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5 Ways to Celebrate Your Loved Ones

All celebrations should come out of a heart of love and genuine support for the other person. We should strive to make that person feel special and be excited for the good that is coming their way.

Contributing Writer
Updated Aug 24, 2023
5 Ways to Celebrate Your Loved Ones

Celebrating our loved ones is something that is very important. As someone who loves celebrating my loved ones, I cannot stress enough how much it means to someone to celebrate them or something they have accomplished.

My sister just finished her second master's degree, and I have been eagerly awaiting when I start decorating for her celebration party. If you are similar to me and love celebrating your loved ones, here are five ways to celebrate them.

1. Write Them a Card

One way to celebrate your loved ones is to write them a card. Did your loved one graduate college, finish writing a book, or paint a masterpiece? No matter what it is, writing them a personal card is always nice and makes them feel special.

I personally love cards as they make me feel loved and cared about. To celebrate the loved one in your life, think about writing them a card and congratulating them on what they have accomplished. It will mean more than you know to them.

If you are not a big fan of writing them a card, try to send a text message or call them. This can also make them feel special and know that they are cared about. Talk specifically about the reason they are celebrating and tell them how happy you are for them.

As an example, if your loved one just bought a house, celebrate them by being genuinely happy for them on the phone or ensuring your joy translates into text messages.

Often, the tone we want isn't conveyed over text messages, so make sure you are careful when crafting your text. Make sure there is enthusiasm and genuine celebration.

2. Throw Them a Party

A second way to celebrate your loved ones is to throw them a party. This is my favorite way to celebrate my loved ones because it is always fun and never a dull time. Throwing a whole party makes the person feel special.

Since you took the time and energy to throw them an entire party, it can make them feel more loved and celebrated. Maybe your loved one just landed their dream job. Throw them a party with their favorite food and favorite games. This can make them feel very happy and know that they matter.

Throwing parties can be expensive; however, if you properly plan and purchase what you need from discount stores, it doesn't have to be overly expensive.

Paper plates, streamers, and bubbles are all fun for a party, and they are not expensive. Be creative in your party planning and incorporate things that are associated with the reason you are celebrating. 

If your friend just got their dream job, make it a theme. If they just got a job as a veterinarian, have different animal cutouts or plush animals to accommodate the theme.

3. Tell Them How Proud of Them You Are

A third way to celebrate your loved ones is to tell them how proud of them you are. While this might sound basic, it is actually very important. All of us like to hear from our loved ones how proud they are of us and how much they care about us.

These small words of affirmation can go a long way and make us feel better about our accomplishments. Especially if you are a parent, make sure to tell your child how proud of them you are. In a way, this is more important than any celebration party.

Words mean a lot to us, and it can make us feel cared about. By telling your loved one how proud of them you are, it can encourage them to do even greater things and to keep trying.

If you neglect to tell them how proud of them you are, they might feel bad about themselves, or they might feel as though they are taken for granted. It is best to share how proud of them you are in order for them to be fully celebrated.

4. Plan to Do Something Special with Them

A fourth way to celebrate the loved ones in your life is to plan to do something special with them. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or too expensive, but maybe go explore a new city with them or treat them out for dinner.

In this way, they will feel they are being celebrated. This will make your loved one feel better and feel as though they are important, which could be something they have never felt before.

It is wrong to assume that everyone is brought up in the same way as you. Maybe your parents were caring and supportive, but you cannot assume this about everyone's parents. Some parents are not encouraging and put their kids down.

It is best to celebrate all people, including those who may have never been celebrated before. It will mean even more to them because they have never known what it is like for someone to go out of their way and celebrate them.

5. Plan a Trip

A fifth way you can celebrate loved ones is to plan a trip. While this is a bit pricey, it might be the perfect way to celebrate your loved one. Traveling to a different country could be a great way to form lasting memories.

By planning a trip and going with your loved one, they will feel special and know that their achievements matter. Often, people overlook achievements because they deem them as just a way to make more money or become more popular, but that's not what all achievements are.

Achievement could be finishing college, finishing a master's, getting a new job, getting a new house, working on mental health, getting a pet, or really anything that a person has done.

It is even great to celebrate major life events such as birthdays, engagements, and weddings. By planning a trip and going together, it will help your loved one feel especially celebrated.

Celebrating Others

Think of how you like to be celebrated and ensure you are putting in the effort. Celebrating others is a privilege and a great opportunity to show someone they matter to you.

It is easy to get caught up in your own life and not pay attention to the celebratory events in your loved ones' lives, but you need to try to be involved and be genuinely happy for them.

Sometimes it can be hard to be happy for someone when they do exactly what we want to do, but God wants us to be happy for them — not jealous.

Jealousy will only lead to evil and hurt feelings. If you have these feelings after someone accomplishes something or at a time of a celebratory event, turn to God and ask Him to help you with these feelings.

He can help you with jealousy and change the jealousy to genuine happiness. We should be happy for our loved ones and celebrate them as they deserve. Never should we allow jealousy to invade our hearts and cause us to hurt them.

All celebrations should come out of a heart of love and genuine support for the other person. We should strive to make that person feel special and be excited for the good that is coming their way.

God loves your loved one, and He wants you to celebrate them and ensure they feel special. Don't give way to your sinful nature, or you could end up hurting the person you wanted to celebrate.

For further reading:

Prayer for Friends: Pray for Strength and Healing of Friends

How to Be Wise When Choosing Your Friends

3 Ways to Turn Your Failure into Success

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/wundervisuals

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate:

Christianity / Life / Christian Life / 5 Ways to Celebrate Your Loved Ones