As someone who struggles with bad body image days on the regular, it is important to know what to do when I’m struggling with bad body image. If you struggle with a negative body image, you are aware of how a bad body image day can affect your day.
Instead of allowing the bad body image day to derail you, try to apply these tips and see if they can help.
Here are five tips for bad body image days.
1. Remember That Beauty Comes from the Inside
The Bible tells us, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:3-4).
As Peter tells us in this passage, beauty comes from the inside. Beauty does not come from fancy hairstyles, jewels, or expensive clothes. Nothing on the outside makes a person beautiful — the inside is what makes a person beautiful.
In our present-day reality, beauty is seen as having the “perfect” body, face, and style. Despite the fact that nobody can achieve perfection, people believe they can achieve these “perfect” standards.
Nobody is perfect, and nobody is deemed as beautiful by their outward appearance, according to the Bible. God doesn’t see someone as beautiful according to the beauty standards of the world. Instead, God looks at the heart, and that is how a person is deemed to be beautiful (1 Samuel 16:7).
To be “beautiful” according to the world demands starving yourself, manipulating the way you look through cosmetic surgeries, and trying to look the same as celebrities.
Instead of focusing on your outward appearance on bad body image days, remember that your beauty comes from the inside.
It is not the outside appearance that makes someone beautiful; it is their inner beauty. Try to focus on your inner beauty during bad body image days and know that your kindness, love, and compassion are what make you beautiful.
2. Focus on How You Feel Rather Than How You Look
A second tip for bad body image days is to focus on how you feel rather than how you look. This can be challenging, especially if you have to go to work or it is a day you are meeting up with friends. Try to focus on how happy you feel rather than how you look in the mirror.
I have lost count of how many times I allowed my bad body image to ruin my day or a special day. This caused me to feel guilt and remorse later for allowing my negative body image to ruin special events and occasions.
If you are feeling great in an outfit, go for it. If you start feeling self-conscious, remind yourself of how great you feel, how confident you feel, or how much you love the colors of your outfit.
It can be hard to wear different colors of clothes when you are struggling with bad body image, but sometimes it is a great thing to try a different color or wear your favorite color.
Wearing your favorite color or your favorite piece of clothing could also make you feel happier rather than being forced to wear the same black clothes year-round.
As someone who wears black for 99% of the year due to my negative body image, it is a great thing when I’m able to try to wear a different color shirt. The brighter color can make me feel happier, and maybe the same will be true to you.
This can help you focus more on how the bright color makes you feel instead of feeling bad about how your body looks. Your body is beautiful, just as it is, and you can wear any colors you want. Don’t allow your bad body image to make you think differently.
3. Wear Comfortable Clothes
A third tip for bad body image days is to wear comfortable clothes. Sure, some days we might feel like challenging our negative body image by wearing bright colors or different pieces of clothes; however, some days we might just feel like wearing comfy clothes and this is completely okay.
Pick out something that is comfortable, and that isn’t body-confirming. Maybe that means wearing an oversized sweatshirt or staying in your pajamas and having a relaxed day at home.
Focus on your own mental well-being, and don’t push yourself when you are struggling. Taking a day just to wear comfortable days is perfectly okay.
Even if you have to go in person to a job and wearing oversized sweatshirts is not an option, try to pick your most comfortable outfit.
This could be a flowy blouse with dress pants or maybe a darker-colored dress. Choose what feels comfortable to you and do what you need to work through this bad body image day.
4. Turn Off Social Media
A fourth tip for bad body image days is to turn off social media. Social media isn’t the best for our mental health as it can present to us impossible standards. It is important to remember that social media is not an accurate representation of real life.
The photos and videos you see are highly edited. Don’t base your unedited body on someone’s edited body. It is best to never compare yourself, your body, or your life to somebody on social media.
Social media is a place you need to stay away from on bad body image days because it will only make your self-image even worse. Choose to spend time out in nature instead or visit a loved one.
Surrounding yourself with people who love you can really help during a bad body image day. Turn to a loved one instead of turning to social media.
Social media isn’t going to help you or make you feel better about yourself. In fact, it could actually lead you to engage in bad behaviors, which brings us to our final point.
5. Reject the Urge to Change Yourself
A fifth tip for bad body image days is to reject the urge to change yourself. When we have bad body image days, it can be very tempting to try to change ourselves in order to get the body or appearance that we want. Reject this urge and talk back to it.
In order to get this “dream body,” you probably would have to engage in disordered eating as well as invest tons of money into cosmetic surgeries. Choose not to do this and to instead know that you are already beautiful as you are.
Dieting, weight loss, and manipulating your appearance will not help your bad body image. It actually might make it worse. This is because the problem isn’t your body or your appearance.
The problem is the society and the unrealistic standards that are being placed on women and men alike. Go against these standards, and don’t allow them to negatively impact yourself. Educate yourself on anti-diet culture movements and choose to love your body as it is.
You are a beautiful masterpiece of God’s, and He loves you dearly. Don’t allow your thoughts or the world to make you think differently. It is not surprising that the world has these unrealistic standards because Satan is the “god” of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Rebel against the worldly standard of things and remind yourself of your beauty in Christ. God doesn’t make mistakes, as you are part of His beautiful creation.
For further reading:
What Your Friend with a Negative Body Image Wants You to Know
What Does the Bible Say about Body Dysmorphia?
Does God See More Than the Physical Appearance?
Related Resource: 4 Ways To Stop Thinking Negatively About Your Body
Don't believe everything you think. That's what Compared to Who? host, Heather Creekmore, discusses today as she encourages Christian women on how to handle internal negative thoughts that can become obsessive. Heather provides scriptural and practical guidance for taking control of these thoughts. The episode delves into combating negative self-perceptions and the harmful influence of societal ideals. It also discusses the importance of addressing the heart and belief systems as the first step toward transforming thought patterns. Heather will encourage you to preach the gospel to your doubts and how real faith isn't just about knowing Jesus died for you, but about practicing living in a way that shows you believe He is the truth. If this episode helps you navigate your body image questions in a helpful way, be sure to subscribe to Compared to Who? at Spotify or Apple Podcasts so you never miss an episode!
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