Christian men and women should never stop learning God’s Word. Since the Bible tells us it’s “living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12), we can count on seeing and learning new things every time we read the Scriptures. As the Spirit illuminates the Bible, truths stand out to us in sharper focus, and we grow spiritually.
For beginners, however, studying the Bible is daunting work. They need to learn how to navigate God’s Word to use and share it rightly (Luke 20:21; 2 Timothy 2:15). Sixty-six books, over 40 authors, and names that defy our pronunciation’s imagination. It can seem baffling.
There is hope, however. We don’t have to go on this trek alone. Many Bible study books for beginners and mature believers are available in print and online (not to mention many free resources). A few online resources are listed in the grouping below. Some have companion workbooks to download or purchase.
Table of Contents
- Five Preliminary Bible Study Aides
- Five Bible Study Books for the Whole Bible
- Four Bible Study Books for the Old Testament
- Four Bible Study Books for the New Testament
- Three Online Bible Study Series
- Four Bible Study Books for Seminary Students
- Why Bible Study Matters More Than Ever
5 Preliminary Bible Study Aides
Before one delves into the study of God’s Word, a beneficial first stop is books which help a student learn how the Bible was written. These five books will direct learners to correct interpretation systems before embarking on a general study of the Bible’s sixty-six books.
1. 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible by Robert Plummer
We should learn the various hows and whys of biblical interpretation to understand the Bible best. Professor Plummer introduces us to how we got the canon of Scripture and various versions, and he begins with the simple question, “What is the Bible?” He also explains the structure of the Bible and summarizes the Old and New Testaments. This book is a great starting point to help a beginner learn about the Bible.
2. What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bible’s Story, Symbolism, and Patterns by James M. Hamilton, Jr.
The Bible is God’s unified account of His creation, from the beginning of the heavens and the earth, time, and humans, through His plan of redemption culminating in the Lord Jesus Christ and His kingdom come. What is Biblical Theology? shows us the unity of God’s Word and how God used each writer’s particular worldview to convey His intentional message to us—both then and now.
3. Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul
The author says, “The theme of this book is not how to read the Bible but how to study the Bible.” Sproul writes in plain language so even a novice student of the Bible can follow along. He explains how to read parables, find the meaning of biblical words, consider the original audience’s historical and cultural context, take care with biblical prophecy, and more. After reading this book, a student will better grasp how to read Scripture and where to go for questions.
4. How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
The authors set forth to help all learners learn how to read the Bible, no matter their biblical literacy. A helpful addition is an instruction regarding reading and understanding the different genres the Bible’s authors used.
For more mature believers seeking deeper study, I recommend this book:
5. Grasping God’s Word, Fourth Edition: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
Duvall and Hays’ book is a deep dive into Bible study, teaching the reader to look inductively at Scripture passages, chapters, and whole books as is done in seminary training. The book comes with a workbook and involves much time, but the reward, they say, is a greater knowledge of Scripture as one learns how to read it.
Five Bible Study Books for the Whole Bible
1. Discover the Bible for Yourself by Kay Arthur
Longtime trusted Bible studies resource Kay Arthur teaches students to learn the Bible book-by-book using the inductive study method. While this is a time-consuming study, it provides a wealth of biblical literacy, which helps anyone seeking more Bible knowledge (and love of the Lord).
2. The Bible from 30,000 Feet: Soaring Through the Scriptures in One Year from Genesis to Revelation by Skip Heitzig
Pastor Skip Heitzig helps Bible learners ease into a knowledge of each book of the Bible through a flyover lens that traces key components of each book, akin to taking a discovery flight. The study includes outlines of each book, information about the book’s highlights, its author, and how to see Jesus Christ throughout the Bible
A workbook is also available for purchase.
3. Knowing the Living God by Paul David Washer
This is a foundational, free online study in the Biblical Foundations for the Christian Faith series. The book goes through Scripture to point out elements that answer our questions about the nature and acts of God. The study is available as a book or as a pdf download. The introduction describes this as a study that allows the Bible to speak for itself.
You can find the rest of the books in the Biblical Foundations for the Christian Faith series here:
4. 30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders
The author says in just fifteen minutes a day, a teachable Bible student can learn the basics of the Bible. You’ll learn the Bible’s key people, events, and doctrines. This has been a perennial favorite.
5. Growing Strong in God’s Family by the Navigators
This widely used study was written by the Navigators, a ministry devoted to Bible study and discipleship. This book fits into the 2:7 series, named for Colossians 2:7 (“rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”). The series equips students with essential discipleship skills—including useful prayer practices, marking your Bible to grasp its meaning better, and cultivating a vital Christian life.
You can find the rest of the 2:7 series at the link below.
Four Bible Study Books for the Old Testament
The general studies of the whole Bible give us a good overview of the Old Testament. The following are four specific studies about the Old Testament or discussing particular books. In addition to the topic of God, we will recommend studies concerning three different Old Testament books, giving the Bible student a detailed guide for study.
