Autumn brings cooler weather, colorful leaves, pumpkins, and the anticipation of many holiday celebrations. These times can be filled with excitement and fun family gatherings.
However, sometimes, we can get so wrapped up in the rush of festivities and preparation for the holiday season that we forget to slow down and see the opportunities to show the love of Christ to others. Others around us may be hurting, grieving, or in need, and we can do something to bless them.
The following list includes service project ideas you can do this fall. Whether you decide to involve your church, Bible study group, family, or friends, these ideas can help you refocus on others and demonstrate Christ’s love to them in practical ways.
1. Collect Food Donations for Those in Need
Food donations are needed year-round, not just during the holidays. However, cooler weather can provide us with a physical reminder that not everyone has shelter, access to a warm meal, or the ability to pay for groceries.
Scripture encourages us to consider and care for those who are hungry, poor, and homeless because God cares for them (Proverbs 19:17; Isaiah 58:6-7; Matthew 25:34-40).
One way to collect food donations as a service project with a church or Bible study group is to hold a canned food drive.
The group could ask members to sign up to donate certain items or choose a few special items that are not typically donated, such as higher-priced products.
Food banks and ministries often ask for specific items, so it is wise to check with these organizations to understand which foods are most needed and accepted.
If you decide to collect items with friends or family to donate personally, then consider shopping together and carefully choosing items that local organizations need.
Also, try to search for items that provide the best options for those who are struggling, which means not just throwing the cheapest products into a cart.
Consider the quality of what you choose, the expiration date, and how useful it will be to the person who will receive the item. There are many articles online that provide ideas for donations, which I suggest reading as part of planning for the project.
If we apply Jesus’ words to treat others the way we would want to be treated, then we can lovingly choose quality food items that meet the nutritional needs of others (Luke 6:31).
2. Rake Leaves for Elderly or Disabled Neighbors
The coming of autumn means falling leaves. Those leaves can quickly cover a yard, walkway, and porch. For many people, clearing a yard or walkway of leaves involves little worry besides pulling out a rake or leaf blower.
However, for those who struggle with physical tasks, clearing their property of autumn’s yearly bounty is a challenge. Not only that, but the leaves can conceal hazards, such as sticks or nuts, and become slick when wet, increasing the risk of a fall.
Churches can help meet a need while showing the love of Christ by offering to rake or blow leaves for people who are elderly, struggle with physical or mental disabilities, or are unable to carry out these tasks.
Members should spend time inquiring about the needs of their communities, promote their service to their neighbors, and then rally volunteers to help make people’s yards clean and safe. Anyone in the church can help, but it could be an exciting opportunity for youth or college-aged groups.
As team members work together, they can also pray for those they are serving. They may never see exactly how their act of love impacts the other person, but they can trust that God can use anything and anyone to accomplish His will.
We obey the Lord and testify to His love by actively serving others (Matthew 5:14-16; John 13:14-17).
3. Send Bibles and Christian Books to Prisoners
Another service project to consider this fall is to send Bibles and Christian books to prisoners. When an inmate receives a Bible or Christian book, it could help lead them to trust in Christ for salvation.
Those who have become believers while in prison can also benefit from a copy of God’s Word and materials that encourage them to grow in faith.
Numerous organizations exist that accept and distribute donated books to prisons, including Christian ministries. Prison Alliance offers the opportunity to send Bibles, including Spanish Bibles and other Christian books, to their ministry, which they then give to inmates.
They even have resources to help your church or Bible study group hold a book drive. Of course, before collecting the books, make sure to check out their list of accepted materials.
Obtaining books to send may seem expensive, but there are many ways to find gently used books and Bibles. Perhaps you have some books that you no longer need but could bless others, or you know of a local, used bookstore that sells Christian books.
Searching for books with solid biblical teaching or a Bible in good condition might involve some work, but hand-selecting these items can be an act of love.
You and others who are helping with the service project could also pray for the people who will hold the books in their hands — that they will learn about the hope found in Christ.
4. Help Ministries Prepare for Christmas
Ministries often begin preparing for Christmas in the fall. With the leaves changing and the weather getting cooler, it is a great time to start thinking of Christmas initiatives by local and global ministries.
Whether you are looking to find a project to do with a church group or personally with family, these ministries offer many ways for you to participate.
A widely known and popular option is to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse. People can choose to fill a box with toys and other items either by themselves or work to fill multiple boxes with a group. After filling the shoeboxes with gifts, individuals can then take the box to a drop-off location, such as at a participating local church.
Another option with Samaritan’s Purse is to browse their Christmas catalog. Families will enjoy reading about the work this organization does and choosing a gift to fund.
A group of friends or members of a Bible study may decide to work together to fundraise money for higher-priced gifts, like helping to stop human trafficking or providing training for a hospital chaplain.
Other ministries, such as Compassion International, have similar gift catalogs that provide opportunities to serve and love children around the world in practical and gospel-centered ways.
In addition to these global ministries, there are local ministries that hold special events for Christmas. A ministry focused on helping children in poverty in your city might have opportunities to purchase presents for these kids or to help collect gifts.
Food banks, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters may need extra help to organize donations or serve food. Likewise, ministries like Prison Fellowship have opportunities for churches and groups to get involved.
Your friends or church group may be interested in helping with Angel Tree Christmas to bring hope and care to children whose mothers or fathers are in prison.
There are numerous ways to get involved and serve others this fall season, including helping ministries with their Christmas projects and events.
Why Does This Matter?
God’s Word encourages us to love our neighbors as ourselves, which is the second greatest commandment (Mark 12:31). Our neighbors include people in our neighborhood and around the world.
When we work with others, whether families, friends, or church, to help those in need globally and in our communities, we shine the light of hope and the love of Jesus into a broken world.
As believers, we should never approach service projects as business transactions or checklists to complete but as ways to testify to our faith in the living Lord Jesus.
He has a heart for those who are hurting and in need, and we should, too. This fall and every season, we can love God wholeheartedly by loving others.
For further reading:
5 Cost-Effective Fall Activities
How to Deal with Grief This Autumn Season
4 Reminders for Those Entering a New Season of Life
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Natalia Malkova