“How can I get to Heaven?”
The eyes of a sincere, young child look up at you, eager to know. Maybe this is a child from the Sunday School class you teach. Maybe this child calls you Mommy or Daddy. Regardless of who this child is, can you confidently answer their question? Thankfully, there is a tool you can use both to help a child easily understand the Gospel and prepare yourself to clearly share it.
Guiding a child to Christ is one of the greatest privileges a believer can have. We know Jesus cares for children, and He doesn’t want one to perish without knowing Him (Matthew 18:14). We can be sure that whoever believes in Christ as their Savior will have eternal life (John 3:15-16). Knowing these things, we can have confidence that salvation is also for children. They are fully capable of believing—which is why we must be fully prepared to help children understand the Gospel message.
While there are some great methods you can use to present the Gospel, there is one easy method that can be used with children of any age. This method has a rich heritage of being used in the past by believers such as Charles Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, Fanny Crosby, and Amy Carmichael.
Why Use Colors?
The five colors of The Wordless Book work successfully for several reasons. Because it uses colors instead of words, even children too young to read can follow along. The five simple colors also give children a visual to which each main part of the Gospel message can be tied to, aiding in memory and understanding. Many children will be intrigued to hear the story told by a book with no words. At least one Scripture verse is used with every page of The Wordless Book showing the children that the truths they’re being taught are from God Himself and can be found in His Word. These are just a few reasons why The Wordless Book is so effective in sharing the Gospel with children.
The Wordless Book
Preparing Yourself and the Child
Sharing the Gospel is a great privilege and responsibility. Because of this, it is important to equip yourself to the best of your abilities for this task. This is done by preparing yourself ahead of time. Child Evangelism Fellowship has a free online training seminar on how to present The Wordless Book. CEF also provides a 12-minute demonstration video of The Wordless Book being taught. Through CEF Press, you can purchase additional resources to help you learn how to present The Wordless Book and similar products to a child.
There are other methods you can use to share the Gospel with a child—The Wordless Book is just one. No matter which method you use, prepare yourself beforehand so you can present it comfortably and confidently. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the children to be ready to receive and accept the Gospel. Pray that God will help you remember what you have prepared and give you opportunities to share the Gospel with others. Finally, pray that the Holy Spirit will work in both of your life and the life of the child as the Gospel is shared. In the words of a recent song by Mercy Me, the Gospel is not just “the good news,” it’s the BEST news ever!
Feature Image Credit: ©Getty/christianchan
Fred Pry is the Acting Vice President of Administration at Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), the most impactful child evangelism ministry in the world, reaching over 25 million children with its face-to-face ministry in 2023. Fred joined CEF in 2003 as director of a local chapter in Pennsylvania before being appointed state director of Virginia. Later, he was invited to lead USA Ministries, and since 2024 he has been serving in the role of Vice President of Administration and providing further leadership to the organization as one of CEF’s executive staff.