1. The True Story of the Old Testament: Responding to God’s Revelation and Redemption edited by Alex Bauman
An inductive study of the Old Testament published by the Regular Baptist Press, this book looks at how God revealed Himself throughout the Books of the Old Testament. Also included is a look forward via the prophets to the coming Messiah.
2. Genesis: The Beginning of God’s Plan of Salvation (Focus on the Bible) by Richard P. Belcher Jr.
The author leads the student through the first book of the Bible to show how God unfolds His plan of salvation from the very beginning. He also outlines the role of humans in God’s plan of redemption.
3. Be Comforted (Isaiah): Feeling Secure in the Arms of God by Warren W. Wiersbe
In this volume of the BE series commentaries, long-respected biblical scholar and teacher Warren Wiersbe shows us what comfort truly means through the book of Isaiah. Wiersbe explains the role of God’s prophets, especially how God used Isaiah in Israel’s history and how portions of Isaiah are direct prophesies about Jesus the Messiah.
You can find the other commentaries in the BE series at the link below.
4. Daniel: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible) by Todd Wilson (edited by J.I. Packar)
In a study that shows how the Gospel is woven throughout Scripture, Wilson shows how every account in the Bible points to God and not the men He used. We also see through the book of Daniel how the plans of our Sovereign Lord will never be thwarted.
You can find the rest of the Knowing the Bible series at the link below.
Four Bible Study Books for the New Testament
As with the Old Testament Bible studies, the general studies given by the whole Bible studies will serve as an overview of the New Testament. However, four New Testament books will give the student an overarching view of the doctrines of the faith as presented in two Gospels, one epistle, and the book of Revelation.
1. Matthew: A 12-Week Study by Drew Hunter (edited by J.I. Packer)
This study in the Knowing the Bible series introduces the student to Jesus Christ, the true King of all the universe who ushers in the Kingdom of heaven.
2. John by the Navigators
The Gospel of John is a pivotal and important look at who Jesus was and is. This book in the LifeChange series provides an overview of the Gospel of John, including its details that reveal who Jesus is, to help the student understand context and exposition and see the author’s message.
The rest of the LifeChange series can be found at the link below.
3. Romans: Encountering the Gospel’s Power by John Stott with Carolyn Nystrom
Scholars have long declared the book of Romans to be a theological treatise on the Christian life and witness. The study shows us how Romans explains how we are to believe and live the Gospel.
4. Let’s Study Revelation by Derek Thomas
The book of Revelation can be daunting. In this volume of the Let's Study series, Mr. Thomas breaks it down into its most important message, Jesus Christ is King.
You can read the rest of the Let’s Study series at the link below.
Three Online Bible Study Series
1. Foundations of Grace: Old Testament by Steven J. Lawson
This free online resource is provided through Ligonier Ministries, which provides many video curriculum Bible studies. Lawson gives clear lessons that shows viewers how the doctrine of grace is consistent throughout the Bible.
A companion book and DVD are available at a cost.
2. Ligonier Connect: Christian Worldview
Students of the Bible need to keep their biblical worldview in mind when faced with secular mindsets, including humanism, pragmatism, science, government, etc. This one of several available through Ligonier Connect, which costs $10 per month.
3. God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible by Vaughan Roberts
This online series explains God’s whole narrative from the beginning to the end of the Bible.
A workbook is also available.
Four Bible Study Books for Seminary Students
The following are four books seminary students can use for personal study or in small groups for edification and growth.
1. Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ by Trent Hunter and Stephen Wellum
Hunter and Wellum’s book gives the Bible student a look at how Christ is magnified throughout the Bible. The Lord God does not wait until the New Testament to introduce the Savior of the world.
2. A Beginner’s Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates by Nijay K. Gupta
This study explains how to navigate the various New Testament debates—such as understanding the Synoptic Gospels and interpreting Revelation correctly.
3. According To Plan: The Unfolding Revelation Of God In The Bible by Graeme Goldsworthy
A study that explains and reveals the unity of all of Scripture.
4. Digging for Insights: Using Archaeology to Study the Bible by John F. Brug, edited by Robert J. Koester
This study in the Bible Discovery sreies shows how archaeology does not prove the Bible. Instead, archeology helps us understand more about God’s Word.
You can read the rest of the Bible Discovery series at the link below.
Why Bible Study Matters More Than Ever
The 2022 State of Theology report asked adults in the United States this question: “The Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true.”
In 2014, 43% agreed. By 2022, 53% agreed. Within the population of professing U.S. evangelicals, this question saw similar results. In 2016, 17% agreed. But in 2022, 26% percent agreed with this statement that the Bible is not our literal source of truth.
As Christians, we must stand on God’s Word as truth. Part of this stand must include our love and knowledge of the Lord and His Word. We can set a yearly goal to read through the Bible and delve into specific books and topical studies. We pray you will use and enjoy the books we listed while you grow as a Christian.
Cover Photo Credit: Getty Images/Tinnakorn Jorruang