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6 Cliche Things Christians Say

If you have been within Christian culture for any period of time, you most likely have heard some of these sayings in the past. They most likely did not help you in any way but rather may have annoyed or irritated you. Here are six cliche things Christians say.

Contributing Writer
Updated Feb 07, 2023
6 Cliche Things Christians Say

There are many cliche things Christians say. While they might be trying to be helpful with their words, more often than not, they are actually doing damage or causing problems through these cliche sayings.

If you have been within Christian culture for any period of time, you most likely have heard some of these sayings in the past. They most likely did not help you in any way but rather may have annoyed or irritated you. Here are six cliche things Christians say.

1. Let’s Do Life Together

One cliche thing Christians say is, "Let’s do life together." This saying has been all too common, especially among churches.

While the Christian community needs to put an emphasis on building genuine relationships, it is important that we don't speak cliche sayings that actually turn people away from Christ.

The idea of doing life together almost sounds as though you are making some sort of commitment, and at times, it can even come across as creepy.

Wanting to do life together can sound intimidating to some individuals, and this is one of the reasons why we need to retire this saying. If you want to build a friendship, simply tell the person your intentions or try to do more to spend time with the person.

In the same way, if you are trying to build a romantic relationship with a person, don't use this phrase. Instead, make your intentions clear. You don't have to use cliche sayings in order to tell someone you want them in your life.

2. I Want to Speak Truth into You

A second cliche Christians say is, "I want to speak truth into you." I personally have heard this saying more times than I can count. It is important not to say this cliche Christian saying because it can give a false idea that the person doesn't know the truth.

The concept of "speaking truth into" someone means that the person wants to tell them a truth from the Bible. While speaking the truth of the Bible is a great thing, the phrase of speaking the truth into someone can, yet again, come across in a derogatory manner.

If you want to share the truth of Scripture with someone, simply tell them that you want to tell them about something from the Bible.

The idea of speaking truth into someone also connotes the idea that the person doesn't already know what the Bible says. It is important that we don't become self-righteous in our own mind and think of ourselves as being more intelligent than our fellow believers.

Downplaying someone else's knowledge, such as by using this cliche Christian saying, can do a great deal of damage and cause hurt to the individual. It is best to stay away from this cliche saying.

3. I'm in a Tough Season Right Now

A third cliche thing Christians say is, "I'm in a tough season right now." While we have all been in tough seasons, it is important not to overuse these words. After using this cliche saying for so long, it starts to lose its effect.

Rather than telling others you're in a tough season, choose to tell them what's going on instead of leaving the details vague. If you are struggling with depression or struggling with your faith, make that truth clear.

It is hard to come across a person who hasn't been through a tough season. Oftentimes without us knowing, we can invalidate others' struggles by highlighting our own. In this way, we end up doing much more harm than good.

God wants us to build others up. He doesn't want us to tear others down or invalidate their feelings. Tough seasons of life are hard, yet it's important for us to not turn this idea into a cliche saying that just causes others to get annoyed or irritated with our words.

4. You Need to Pray More

A fourth cliche thing Christians say is, "You need to pray more." As someone who struggles with a myriad of mental illnesses, the saying "you need to pray more" does nothing to help me. In fact, it's quite insulting to pose the idea that I'm not praying over my problems.

Ever since I told others I struggle with depression, they have told me to pray more. While they may have had good intentions, their words did nothing to help. Instead, I just felt insulted.

Maybe you have felt this way in your life. You were going through something extremely difficult or devastating and your friends told you to just pray more. Most likely, it did nothing to help you, but rather it probably felt insulting.

Instead of using the cliche Christian saying, "You need to pray more," try to ask if there are any tangible things you can do to help the individual. If the person is a Christian, most likely, they have already brought their request before the Lord.

It is more beneficial to help them in other ways and to be supportive. Don't downplay their pain or tell them they need to pray more. This invalidates their pain and can end up causing much hurt.

5. Have Faith!

A fifth cliche thing Christians say is to "have faith!" Yet again, this is another saying that I have heard an excessive amount of times.

If you are struggling with something or you are experiencing the slow death of your loved one, hearing the words "have faith" can be aggravating and insensitive. 

I know in the days leading up to my mom's death, my family and I were bombarded with messages to "have faith!"

While I had faith in God's abilities, I had enough theology training to know that God doesn't spare us from heartbreak and pain. Despite having faith and praying immensely, my mom still died.

It is not helpful to tell someone to have faith because they already have faith in the Lord. Simply because someone has faith in the Lord doesn't mean God will answer their prayer with a yes.

Similarly, it is insensitive to think a person didn't have "enough faith" because their prayer was answered with a no. It is best to be supportive and helpful instead of saying a cliche Christian statement, such as "have faith."

6. You're in My Prayers

A sixth cliche thing Christians say is, "You're in my prayers" or "I'll pray for you." More often than not, that person isn't going to be praying for you. This is a cliche thing Christians have been saying for years.

The individual has no intention of praying for you, but rather, they say it to keep up appearances. While there may be some who actually truly pray for you, they would be in the minority.

If you tell someone they are in your prayers, make sure you mean it. Don't say it mindlessly and have no intention of actually praying for them.

This saying has become diluted to the point that it has no effect anymore. Rather than telling someone they are in your prayers or that you are praying for them, just truly take the time to pray for them.

If you tell them this cliche saying, they are bound to see through it as it is a transparent saying. Let your actions define you, and truly pray for the individual instead of saying you will and don't.

For further reading:

Why Can it Be Hard to Hear ‘Just Have Faith’?

How to Remember That Words Do Hurt

Why Christians Should Stop Saying ‘Bless Your Heart’

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/PeopleImages

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate:


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