Often, we think of Europe as being “Christianized” or “reached” because of its culture, churches, and the historically famous Christians who came from Europe. Unfortunately, Europe is in need of the gospel despite it is often overlooked by mission agencies and boards.
Greater European Mission (GEM) is one of the many mission agencies that strictly focus their missionary endeavors on Europe.
If you feel convicted or led by the Spirit to pursue mission work in any of these areas, I highly recommend checking out GEM’s webpage. Here are the 10 places in Europe that need the gospel.
1. Kosovo
According to the Joshua Project, Kosovo is the most unreached place in Europe, with 96.2% of the population in the unreached category. The largest religion within Kosovo is Islam, as 90.1% of the population identifies as Muslims.
Kosovo is a unique place, yet it is known for its conflict and suffered about a decade of guerrilla warfare, to which over 800,000 ethnic Albanians had to leave their homes.
In our modern-day society, as Christians, we need to be going to areas such as Kosovo in order for the lost to come to know Christ. The Lord is not willing for any of His people to be lost (2 Peter 3:9).
2. Gibraltar
Gibraltar is another place in Europe that needs to hear the gospel. The Joshua Project reports that there are 50% of unreached people groups within Gibraltar.
In other words, there are six different people groups in Gibraltar, yet only half of them have been reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This means three people groups within Gibraltar have not heard the gospel. While progress is being made in Gibraltar, it is vital for more missionaries to go out to Gibraltar and share the truth about Jesus and disciple local believers.
3. North Macedonia
A third place in Europe that needs the gospel is North Macedonia. It is reported that out of the 2,076,000 people who live in Macedonia that 640,000 are unreached. This calculates to 40.9% of unreached people groups.
Similar to Gibraltar, progress is being made in efforts to share the gospel, yet there is still a high number of unreached people groups in this area of Europe.
The Joshua Project reports there are still nine unreached people groups in North Macedonia, which is why it is vital for Christians to take the gospel to these unreached people.
4. Georgia
A fourth place in Europe that needs to hear the gospel is Georgia. Georgia is a former Soviet Republic located at the intersection between Europe and Western Asia.
Out of the 40 people groups in Georgia, 16 are unreached. This brings the total percentage of unreached people groups in Georgia to 40%.
The inter-ethnic conflict is still extremely high in Georgia, with Russia over-debated land in Abkhazia. Due to this conflict, over a quarter million people have been displaced from their homes.
Thus, it is crucial for Christians to go to Georgia, aid in humanitarian efforts, and, most importantly, share the gospel.
5. Ukraine
A fifth place in Europe that needs the gospel is Ukraine. Ukraine has been under horrible pressure over the past months. Russia invaded Ukraine and is trying to destroy them; all the while, Ukraine is still fighting for its freedom.
The Joshua Project reports that out of the 78 people groups in Ukraine, 28 of the people groups are unreached. Within Ukraine, only 3.62% of the population is evangelical.
It is crucial for Christians to pray for Ukraine, not only in the sense of the ongoing war but also praying for the lost. We can also participate in relief work and mission trips to Ukraine during this dark time in history.
6. France
A sixth place in Europe that needs the gospel is France. France is known for its beauty, culture, and art. Even though France is a beautiful country, there are 37 unreached people groups there.
My advisor during my graduate classes was a former missionary to France, and he often spoke of the urgent need for missionaries in France.
The Joshua Project reports there are 4,218,000 people unreached in France. With high numbers such as these, it is vital for more individuals to go to France and share the gospel in a way that is meaningful and understandable to the French people.
7. Moldova
A seventh place in Europe that needs the gospel is Moldova. There are eight unreached people groups in Moldova, and only 4.62% of the population are evangelicals.
The Joshua Project records that 30.8% of the population is unreached in Moldova. Moldova is one of the poorest places in Europe, but the light of Jesus can bring hope into their bones.
As Christians, it is important that we go out to an area, such as Moldova, and provide not only spiritual nourishment but also physical nourishment and help, such as food, water, and necessities of daily living.
8. Malta
An eighth place in Europe that need the gospel is Malta. Malta is a truly beautiful place that is awe-inspiring and captivating. Unfortunately, not everyone in Malta has been reached.
The Joshua Project reports that 2,000 people in Malta are unreached, which makes their percentage of unreached people to be 30%.
There are three unreached people groups that have yet to be reached in Malta. If you feel convicted by the Holy Spirit to serve in Malta, I encourage you to get involved and connected to a mission agency. Serving the Lord through missions is the greatest honor one can have in their life.
9. Lithuania
A ninth place in Europe that needs the gospel is Lithuania. There are 7,500 unreached people in Lithuania in the modern day who need to hear the gospel.
The Joshua Project records that 20 people groups have been reached with the gospel in Lithuania, yet there are six people groups that have yet to be reached with the gospel.
Not many people know about Lithuania, yet it is vital for missionaries to help the lost in Lithuania to come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
10. The United Kingdom
A tenth place in Europe that needs the gospel is the United Kingdom. I went to the United Kingdom a few years back on a mission internship, and it really opened my eyes to how much this area needs the gospel.
Often it is thought the United Kingdom has been completely reached, but they haven’t. I saw beautiful churches converted to nightclubs in several towns. It is without a doubt to say that the United Kingdom is in need of missionaries to spread the truth of Jesus Christ.
The Joshua Project reports that 5,366,000 individuals are unreached in the United Kingdom. These are 5,366,000 individuals who need to hear the saving grace of Christ. Within the United Kingdom, there are 34 unreached people groups.
It is our responsibility and privilege as believers to take the gospel to the United Kingdom and disciple those who will place faith in Christ. Europe is in desperate need of the gospel, but it is up to us to take it to their shores.
For further reading:
What Is the Biblical View of Mission Work?
5 Reasons You Should Go on a Mission Trip
How Different Would Europe be without Christianity?
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