Should I Become a Missionary?

You are more than qualified to be a missionary if you know Jesus as your Savior, love Him, and love others.

Contributing Writer
Published Sep 04, 2024
Should I Become a Missionary?

Becoming a missionary is a big decision. Those who choose to be missionaries are choosing a noble profession. Not many people choose to dedicate their lives to missionary work; however, the ones who do reap a harvest of service to God. Many people have the false belief that missionary work is all sacrifice and no reward, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Missionary work is very fulfilling, exciting, and purposeful.

There are many people who are in the beginning stages of considering whether or not they want to be a missionary. If you are one of these people, know that you are right to take your time in considering the path you should go. Missionary work takes a great amount of work as well as dedication. If you are going to be a missionary, you need to be aware of these things in order for you to be prepared for the challenges that you will face.

Do I Have to Have a Calling?

There is a huge misnomer within the Christian community that one has to have a “calling” in order to become a missionary. This comes from Paul’s vision of the Macedonians as recorded in Acts 16:9-12. Even though Paul had this vision does not mean all believers will have a divine vision, in which we are told where to go. Rather, Jesus has already given us the command to go out and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

In this way, we see that missionary work is not only reserved for specific people or the “spiritually elite.” Rather, Jesus has commanded all people to share the message of the gospel. You do not have to have a vision or specific calling to become a missionary. The Lord has already told us that as soon as we become followers of Him, we also need to go and make more disciples.

Notice the Lord does not say “make converts.” The Lord says to make disciples of all nations. Disciples are those who faithfully follow the Lord, obey His teachings, and have proper doctrine. When we see this, we know the emphasis the Lord places on making strong, discipled followers of Christ rather than just helping a few people become baby Christians. Discipled believers will be able to go out and make even more disciples, thus expanding God’s kingdom even further. 

Therefore, all of us have been given a command, but it is up to us to pray, read the Word, and discern where God will use us as missionaries. All believers have only two options: to make disciples (whether domestic or abroad) or to disobey God's command. It's that simple. The Lord wants us to choose the former rather than the latter. For too long, believers have been inactive in missionary work, whether at a local soup kitchen or visiting another country to establish a church or partner with an orphanage.

If we are truly going to obey Jesus, we have to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Consulting God in Prayer 

If you doubt whether you want to become a missionary or not, go to God in prayer and consult Him. While He will not give you divine revelation, He will help instruct you in the way you should go. God wants you to do mission work or to be involved in missions in some way or another. Even if people have told you that you are “not cut out” for missionary work, don’t listen to them. In the same way, even if you are rejected by mission agencies, know that this doesn’t mean you should stop pursuing mission work.

I have been told by many people that I am not cut out for missionary work. After completing a missions internship, I was told by multiple missionary families that mission work was not my calling. Prior to this internship, I was certain throughout college that I wanted to be a missionary and that is what I believed God wanted me to do. With each negative review from each missionary family, I felt more and more that I was not good enough to be a missionary.

I struggle with various mental illnesses, which has caused many people within the Christian community to look down on me, including the families I stayed with as well as many mission agencies. If you are someone who also struggles with mental health issues, know that this does not disqualify you from doing mission work. Jesus does not say only those who are 100% healthy in mind and body can go on the mission field. Instead, we see Jesus telling all people to go out to make disciples of all nations—not just the healthy and well.

You are more than qualified to be a missionary if you know Jesus as your Savior, love Him, and love others. While there is training involved in missionary work, know that nobody can tell you that you are not good enough to be a missionary. Don’t allow someone else to derail you from your desire to be a missionary. I have let other people control my choices for too long, and I don’t want the same to happen with you. You can be a missionary if this is how you want to live your life. 

Training and Preparation

If you have made the decision to become a missionary, know that you will need training and preparation. If you have not attended a Christian college or a Bible college, consider taking some courses in missions or intercultural studies. It is important to be knowledgeable about cultures and other religions because you will encounter them on the mission field. Many people make the mistake that all cultures are relatively the same, but this is not true—at all.

You need to study up on the culture of wherever you go and learn all you can about the people group. Learn about their belief systems, their family dynamics, and what they believe about spiritual matters. All of these things will be able to help you on the mission field. It is essential to be knowledgeable about the people group you are going to because without being knowledgeable about them, you will fail to successfully share the Gospel with them.

Take your time as you prepare for mission work and continue to pray over all matters. You will have to raise your own support, which is very difficult. As someone who is not a natural persuader, it was very difficult for me to raise funds for my mission internship. I had to get a grant from the mission agency I was going with to go on my internship. That said, even if you don’t raise enough funds, know that many agencies have backup funds to help you get fully supported if you did not raise enough. 

Raising funds is a full-time job; however, many schools and agencies offer training and classes on this very topic. You will have to reach out to friends, family, and possibly other churches in your area if you are going to go into full-time missionary work. It can take many years before you are fully funded, but try to keep up your hard work and continue to lean on the Lord throughout your journey. You can be a missionary because God has already called you to do this very thing. Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Himarkley

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.


Christianity / Life / Christian Life / Should I Become a Missionary?