrow path—His path—requires trust and surrender.
Pain has a way of clarifying which path we’re on. Are we trusting in ourselves, or are we surrendering to God? Walking with God doesn’t mean the road will be smooth, but it does mean the destination will be worth it.
When you’re facing pain, ask yourself these four questions to align your perspective with God’s promises:
Pain demands action. It might be confronting a sin, forgiving someone, or simply learning to trust God in the uncertainty.
The reality is we may never fully understand why pain happens. But Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to “lean not on our own understanding.” Sometimes, the “why” isn’t for us to know—it’s for us to trust that God knows.
The answer? Now. Proverbs 3:6 calls us to acknowledge Him in all our ways, not just when life feels manageable.
Pain has the potential to take us closer to God or further from Him. Our outlook shapes the outcome. Will you let your pain define you, or will you let God refine you through it?
Imagine navigating a dense jungle—quickly realizing you need a guide. That’s life with Jesus. He doesn’t just point the way; He is the way. Like a guide cutting through thick vegetation, He clears a path, one step at a time.
When you trust Jesus, you’re not just surviving pain; you’re walking through it with purpose. His nail-scarred hands are proof that He understands your hurt. His resurrection is proof that your story isn’t over.
Pain isn’t something to get over; it’s something to move through. And moving forward doesn’t mean forgetting—it means letting God lead. Whether your pain is physical, emotional, or spiritual, trust Him. He’s not just walking beside you; He’s gone ahead of you, making your path straight.
So, what pain are you carrying today? Ask yourself: What? Why? When? Where? Then, take a step of trust. Surrender the hurt. Let God transform your pain into a testimony.
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Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Jordan Bauer
Through Ed Young Ministries, Ed extends his passion for helping people grow in their faith by providing inspirational content, online sermons, and practical resources for Christian living. With a heart for equipping church leaders, Ed launched C3 Global, CreativePastors.com, and the Creative Church Conference (C3)—initiatives that offer coaching, teaching, and resources to thousands of pastors and ministry leaders. He is also a prolific author, addressing topics such as leadership, marriage, and Christian living. His New York Times bestselling book, Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy with Your Spouse, challenges couples to strengthen their relationships through biblical principles. Other popular titles include The Marriage Mirror, The Creative Leader, and Outrageous, Contagious Joy.
For powerful messages, life-changing resources, and ways to grow in your faith, visit Ed Young Ministries.