There has been much development and significant strides regarding women in the workforce. Partly due to the feminist movement, but more recently, the uptick of women landing in the office is mainly due in part to the repercussions of the pandemic.
The statistics are not as alarming or shocking when we consider that more and more women are returning to work to help cover costs and support their families as the price of everyday essential items continues to rise. Women who may not have been ready to return to work are now feeling somewhat pressured to do so. Meanwhile, other working women strive to meet unrealistic expectations and defeat the odds to achieve goals to sustain their current way of living.
What is interesting, though, is that the upcoming and emerging generation of women have shown strength and courage while being bold and ambitious. Within the last five years, studies reveal more women gaining a bachelor’s degree over men and taking on more full-time positions that once generally belonged to their male counterparts.
Currently, the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries are seeing a considerable number of women even taking on management positions in these industries. This should be a cause to celebrate women being used in powerful ways to make a difference, allowing men and women to collaborate as each brings different talents and gifts to the office table.
Yet, with this massive influx of women returning to the workforce, the enemy has once again weaseled his way in and fanned the flames of insecurity and confusion. The truth of the matter is that women have always been the target, all the while knowing that if the “crown of creation” (Genesis 2:22) is manipulated, it can cause a rift in all mankind.
So, let’s address and confront the lies working women believe and replace them with truth. Yes, God has much to say about our roles as women, even in the workplace.
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1. Women Are Not Natural Leaders
There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to women's leadership. While we focus on leadership within the confines of a job, let’s seek to understand how God may use women in leadership roles.
Many women in the Bible were natural leaders. God created them that way, called them to certain places or positions, and provided them wisdom and discernment to carry out His will.
Deborah, a prophetess, was one such leader in the Old Testament who led Israel when men were not necessarily good leaders. While some were suitable to lead, God still chose Deborah, and she became known as “the mother of Israel,” being a very effective spokesperson for God (Judges 4:4 and 5:7).
Lydia is another example of a successful businesswoman. She was a diligent worker who sold cloth while opening up her workplace for believers spreading the gospel (Acts 16:14-15).
Then there are the stories of Esther, Anna, Rahab, Miriam, and countless more. These women were natural leaders used by God to do very bold things.
That means we can be called to do the same. As we seek God with our hearts, asking Him to use us in ways that glorify Him, we will be placed exactly where He wants us. That could be leading your precious children in your role as a mother or leading clients and etching subtle truths of God’s Word in your place of business.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Fizkes

2. Woman Cannot Be Breadwinners
Men are called to be leaders and providers for their families (1 Corinthians 3:18, 1 Peter 3:7). Furthermore, women are called to submit to their husbands, as their husband submits to the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:3).
So, this often asks if a woman can solely provide or have a job title above her husband's.
Remember the current trend that the workforce is growing exponentially as women reenter chosen fields? Well, that statistic is also deemed true as more and more women take on jobs outside of the home, creating space for many women to earn more than their husbands.
How does this affect a marriage? No Bible verse declares that a woman cannot work or earn more than her husband. Proverbs 31 declares quite the opposite in saying that she is a diligent worker, even getting up at dawn, trading for a profit (Proverbs 31:17-19).
The truth is that a husband and wife need to partner in this decision together and see to it that the family's needs are being met first and foremost. Many men choose to stay home and provide for the family in unconventional ways, making women more of the breadwinners. Some women also work online, providing more financial contributions to their families than men. It all comes down to seeking wisdom and counsel from God as a husband and wife, asking for His leadership and direction.
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3. Woman Are Unable to Have a Work/Home Balance
This comes on the heels of the prior point. As many women strive to juggle work and home, I believe every woman can say it comes with heavy heartstrings attached. After all, women were created and designed to care for their homes and children (Psalm 127:3-5), which often comes with many emotions. Especially when she feels called to return to work or take a position that brings in late hours and time away from her dearest people.
However, that being said, some women claim they are better moms for having a place to work, giving them a sense of purpose and meaning. This allows them to return home with more vigor and patience.
While the enemy may want to bring mom guilt or tension into the picture, we must lean into God's calling and seek Him for guidance. While it is undoubtedly a delicate and fine balance, it is most certainly doable.
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4. Women Are Easily Replaceable
Oh, how I distinctly loathe this lie. I guess because I have honestly believed it a time or two myself. As women, we can sometimes feel that what we are doing isn’t that big a deal and that if we left, someone else would just come and easily replace us.
Maybe others have made you feel that way, or your boss hasn’t been too complimentary, leaving you to question your value. Perhaps it is just your self-constructive criticism or comparisons that lead you down this trail of thought. Sadly, this type of thinking is detrimental in so many ways.
If God called you to something and placed this passion and purpose in your heart, He expects you to fulfill it! You are not replaceable to God. You are a vessel to be used for His glory (Isaiah 42:6). He wants to use you to do great work for Him. That is the truth you should cling to.
Then ask yourself this solemn question - who are you working for?
Colossians 3:23-24 tells us to work with all our heart as if we are working for the Lord, not for others. So, shift your mindset and allow God’s truth to build your confidence, help you see your worth in your current role at work, and begin working for Him!
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5. Women Are Not as Qualified
As much as we have evolved as a society and women are coming into new roles, the gender games still come into play. Let me just say that there are lots of opinions on this one. While discussions of equal rights to roles, pay, rank, and management are a few that come to mind, causing fuel to spark controversy, God’s Word is clear. Men and women may be designed differently, but they were created equally in His image (Genesis:27).
How does our identity as a woman come into play in the workforce?
While the enemy is always on a mission to cause a divide among genders, the truth is that our gender is a God-given gift that can be used to help us work together in unison for His glory. A healthy workplace needs both men and women, each bringing their gifts, talents, unique perspectives, and skills so that their work can foster growth and attain certain goals.
The current culture will still hold on to the fact that one gender is more qualified than another, and women may even fall into the lie and believe they are not as qualified to produce or excel as much as their male counterparts. However, when God calls a woman to a certain role, and she puts her mind to it, believing she is capable, nothing can stop her!
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Ivanko Brnjakovic

Scriptures for the Working Woman to Lean on
In closing, lean on the verses below as you grovel with the lies and begin to question your value and worth when it comes to your role at work. Tuck them into your heart and write them down so you will have a visual reminder of the truth. Then go – and work with all your heart!
- Blessed is she who believed the Lord would fulfill his promises to her! Luke 1:45
- God is within her. She will not fall; God will help her at the break of the day. Psalm 46:5
- But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. 1 Corinthians 15:10
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema
Originally published Monday, 22 January 2024.