Homelessness is a problem that is still an issue in the modern day. Despite the fact that we are living in the 21st century, there are still millions of people who are homeless.
If you live in a larger city, such as New York City, you probably are more aware of the homeless population.
As Christians, we do not need to turn a deaf ear to those who are struggling with homelessness. Instead, we need to help them and to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them.
If you feel the desire to help the homeless, know that it will be hard, but your hard work will pay off. Homelessness is something that will not be fixed overnight; however, there are many things we can do that will help in the long run.
These simple things can help the homeless population in many ways, even if it feels like you could be doing more. Unless you are a millionaire with plenty of houses, it can be hard to give every homeless person a home. If you want to help in the matter of homelessness, here are four ways.
1. Donate Food and Water to a Food Drive
A way you can help those who struggle with homelessness is to donate food and water to a food drive. There are many food drives established in churches and other ministries that help the homeless population.
Even though they are not providing them with shelter, they are providing them with food and water. Every single person needs and deserves food and water.
Homeless people often go days and weeks without food and water, which can cause them to become severely malnourished and even pass away.
It is inhumane and unethical to allow the homeless to continue to go on without proper food and water. This is why we need to ensure the homeless are getting the food, nourishment, and clean water that they need. We can do this by donating food and water to a food drive at a homeless ministry or at a church.
When you are deciding on what to donate, think about things that are pre-packaged or pre-cooked. For example, peanut butter, protein-rich foods, sliced bread, pre-packaged chips, pre-packaged snacks, and bottled water are all great ideas.
By providing the homeless with these essentials, it will help their overall quality of life. The homeless do not have much in the way of positivity or security in their life, but we as believers, can help them know that they are loved by providing them with water and food.
Through this small act of kindness, you will be showing them the love of Christ. In sharing the love of Christ, it would also be helpful to include a Gospel tract or write a personal message about how much Jesus loves them on the pre-packaged food or bottled water.
2. Donate Old Clothes and Coats
Another thing Christians can do to help the homeless is to donate old clothes and coats. Those who are struggling with homelessness can really benefit from your old clothes and coats, especially during the winter months.
Go through your closet and separate any of the clothing that you do not wear anymore, don’t want, or don’t fit. Even if you do not need or want these items anymore, it doesn't mean someone else couldn’t use them.
Instead of donating these items to a resale organization, donate them to a local ministry that helps the homeless.
The homeless are struggling to have clean clothes and to have access to new clothes. Sadly, many of those struggling with homelessness never have the opportunity to just change to a new outfit.
Your old high school shirt, a coat you had from a few years ago, or jeans that are the wrong size can all be blessings to the homeless.
Try to go through your things this week and see when you can drop these items off at a local homeless ministry or a homeless shelter. Those who receive your clothing and coats will greatly appreciate your kindness.
3. Donate to Charities That Help the Homeless
Donating to charities that help the homeless can also be a great way to help in the cure of homelessness. There are many charities across America that are focused on helping the homeless.
Try to donate financially to one of these organizations in order for them to reach more people with the proper food, water, clothing, and shelter.
When you are looking for a homeless ministry to donate to, try to find one that is Christian-based. Most homeless ministries are Christian-based and Christian-owned; therefore, there are many places you can donate to.
If you do not have the funds to donate right away, know that is okay, too. Try to see if you can donate food, water, or clothing to a charity that helps the homeless, as mentioned above.
There are many ways to help the homeless, even if you are not in the financial situation to help right now.
Look around at things in your house that you do not need anymore. This could be furniture, appliances, or towels. Never underestimate what you can do to help the homeless in your city.
4. Be Aware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
With all of this being said, it is also important to be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. There are many people who stand on street corners trying to claim they are homeless in order to get money.
These individuals normally are not homeless — they are professional beggars who have thrown away their lives in alcohol addiction, drugs, and cigarettes.
As believers, we are under no obligation to give to these individuals because they will only use the money to buy alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
Rather than giving to panhandlers, we need to give to the organizations that help the homeless who are in need. Those who are actually homeless normally do not stand on street corners.
Instead, they are going to homeless shelters and homeless ministries that can actually help them.
Therefore, be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing. They will try to trick you into thinking they are the ones in need, but they are not. Steer clear from those who panhandle and those who are standing on the street corners.
Sadly, it is these wolves in sheep’s clothing that give the homeless a bad name. If you have a bad view of the homeless, try to correct your view today. Not everyone who struggles with homelessness did something terrible to get themselves to a place of homelessness.
Rather, they may have fallen on bad times, had a mental health struggle, or lost their job. We can never know what happened to a person; therefore, we do not need to be quick to judge them.
Instead of passing judgment on them, we need to be the hands and feet of Jesus to all people, including the homeless. The homeless are in need of a lot of help. They need help with their physical and spiritual needs.
No matter how you decide to help the homeless, make sure you also share the gospel and the love Jesus has for them. Maybe you could even include a small Bible with your donation of clothing or food essentials.
In this way, we will be helping the homeless in their struggles as well as helping them know the true freedom that is found in Christ alone.
For further reading:
3 Ways Christians Can Respond to the Problem of Homelessness Today
What Does the Bible Say about the Homeless?
What Does the Bible Say about the Poor?
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Motortion