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4 Things Christians Should Do When They Have Doubts about Their Faith

Doubts and questions can unsettle us, but we can use them to seek truth and strengthen our faith. When we experience times of doubt, we need to lean in closer to the Lord to talk to Him about our thoughts and thoroughly study the Bible.

Contributing Writer
Published Sep 20, 2023
4 Things Christians Should Do When They Have Doubts about Their Faith

Everyone experiences doubt at times.

While John the Baptist was in prison, he had doubts and sent people to inquire if Jesus really was the Messiah (Matthew 11:2-3). Jesus gave Him proof (Matthew 11:4-6).

Thomas doubted when the disciples told him that they had seen the resurrected Christ (John 20:24-25). He demanded proof, which Jesus gave by presenting His nail-scarred hands and wounded side (John 20:26-27).

Other disciples also had doubts when they saw Jesus on the Mount of Olives before the ascension (Matthew 28:16-17).

Although we will all face doubts, there is a danger of allowing doubts and questions to hinder or crumble our faith. Deconstruction of faith has become a popular trend in modern times.

Sometimes, individuals want to know what they personally believe about matters of the Bible, instead of merely going along with what they have been taught while growing up.

However, a lot of people are deconstructing their faith and turning away from the biblical teachings of Christianity.

As Christians, we need to know what to do when we have doubts. We might encounter a verse in the Bible that we do not understand or discover theories that unsettle us. At these times, we need to allow our questions to drive us toward finding the truth and growing stronger in our faith.

What Not to Do When You Have Doubts

Before examining some ways that we can respond to doubts, we need to address things we should not do. Christians should not ignore significant questions.

By searching for answers and legitimately dealing with questions, we can grow stronger in our faith and help others who might struggle with similar issues.

Our faith is not a blind leap in the dark but a solid trust in Christ and the true, historic events of His death and resurrection, as recorded in Scripture.

Another thing that we should not do if we have doubts is to let our emotions overwhelm us. Having major questions about God or the Bible can feel uncomfortable. However, we need to let the discomfort motivate us to seek truth.

Finally, we should not forget that doubts are sometimes the result of spiritual attacks. Satan is the enemy of believers (1 Peter 5:8). He will try to make believers doubt their salvation, the Bible, and anything regarding their faith.

Likewise, Satan will attempt to keep unbelievers blinded to the truth of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). We need to be aware that some of our doubts are attacks from the enemy. The only way to address those is to exercise the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).

1. Talk to God about Them

When people have doubts, it can be easy for them to stop spending time with God and turn away from Him. Although this can feel like a natural response, it is not a helpful one.

In the times we are having doubts or significant questions, we need to lean into the Lord more and stay consistent in spending time with Him.

God is not afraid of our questions or doubts. Scripture shows us that Job asked God questions (for example, see Job 7:20; 13:24; 21:7).

These questions came from a place of deep pain and sorrow in Job’s life. The Lord listened to his questions and allowed him to express his feelings — though God also asked Job questions (Job 38-40).

Like Job, we should take our doubts to the Lord and talk to Him about what we are struggling with.

Instead of angrily turning our backs to God, we can turn the exclamation of the father of the demon-possessed boy into a prayer: “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Do not be afraid to express your doubts and questions to God.

2. Dive into What the Bible Teaches

Sometimes, doubts come when we encounter a verse in the Bible that puzzles us. A list of questions pops into our minds, and we struggle to understand the verse.

At these times, we need to closely study Scripture and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding. Since the Bible is spiritually discerned, He can help us as we diligently search for answers in God’s Word (1 Corinthians 2:14).

We need to remember that the Bible is reliable and true (2 Timothy 3:16). Doubts may creep into our minds regarding Scripture, but if we diligently study the Bible, we will find that it never contradicts itself.

There are challenging verses, but with a proper approach to the Bible and a motivating desire for truth, we can find answers to questions about difficult passages.

To see how this works, let’s look at an example. One accusation from opponents of Christianity is that the Bible is filled with contradictions.

They might point to the gospel accounts of the resurrection to argue that the events do not align. Some believers may read through the accounts and experience doubt since they find different presentations of the events in the gospels. But are these contradictions?

When we read that the women visited the tomb, we might become confused by John’s declaration that Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Lord (John 20:18).

However, there are no contradictions since Matthew, Mark, and Luke include the general events of how the women found the empty tomb and saw Jesus (Matthew 28:1-7; Mark 16:1-6; Luke 24:1-10).

