5 Pieces of Encouragement from Aslan

When you need encouragement, know that you have already found the true Aslan — Jesus. By knowing Jesus, you can grow to know Him more, strengthen your relationship with Him, and trust Him no matter what.

Contributing Writer
Published Apr 15, 2024
5 Pieces of Encouragement from Aslan

Similar to many people, I have loved The Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis for many years. While I didn’t read this series when I was a child, I quickly fell in love with the characters and the plot line as a young adult.

If you have not yet read The Chronicles of Narnia, I could not encourage you more. The characters are beautifully written, and you will be able to relate to at least one of the characters within the series.

The greatest character in the series is Aslan. Aslan is an allegorical depiction of Jesus within the world of Narnia. He is a powerful lion, who is able to help the various characters of the book. Throughout every battle, Aslan delivers His people and brings them justice.

Although there are times when Aslan is not present in Narnia, He is always watching over the people of Narnia. If you want to learn more about Aslan or you are interested in this beautiful character Lewis created, here are five pieces of encouragement from this wonderful lion.

1. ‘Things Never Happen the Same Way Twice’

One piece of encouragement from Aslan is found in his words, “Things never happen the same way twice.” Within this context, Aslan is speaking to Lucy; however, the message rings true for us as well. Things never happen the same way for us throughout our lives.

Although God may answer our prayer in one way at a certain time of our life does not mean He will answer another prayer in the same exact way. We have to trust in the Lord’s timing. Just as Aslan always was there for Lucy and her siblings, so will God be there for us.

Aslan is God within the Narnia series, which is why he is so powerful and feared. Lewis knew this as he created the story — as he wanted to convey a powerful creature, yet one with love and kindness. This is exactly what is conveyed to us through Aslan’s character.

When Aslan tells Lucy that things never happen the same way, we can take solace in it. While it is sad that things won’t happen the same way twice, we can look forward to new adventures, new answered prayers, new hopes, and new dreams.

2. ‘You Doubt Your Value. Don’t Run from Who You Are’

A second piece of encouragement from Aslan is when he says, “You doubt your value. Don’t run from who you are.” Yet again, this is a quote from Aslan when he is talking to Lucy in the bookThe Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Lucy was doubting her value as a person because she views herself as not being beautiful. Rather than thinking she is beautiful, she wants to look like her sister, Susan. Lucy believes Susan is beautiful, and this causes her to want to be Susan instead of herself.

Even though this is what she thinks she wants, it is not true. Lucy is shown an alternative reality where she is Susan and Lucy herself no longer exists.

Due to Lucy never existing, the four siblings never find Narnia. Through this, Lucy sees her value and knows she is valuable, beautiful, and loved just as she is. This is something we all need to apply to our own lives as well.

There are many times when I have related to Lucy, and I wished I looked like someone else. Maybe this is true for yourself also. At these times, remember what Aslan says, “Don’t run from who you are.” God Himself created you wonderfully and beautifully (Psalm 139:13-16).

While it is easy to compare ourselves to others or to wish we looked differently, we have to remember that there is only one of us. There is nobody like us in the entire world, and God has great plans for our lives that only we can complete.

3. ‘I Have Come’

A third piece of encouragement from Aslan is when he says, “I have come.” Lewis’s use of words here for Aslan truly symbolizes the return of Christ. There will be a day in the future when Jesus will return, and He will restore His people.

Not only will He restore His people, but He will also destroy all evil. Aslan does this throughout The Chronicles of Narnia, and just as Aslan has come to save Narnia, Jesus will return to restore His people.

Oftentimes, we can feel similar to the Narnians. There are thousands of years of no documentation of Aslan, which causes many Narnians to doubt Aslan’s existence and his goodness.

Sadly, many of us have done the same with God. When we find ourselves in this place, we need to remember that Jesus will come, and He will destroy all evil. He will establish the New Heaven and New Earth, where we will never face death, fear, or problems ever again (Revelation 21).

4. ‘My Country Was Made for Noble Hearts Such as Yours, No Matter How Small Their Bearers May Be’

A fourth piece of encouragement from Aslan is his words, “My country was made for noble hearts such as yours, no matter how small their bearers may be.” This is a beautiful quote that can speak to our hearts, and just as it is true for Reepicheep, it is true for us.

Aslan is referring to his country, known as Aslan’s Country within Narnia. It is symbolic of Heaven. In other words, what Aslan is saying is that Heaven is made for noble hearts, just like Reepicheep’s heart.

Even though Reepicheep was a mouse, his heart was true for Aslan. This is true for us in connection with Jesus. We might not be of noble birth or have a place of prominence, yet the Lord looks at our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7).

He knows what is inside of our hearts and He has prepared a place for us in Heaven (John 14:3). The Lord doesn’t look at our size, our financial status, or our social connections to deem our worth. Rather, we already have worth in Him.

5. ‘This Was the Very Reason Why You Were Brought to Narnia, that by Knowing Me Here for a Little, You May Know Me Better There’

A fifth piece of encouragement from Aslan is, “This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.” Once again, this is a wonderful encouragement to reflect on from Aslan.

When you look at this quote, its meaning might pass you at first. These words from Aslan encourage us to seek him in our world, in which he is Jesus. When Aslan speaks these words to the children, he is encouraging them to discover him in their own world.

By knowing him in Narnia, he hopes they would know him in their world as Jesus Christ. Through this, Lewis is pointing readers to Jesus.

While his books faced backlash and judgment by many, including his friend J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis’s work is brilliant and truly captures the Gospel as well as Christian growth.

When you need encouragement, know that you have already found the true Aslan — Jesus. By knowing Jesus, you can grow to know Him more, strengthen your relationship with Him, and trust Him no matter what.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Ingo Stiller

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: https://cultivatechristianity.wordpress.com/

Christianity / Life / Christian Life / 5 Pieces of Encouragement from Aslan