Creative access missions are becoming more popular in the modern day. If you are not familiar with creative access missions, it is when missionaries have to use other creative means to enter countries in order to spread the gospel besides using a visa.
Most missionaries enter countries as any traveler would; however, if a missionary is entering a creative access area, they cannot enter in traditional ways. Instead, they have to be creative in the way they enter these areas, such as the name and creative access entails.
If you are looking into engaging with creative access missions, you have come to the right place. The Lord calls all of us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).
This is not an optional command. Rather, it is a command for all Christians. If we fail to listen to the Lord’s command, we will not be living in obedience to Him. Even if we do not consider ourselves missionaries, all of us are called to make disciples of all nations.
It could be that you are already thinking about going into a restricted area if you are inquiring about creative access missions. This is a noble cause, as not many people choose to go into creative access areas.
Instead, they prefer to go to places where they feel safer or more comfortable. By going into a creative access area, you are truly risking your life for the gospel, as many people strongly oppose the Lord in unreached areas.
Your efforts will be much appreciated by the Lord, and He will be with you every step of the way.
1. Business as Missions
One way to engage in creative access missions is to do business as missions (BAM). This is a popular way many missionaries enter creative access points. Since you cannot enter the country as a missionary, you have to enter in some other way.
A perfect way to do this is to enter as a business worker. This means that you enter the country just as a worker, and then you do mission work while you are present in the country, as well as your everyday job.
Business as missions is also a great choice if you are not one to fundraise support. It can be difficult to fundraise support, and if you are trying to raise enough money fast, it is not doable.
Fundraising will take three to five years, if not longer in order to enter the country you are trying to go to, whether it is a creature access point or not.
A more effective way to enter any country is to go through business as missions. You can do this by getting a job in the country, working this job, and then doing mission work in your own time.
This is closely related to how Paul was a tentmaker (Acts 18:1-3). Many people believe that Paul’s only job was taking the gospel to all nations, but he also worked for his income. He was a tentmaker and made proceeds from his work.
With this in mind, we can see that business as missions is a biblical concept. Not only this, but it will also help individuals who are trying to enter creative access points. Since the individual is entering with a working visa, nobody would suspect they are a missionary.
2. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
A second way to engage in creative access missions is through teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). I have known many believers to go overseas by means of TESOL.
To be a TESOL teacher, you have to complete classes in order to get your TESOL certification. Don’t allow this to hinder you. Instead, see it as a learning opportunity and something that will help you enter an unreached area.
By being a TESOL teacher, you will be able to enter creative access points easily. Restricted areas are in dire need of TESOL teachers. Since these areas are in high demand for TESOL teachers, this is a great way to reach the lost for Christ.
Many places that have TESOL teachers allow the teachers to pick out their own curriculum. You could use the Bible as your curriculum and help the people who come to your classes learn about Jesus.
3. Praying for the Lost in Restricted Areas
A third way to engage in creative access missions is by praying for the lost in these restricted areas. As mentioned, creative access points are those that are highly restricted to the gospel.
These countries and locations do not want the gospel to enter them, and if they discover someone has entered their country with the purpose of spreading the message of Jesus, they will be put into prison and possibly face death.
Whether we choose to go to restricted areas ourselves or not, it is essential that we pray for the people going into these areas as well as for the lost who are located in these restricted areas.
Since creative access points are the most unreached places, they may have never heard the gospel before. This is why we need to pray for workers to be sent to these areas and to help the lost in these countries come to know the Lord.
We do not need to shrug off the need to pray for the workers as well as the lost in these areas. Even though these individuals are far away from our own homes and lives, they are precious in the eyes of God. He wants all people to come to know Him, and we should, too.
We can do this by praying for the lost in restricted areas. Pray that the Lord will help missionaries get to their locations safely and that He will be a light to their path.
You can also pray for the lost in these areas to be open to the gospel and to have their hearts ready for Jesus.
Prayer is effective, and the Lord will answer these prayers in accordance to His will. Even if you do not personally go to a creative access point, you can pray for those going and the lost in these areas.
4. Teachers
A fourth way to engage in creative access missions is to be a teacher. While we already established the need for TESOL teachers, there is also a need for teachers of other subjects.
There are numerous schools in creative access locations that are in need of teachers of all subjects.
If you want to be an elementary school teacher, a middle school teacher, or a high school teacher, going overseas as a teacher could be a great way to enter the country without anyone knowing you are going to be doing mission work in addition to your regular full-time job.
Even if you do not have a college degree, you can still be a teacher in creative access areas. As long as you have a basic knowledge of the subject you are teaching, many countries will allow individuals to work as teachers.
No matter what subject you end up teaching, you can use it as a way to help your students come to know the Lord. You can also do mission work for your neighbors as well as people you meet in the school. There is never a limit when it comes to mission work.
5. Virtual Communities
A fifth way to engage in creative access missions is through virtual communities. Virtual communities can be seen in the form of online churches and virtual meetings.
This can be a great way to enter a country safely for not only yourself but also for the believers meeting with you virtually.
Even though you will not be physically present among the people, you will be with them in soul and spirit. You will be able to provide them with prayer support, encouragement, and discipleship through your virtual communities.
Although this creative access idea is more geared toward pre-existing Christians in a restricted area, it is still important to help them grow in Christ. It is of no benefit to anyone if we help someone come to know the Lord and then leave them with no way to grow in their faith.
We have to disciple them in the Lord. This will take time, energy, and effort. As we take time to engage in virtual communities, we will be able to help more believers in unreached places have stronger faith.
For further reading:
5 Reasons International Missions Are Crucial
3 Incredible Stories from Women in Missions
What Is the Biblical View of Mission Work?
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Amanda Bartel