Who Can I Count On?

We can always count on God. No matter what happens in our life, we can count on God. Whether we go through a job loss, others hurting our feelings or the death of a loved one, we can turn to God always.

Contributing Writer
Published Jun 19, 2023
Who Can I Count On?

I remember being a child and becoming extremely disappointed when my loved ones let me down. Like most children, I had believed the notion that my parents were fearless, unstoppable, and indestructible.

Sadly, I found out as a child, a teen, and an adult that my parents fall short, have fears, and hurt others just like everyone else. In fact, everyone in our life will probably let us down at some point in our lives, but we have One who will never let us down. We can all count on Him.

Counting On God

“Truth is all I really want is somebody who wants me, somebody I can count on who won't disappoint me” (Hayley Williams, “Trigger”).

I was listening to the song “Trigger” by Hayley Williams the other day, and it really got me thinking about how many of us want someone we can run to — someone who won’t disappoint us.

This might not be the case for everyone; however, most people want someone they can rely on. As mentioned, as children, teens, and even adults, we might think we can count on our parents only to be let down.

While our parents may try their hardest, they are not immune to sin or the fallen world. They will get upset, might say hurtful things, or do things that hurt us.

In this way, we might start losing hope in anyone. We might try to find other people to count on in siblings, friends, or relationships, but they might let us down, also.

It’s not because these individuals are purposely letting us down; rather, they have fallen just like us and make mistakes (Romans 3:23).

It’s not good to place all of your hope and reliance on people. They will let you down, and it will hurt when it happens. While you should look for support from others, there is only One you can count on all the time.

The One you can count on is God. Never will He leave you, and never will He forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). When we are let down, hurt, or in need of help, we can always count on God. He is never too busy, nor does He grow tired of us.

He loves everything about us and desires to lead, guide, and instruct us in the way we should go. We can count on Him for everything, and He always provides. Maybe someone hurt you, or a loved one passed away.

You might not be able to find solace in others, yet you can find solace in God. He knows exactly what you are going through. All of the pain, hurt, and disappointment you are feeling — He is feeling it too.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t turn to people in our time of need, but it does mean we don’t need to place an unhealthy amount of reliance on others in our lives. We don’t need to set others on high pedestals and believe they will never do us wrong.

Since we are all sinners, we will not be able to help everyone all the time. Mankind is selfish and may be more concerned with their own wants and desires instead of being with you in your time of need.

God’s Support

The Bible tells us to place other people’s needs above our own; sadly, not many people do this, and the result can be hurt feelings and pain (Philippians 2:3-11).

Even those who constantly try to be there for you in every possible way will still mess up at times, and they might cause you to feel disappointed.

This is why we need to remember that we can always count on God, and He will never disappoint us. God is not a sinner like us, nor does He ever cause harm to His children. He loves us unconditionally, and His love for us has no bounds.

The Apostle Paul tells us, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

As Paul tells us, nothing can separate us from the love of God that is found in Jesus Christ. Each member of the Trinity loves us without fail. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all love us and won’t ever let us down.

They are there for us always and will be our trustworthy guides. People will fail us, but God never will. Since He is God, He is perfect in every way, and nothing can stop His plans from prevailing.

We serve our great and wonderful God, and we can trust Him with every part of our lives. Maybe a loved one won’t even listen to a legitimate concern you have; however, God listens not only to this but also to every other concern you have.

Our loved ones may easily dismiss our feelings, concerns, and fears, but God won’t. He values all of our feelings, concerns, and fears. As nice as it would be for others to care about every concern we have, I haven’t found anyone to pay mind to each feeling, concern, or fear.

This isn’t to say there aren’t those who value each of your feelings because there are people who will genuinely care about you in your life. It might be hard to find these people, yet they are true treasures when you find them.

If you have been let down by people in your life, know you are not alone. Most of us have been let down many times throughout our lives, yet God won’t ever let us down. We can confidently count on Him and never lose hope in Him.

We can count on Him for the daily events of our lives as well as forgiveness of sins, salvation, and eternal life. The Lord has given us great assurance and hope by coming to the earth to die for our sins and bless us with eternal life by placing faith in Him (John 3:16-17).

Since we have these sure promises of God, we need to worship, praise, and give thanks to the Lord. He will never let us down nor will He cause our hearts to become crestfallen.

What Does This Mean?

Therefore, we can always count on God. No matter what happens in our life, we can count on God. Whether we go through a job loss, others hurting our feelings or the death of a loved one, we can turn to God always. He cares about each tear and each hurt feeling.

He never dismisses your hurt, nor does He pretend like what happened to you isn’t as severe as you see it. Our friends, families, and others in our lives may dismiss our pain and hurts, but God never will. We can count on Him in all things, and we can live out this truth in our daily lives.

Instead of allowing our hearts to be weighed down by disappointments and hurts, we can turn to God. God knows others will disappoint us, yet He will give us the comfort we need. The help, support, and understanding we didn’t get from others, God can give us.

He truly loves you, and you can count on Him always. No matter how much pain, hurt, and disappointment we are holding onto, God will carry it on His shoulders instead. He will help us and give us the kindness, support, and understanding that we need.

For further reading:

How Do We Know That God Is for Us?

Where Does Our Help Come From?

What Happens if We Need Immediate Help from God?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Marinela Malcheva

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: https://cultivatechristianity.wordpress.com/

Christianity / Life / Christian Life / Who Can I Count On?