Perhaps one of the most important things for Christians to understand is God’s voice. Jesus even placed special emphasis on this. Here is what he said.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
Since God’s guidance is critical to following him, it behooves us to learn how to hear the voice of God. It is crucial to your Christian walk.
What Does it Mean to Hear the Voice of God?
When we ask how to hear the voice of God, we must first understand what that even means. Does it mean going up to a mountain like Moses and hearing God’s audible voice with thunder and lightning, like in the old Bible movies? Or can it be something we listen for in little moments all the time?
Hearing the voice of God means you are listening for God’s leading, God’s direction, and God’s instruction. You are inviting God into the choices and decisions of your daily life and then following his lead. This can happen in various ways and at distinct moments, but because you are in a relationship with God, it should be part of your walk with him.
How to Hear the Voice of God?
Let’s press into this question of how to hear the voice of God. Let me share from God’s word and my experience to provide some pointers.
Certain things must be present in your life so you can hear the voice of God.
1 - You must believe he still speaks
The first requirement necessary to hear the voice of God is to believe he still speaks. This isn’t an “if I just believe enough, it will happen” thing. The Bible is filled with moments where we see God speaking to humans. Michael Craven summarizes how the Bible shows God communicating with humans from the beginning.
“. . . God is there and he is not silent, to use the late Francis Schaeffer’s phrase. God began his relationship to mankind by speaking creation into being (Genesis 1:3) and he spoke directly with Adam and Eve, giving them instructions on what they were to do (see Genesis 1:26-28) and what they were not to do (see Genesis 2:16-17). God dwelt with Adam and Eve and they listened to God until another voice entered the world.”
God speaking to people isn’t limited to Genesis. It happens in both the Old and New Testaments. He wants to speak to us, but we won’t hear him if we don’t believe he still speaks to humans. He may be speaking to you now (we’ll discuss how he speaks to us in a minute), but you miss it entirely.
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
Notice in the Bible that God speaks to many people— not just the “anointed” ones or those with special titles. God wants to and can speak directly to you. Now, this is not some overly dramatic thing where the heavens open and you hear the voice of God. It is usually much more subtle than that and rarely, if ever, has antics associated with it.
As believers, you have the Holy Spirit living inside you, allowing you to hear God’s voice. We also know the Holy Spirit will speak.
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” (John 16:12-13)
The Holy Spirit’s role in our lives is to speak, lead, and guide us. Understanding what he’s saying and what we need to know will take discernment, but if you are going to hear the voice of God, you must first believe he still speaks.
2 - You must learn the way he speaks
To learn how to hear the voice of God, you must know the different ways that God speaks. Typically, God will speak either internally or externally.
The most consistent way to hear the voice of God
The most consistent way God speaks to us internally is through his word. Debbie Presnell writes, “the Bible is the primary source in which we can hear God’s voice.” Some people go further and say this is the only way God speaks. I believe that opinion is too narrow. Yet I will acknowledge that if you do not know his Word, it will be difficult to know his voice because God’s word gives clarity to it.
This is one way to know for certain you are hearing the voice of God: God will never say something outside of his word that does not agree with what God has spoken inside his word. I heard someone say that God told them to divorce their spouse so they could marry someone else. That person was not hearing the voice of God because that does not align with his word. That’s why it is important to know his word because this is the most consistent way to hear the voice of God.
The Most Confusing Way to Hear the Voice of God
The other way God speaks to us internally is when his Spirit speaks directly to our spirit. I call this the most confusing way God speaks because you are often unsure if this is God’s voice or your own thoughts. If you remember the story of Samuel growing up in the temple (1 Samuel 3), God called him, and he thought it was Eli. He did not recognize the voice of God.
To further the confusion, you may be around people who believe God only speaks through his word and never outside it. This may cause you to doubt what you are hearing. On the other side, some make it appear like God is speaking to them all day, every day. This may cause you to feel you are not doing something right because you are not hearing the voice of God like that. In this broad pendulum of belief, the truth is closer to the middle.
When God speaks internally, it is usually with gentle nudges or impressions that direct you to do something always in alignment with his word. There was a time when I was praying, and I know God impressed on my heart that I must forgive my father. I was wrestling with this, but at this moment, I knew it was the voice of God speaking to my heart. It wasn’t loud or audible, but it was strong in my heart, and I knew I had to respond. Often, when people refer to God speaking to them or hearing the voice of God, this is often what they mean.
The Most Confirming Way to Hear the Voice of God
There is one more thing for you to consider as you learn how to hear the voice of God. As I mentioned before, God does not just speak through his word. Sometimes, you sense God is leading you to do something or go in a specific direction, and you are unsure. In these cases, God may use someone or something outside of you to confirm what you believe God is saying. Let me give you some ways this could happen.
- You could be in church, and the pastor preaches the exact thing you felt God was speaking to your heart.
- Someone could pray for you and, without you telling them anything, they pray the exact thing God put in your heart.
- A friend could call you and share the exact thing God had placed in your heart, which confirms he was speaking to you.
In situations like these, what is important is the exact nature and precision of what happened. These should not be general things that could apply to anyone but specific things that apply to your situation. They may even be things only you and God know about. When things like this happen, they can be a way of confirming you are indeed hearing the voice of God.
One Last Thing to Consider
Learning how to hear the voice of God is something you will do for the rest of your life. As you continue in prayer and his word, you will distinguish his voice from the myriad of other voices, including yours. As a guiding principle, God will never lead you to do anything that contradicts his word or leads you into sin. However, he wants to speak to you, and he wants to guide you through this life. He will primarily do that through his word, but remember: he is a living God and he still speaks. Your job is to learn how to listen.
Further Reading:
3 Reasons We May Not Hear God’s Voice
How Can We Discern God’s Voice from Our Own?
What Does Jesus Mean ‘My Sheep Know My Voice’?
Why Does God Speak in a Still Small Voice?
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