John gives more details, helping us see the complete picture. He explains how she went with the other women, saw the empty tomb, and ran back to tell Peter and John (John 20:1-2).

Notice that when they ask her about what she saw, she uses the terminology “we,” referring to the other women (John 20:2).

If we consider all the accounts, we gain a full picture of all the events of the resurrection. Also, we understand the truth that the tomb was empty, angels told the women that Jesus had been resurrected, and many witnesses saw that Christ was alive (compare this to 1 Corinthians 15:3-8).

Believers can be steadfast in their faith, knowing that the gospels are true and that Jesus was resurrected.

Doubts can be answered with a thorough study of Scripture.

3. Seek Help from Trusted Sources

In addition to talking to God about our doubts and carefully studying His Word with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can seek out trustworthy sources when we have questions.

A pastor, ministry leader, or mature Christian friend are people with whom we can discuss matters of faith.

Often, those who are more mature spiritually can help believers who are struggling or doubting. They may have gone through similar times of struggle and can provide insights they learned. Also, they may offer to walk you through your doubts and questions.

Other sources that we could consult include apologetic books, videos, or podcasts. Thankfully, there is a wealth of resources that can help us think deeply and biblically about issues, strengthen our faith, and combat false teachings.

We can readily find sources that answer questions about topics such as the biblical canon, the historicity of Christ’s death and resurrection, matters of creation and science, and contemporary issues like war or racism.

As an example, I have found many sources that strengthen my faith and encourage me to think biblically. Some of these resources include:

  • The Alisa Childers podcast (she also has a book called Another Gospel?). Her podcast helps Christians develop biblical discernment and emphasizes the historic, core beliefs of Christianity.
  • Apologetics at the Cross by Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen. Although I read this book as part of a graduate apologetics course, I found the book accessible and applicable to all Christians. My faith was strengthened as I learned how to address challenges to the faith.
  • Websites such as Got QuestionsChristian Research InstituteCARM, and Answers in Genesis have been an encouragement to me throughout my Christian walk.

Of course, with any source, regardless of whether it is a pastor, podcast, book, or website, we need to keep the Bible as our ultimate authority.

When used correctly, other sources can provide beneficial insights, but nothing should replace Scripture.

4. Craft a Doctrinal Statement

A significant part of evaluating doubts and questions is to understand what you believe. Scripture encourages believers to evaluate themselves and to know their beliefs (2 Corinthians 13:5; 2 Timothy 3:14).

To help articulate what you believe, you might find it helpful to craft a doctrinal statement after you have carefully studied the Bible and addressed doubts. The statement could then encourage you when you encounter future periods of doubt.

Ministries often use doctrinal statements to share with others what they believe about God, the Bible, and salvation. However, a doctrinal statement is not just a document for ministries. Individual Christians can write their own statements of faith to declare what they believe.

During my undergraduate studies, I crafted a doctrinal statement as part of a Bible doctrine class. I had categories about God, the Bible, sin, and salvation.

Later, when I was updating my doctrinal statement, I included sections on ethical issues, such as abortion. The categories I mentioned could give you some ideas about where to start when writing your statement of faith.

Another great place to start when crafting a declaration of faith is to use ancient church creeds for inspiration or incorporate them into your own doctrine statement.

The Nicene Creed and Apostles’ Creed present the historic faith of Christianity and have been used by the church since ancient times. They provide a solid basis for declaring your faith.

Writing and declaring what you believe to be true can help you understand your beliefs while also reminding you of the truth of Christianity.

Why Does This Matter?

Doubts and questions can unsettle us, but we can use them to seek out truth and strengthen our faith.

When we experience times of doubt, we need to lean in closer to the Lord and talk to Him about our thoughts, commit ourselves to thoroughly studying passages or verses in the Bible that bother us, and seek out trusted sources that can help us look at questions biblically.

For further reading:

What Does the Bible Say about Doubt?

3 Things to Do When You Doubt Your Calling

Can a Christian Doubt God and Still Have Faith?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/fotosipsak

Sophia BrickerSophia Bricker is a writer. Her mission is to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus through thoughtful articles, devotionals, and stories. She completed a BA and MA in Christian ministry, which included extensive study of the Bible and theology, and an MFA in creative writing. You can follow her blog about her story, faith, and creativity at The Cross, a Pen, and a Page.

Christianity / Life / Christian Life / 4 Things Christians Should Do When They Have Doubts about Their Faith