Why Is it Comforting ‘When I am Weak, He Is Strong’?

Chris Swanson

"When I am weak, he is strong." Previously, Paul cautioned readers that he planned to begin with his capabilities as a messenger of God, as an apostle. This was intended to parody his self-advancing adversaries in Corinth. Truly, Paul depicted his shortcomings and his sufferings.

In verse nine, he made his inspirations understandable. God said, “for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul followed that by commenting that he would rather glorify in his infirmities so that Christ’s power would rest on him.

Paul also needed to show just how much more fragile he was, personally, in contrast with his adversaries. Then, at that point, the Corinthians would realize exactly how incredibly powerful Christ was, as they focused on Paul’s life and through his life.

In that manner, Paul has reversed boasting and gloating. It is not so much that he could not care less that others may think that he is feeble. It is that he really is weak, and he needs everybody to know it.

For the Lord’s sake, he is content, even with a wide range of tribulations and distress. He finds harmony with the way that such shortcomings in his life are actually what is required. It is the thing that pulls Paul’s natural self to the side, thereby providing space for the power of Christ to achieve what God has called Paul to do.

Christians ought to trust God the most in the aspects of their lives where they are most fragile, or where they experience the most suffering. The power of God is never more persuading than when a human point of view delivers no reply regarding how to get past what defies us.

In what may appear as a reversive manner, Christians who put their trust in God are more impressive than when they are self-supportive. The power of God is by far more effective than when we are on our own.

What Does ‘When I Am Weak, He is Strong’ Mean?

When we see ourselves as being powerful in our own capabilities or our assets, we are enticed to manage God’s job all alone, and that prompts pride to set in. However, when we are deficient and weak, and we allow God to use us by instilling within us his power, then, at that point, we are more powerful than we would be if we were on our own.

God does not mean for us to be frail, uninvolved, or ineffectual. Life furnishes enough deterrents and difficulties without us making them. At the point when obstacles come into view, we should rely upon God. His power is what makes us productive for him. His power in us is what tackles the job that has enduring value and worth.

The strength of God is made perfect in our shortcomings. Consequently, the grace of God is displayed and amplified. At the point when we are frail in ourselves, then, we have strength in the grace of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. When we feel that we are powerless in ourselves, we are to go to Christ and receive strength from him. In doing so, we can partake in the provided grace and strength of the Divine.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:10-11).

As we follow Christ during our walk in this life, we will fight the evil powers of this world. For us to withstand the assaults of these detestable creatures, we ought not to rely on our own strength, but we are to rely on God’s power to triumph and have victory in the warfare of life.

Spiritual courage and strength are that which is needed to endure the spiritual sufferings from the spiritual battles that we will face. Our courage and strength come from the Lord. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

The fear and dread of urban communities and mountains unexpectedly disintegrating into the ocean as the consequence of an atomic impact torment countless individuals today. However, the psalmist says that regardless of whether the world ends, we need not have dread or fear.

Despite absolute destruction, he communicated a peaceful trust in God’s capability to save him. It appears to be difficult to think about the apocalypse and be unafraid. However, the Bible is clear, God is our refuge even despite all-out annihilation. He is not only a short-term retreat; he is our refuge that is everlasting and can give strength in any situation.

How God Is Our Refuge and Strength

The word refuge comes from the Hebrew word that implies shelter. In today’s English, shelter is frequently applied to structures giving security from things like the weather, cataclysmic natural events, or assaults from an enemy. God has provided shelter for the children of Israel on numerous occasions, and in doing as such He exhibited that He was the foundation of their shelter.

The expression “a very present help in trouble” could also mean that God is dependable, reliable, trustworthy, steadfast, one to whom we can count on. “…For the Lord thy God…will not fail thee, not forsake thee” (Deuteronomy 31:6). “…For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

How can someone be strong if that person is weak? Is it something like working out in a gym where one would go to lift weights? In a way, it sounds like it. Prior to two surgeries on my right shoulder, I could bench press my body weight. But it took time and training to get there.

I am not bragging; it is just what I was able to accomplish. In my younger days, I was not physically strong, I guess one would say that I was limited on what I could physically do because of having weak muscles.

But after some years of physical training, I became stronger, faster (I used to run as well), and had some endurance. But then numerous injuries occurred that put limitations on what I can physically do now.

Why Does 'When I Am Weak He Is Strong' Matter?

So, what does today’s story have to do with weakness and strength? What does "when I am weak, he is strong" mean? As with physical training, spiritual training is similar. New Christians have to train to understand their limitations, what they can and cannot do on their own.

It takes time in practicing, studying, praying, and feasting on the Word of God. As the new Christian, with any Christian for that matter, stays in God’s Word, he or she becomes stronger in their faith. The work of Christ becomes more evident.

When we show that on our own, we cannot accomplish as much as we think we can, and we show that it takes fully relying on God, our weakness is overshadowed by the Lord’s strength. In Christ alone am I strong, not on anything that I do, but in Him, and He in me. That is where true strength comes from.

For further reading:

Will God Really Give Rest to the Weary?

How Is Jesus Our Sabbath Rest?

How Can We Enter God’s Rest?

What Does it Mean ‘The Spirit Is Willing but the Flesh Is Weak’?

Why Should We Not Be Weary in Doing Good?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/ra2studio

Chris Swanson answered the call into the ministry over 20 years ago. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, a youth director along with his wife, a music director, an associate pastor, and an interim pastor. He is a retired Navy Chief Hospital Corpsman with over 30 years of combined active and reserve service. You can contact Chris here, and check out his work here.

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