5 Ways to Better Support Your Loved Ones

It is extremely helpful to know your loved ones are on your side. Being there for them and reminding them of what they are fighting for can give them support and hope for the future.

Contributing Writer
Published Apr 02, 2024
5 Ways to Better Support Your Loved Ones

Supporting your loved ones can be hard at times. Due to living in a fallen world, our loved ones can be stricken by various physical issues and mental issues.

Whether it is our mother, father, sibling, or spouse, it can be hard to cope with the idea that they might struggle with their physical health or mental health at some point in their lives. 

It could be they are already struggling with their physical health or mental health, and you want to help them. This is a praiseworthy thing to do, and it is truly living out knowing Jesus in your actions. Here are five ways to better support your loved ones.

1. Reach Out for Professional Help

If your loved one is struggling with their physical health or mental health, know that the most important thing to do is to reach out to a doctor or a therapist. If your loved one has been exhibiting symptoms of a physical illness, such as heart disease or diabetes, reach out to your doctor.

While it is true that many Christians think the doctor is not needed, this is not true. There is nothing wrong with going to see a doctor or a therapist. The Lord has placed these individuals into our lives to help us.

God can still heal us divinely; however, this is not normally how He works in the modern day. We have wonderful doctors and therapists who can help us now.

God wants us to go to them when we are facing physical health issues or mental health issues. In the same way, if your loved one is exhibiting symptoms of a mental health issue, make sure to get them help from a doctor or a therapist.

It would be extra supportive if you went with them for their doctor's appointments. Personally, I have had to go to the majority of doctor appointments alone, and it is much more difficult. Especially for a diagnosis such as cancer, it is best for you to go with your loved one for their appointment.

By being there with them, they will know that you love and care about them. If your loved one has not seen a doctor in many years, know that it might be even harder for them to go to the doctor.

Make it a priority to have your day available for them in order for you to be able to go with them to their doctor’s appointment.

2. Talk with Them One-One-One

A second way to better support your loved ones is to talk with them one-on-one. If your loved one is struggling with a mental issue, talking with them one-on-one is one of the best things you can do.

From my own experience, I have found my loved ones tend to open up more about their struggles when I’m talking with them one-on-one. Do not bring up heavy topics in large groups. This will make your loved one feel targeted and cause them to shut down.

In the same way, do not make it a big deal if they open up about their mental health to you. If they share with you important parts of their struggles, do not be over dramatic, but don’t downplay their feelings either.

Have a healthy attitude and be an attentive listener. Most of the time, those of us with mental health concerns need others to truly listen to us.

We have often gone through most of our lives trying to survive and we need others who truly care and love us. You can show others you care and love them by listening to them one-on-one.

3. Pray for Them

A third way to better support your loved one is to pray for them. Prayer is mighty as it is our direct way to communicate with God. It is a true blessing to have the privilege of talking with God directly.

We do not have to go through someone else in order to talk with the Savior of our souls. Rather, we can talk directly with God and tell Him about our worries.

When you pray to God, pray for your loved one. Maybe your loved one just had a heart attack, and you are worried about them. Pray for them and ask God to heal them.

Similarly, if your loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, depression, OCD, PTSD, or anxiety, ask the Lord to help them in their struggles. Be specific about your concerns and requests.

As an example, if you are praying for someone with OCD, ask the Lord to help their compulsions not be as severe and that He could give them strength to fight against the compulsions.

As you can see, being specific in your prayers can go a long way, and they can really help support your loved ones.

Struggling with your mental health is extremely difficult, draining, and time-consuming. Pray for your loved ones and ask God to help them in their struggles.

Your loved one will appreciate the prayers and reap the benefits of your love. It means a lot to know there are people in the world who care about you and your own well-being. Keep on praying for your loved ones. This will be a great source of support for them.

4. Take Them on a Special Outing

Taking your loved one on a special outing is a fourth way to better support your loved one. Recently, I took my sister out on a special outing because she was feeling overwhelmed with home life.

This simple, special outing made her entire day and made her feel special. Maybe you could try to do a special outing for your loved one and help them feel supported. You could try taking them to see a new movie, go to a park, or pick them up for their favorite dinner.

All of these little things will be seen as big things to your loved one. Supporting your loved ones can be hard, but if you take it in little steps, you can move forward to helping them in larger ways. It could be you have been able to tell your loved one is feeling down or unmotivated lately.

A great start to helping them feel supported is to take them on a special outing and, while you are out, talk with them about important matters. Avoid small talk, as this can frustrate the person who is struggling.

Stay focused on the things that matter, and if things get a bit too intense, go back to focusing on your special outing. As you can see, the special outing can also work as a distraction in case they need to separate themselves from the issue at hand.

While you should never separate yourself to the point you never get help, having a resource on hand to help you distract yourself is perfectly okay as long as it is healthy. One of these healthy things can be going on a special outing with a loved one who wants to be a better source of support in your life.

5. Remind Them of What They Are Fighting For

Reminding your loved one of what they are fighting for is a fifth way to better support them. This is especially helpful if your loved one is struggling with a mental illness. If your loved one is struggling with an eating disorder or depression, remind them what they are fighting for.

If they have an eating disorder, remind them of why they want to get better, all the new experiences they will have, and the freedom they will have without the eating disorder.

In the same way, if your loved one struggles with depression, remind them of the reasons they are needed, wanted, and loved.

Also, tell them how much you love them and are there for them no matter what. Sometimes this can be the most helpful thing to do for your loved one. This will help them know they are not alone in their struggles and to know that you are on their side.

It is extremely helpful to know your loved ones are on your side when you are going through an intense mental health crisis. Being there for them and reminding them of what they are fighting for can give them not only support but also hope for the future.

Photo Credit: ©Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: https://cultivatechristianity.wordpress.com/

Christianity / Life / Christian Life / 5 Ways to Better Support Your Loved Ones