It seems that every election season causes us to be fraught with anxiety. We wonder if the world will end or the next elected official will kickstart the end times.
As the world becomes increasingly darker and darker, we can often get swallowed up in despair about politics. We may wonder if any good leaders still exist or if the systems in place have become corrupted inside and out.
When we start to feel exhausted from the news, we must remind ourselves that our hope is rooted in God, not politics. If you think Christians stand alone in their anxiety when it comes to leaders, we may not have made ourselves familiar enough with the leaders of the Roman Empire during the time of the early church.
Politics has always caused fear and strife.
It’s time for us to find a new foundation.
What Is the History of Politics in the Bible?
It shouldn’t surprise us that politicians have been turning corrupt since nearly the beginning of time.
Even before Israel had kings, they had judges. And although the judges started well, they depreciated in goodness over time. Until we get to the time of Samson, where he does whatever he pleases to satisfy his pleasures.
The kings in Israel's history did not improve. We do have a few standout kings who (for the most part) followed the straight and narrow. This includes David—except for that whole Bathsheba debacle—Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah (along with a few others).
However, about ninety percent of the kings in Israel’s history turned to evil. They offered up infants as sacrifices to pagan gods, filled their pockets while their people starved, and picked battles with enemies they couldn’t actually go to war with.
Sound familiar?
By the time Christ steps onto the scene, things fare no better. Although several kingdoms have taken over Israel throughout its history, Rome decided to best them all in their cruel practices.
Anyone who challenged them would find themselves on the nasty end of capital punishment. They regularly slaughtered those they viewed as threats to the empire, including many of the Early Church saints.
And what does Paul say about these leaders?
To obey them—unless they ask Christians to do something that goes against what God has called them to do.
The Emperors during the time of Paul certainly were far from good. Under Nero’s rule alone, Paul met his execution via beheading.
But it seems that the early church knew not to fear the government. Although the government could harm them, they knew God would outlast the empire. And he did.
Why Do We Worry so Much about Politics?
Certainly, placing our trust in God is easier said than done when those who rule decide our livelihood. A tax-happy leader may put us out of the house and home, for instance, even if both adults in our household work full-time jobs.
Those who make policies can decide how our children are educated, how we can practice our religious freedoms, and how to handle foreign affairs.
With so many wars and rumors of wars, we all sit on the edge of our seats as we wait for the next leader to make decisions that can affect the very nature of our countries and homelands.
When we have so little control over our circumstances, we worry.
So, how can we practically place our hope in God when (regardless of which party we belong to) we worry that an evil leader has set foot on our country’s stage?
5 Ways to Place Your Hope in God, Not Politics
It all starts with us turning to Scripture. The Bible tells us that nothing new has ever happened in history. Throughout history, God's people have dealt with evil politicians and corrupt policies.
So, with this in mind, let's look at five ways to trust in God.
1. Turn off the news or limit your time watching it.
Although we should stay informed, the news can depress us. If you find yourself drifting off into hopelessness regarding the news, turn off the TV and spend some time in God's word.
We can so easily get sucked into social media headlines and forget to take a breath of fresh air outside, away from all the noise. Do your mental health a favor and take breaks.
2. Remind yourself of past evil rulers.
They existed during the time of the early church. They exist now. God prevailed then, and he will continue to prevail now. Remember that God has already won the war. So, each battle that comes our way is nothing compared to the victory he has already won.
3. Review the ways God has provided for his saints.
Politics often frightens us because it affects the very nature of how we live. If a person makes a policy that will drain our bank account or threaten our livelihood, we can often live in a state of panic.
Know that God has provided for his people in the past. I think about Elijah and when he went toe-to-toe with Jezebel and Ahab. When Elijah fled to the desert, God provided for him there.
He will continue to do so for you, too.
4. Remember, God has an ultimate plan.
No election surprises God. He doesn't see the newly elected leader and say, "Oh, darn, didn't account for that." He has grafted all future leaders into his plan.
Don't discount God's enormous power he wields, even over rulers and nations. No one can make a policy that will outdo God's omnipotence.
5. Keep your discourse civil.
Election seasons can bring out the worst in us. It can cause us to say rather uncharitable things to people "on the other side." If we've chosen to broil those who don't align with our views, we may reveal a deeper heart issue: we've placed our hope in our leaders instead of our Leader.
Be sure that we handle all topics with grace and civility as election season rolls around. If you find your temper heating, ask God to work on your heart and place your hope in something with a much firmer foundation.
What Are Some Tools for Learning about Faith and Politics?
The following articles provide more insights on Christians engaging with politics in a hopeful, Christ-centered way.
Biblical Reasons Christians Should Vote
Examining Christian Nationalism: God, American Politics, and the Church
Should Christians be Involved in Politics?
7 Things Christians Should Remember about Politics
Should Christians Go into Politics?
3 Ways Your Politics Are Corrupting Your Witness
Christians and American Politics
Is it Possible to Separate Your Politics from Your Faith?
Jesus Said Not to Worry - That Includes Politics
How to Engage in Politics without Destroying Your Ministry
As a Christian, How Involved Should I Be in Politics?
Three Reasons Not to Preach Politics in the Pulpit
A Call to Focus on Jesus as We Approach an Election Year
Cover Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Enterline Design Services LLC.
Hope Bolinger is an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, book editor for hire, and the author of almost 30 books. More than 1500 of her works have been featured in various publications. Check out her books at for clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Check out her editing profile at to find out about hiring her for your next book project.