Having three daughters, my husband and I have shared the six words mentioned above on numerous occasions. But in all transparency, at times, I question if the beautiful meaning behind these words is settling in their hearts or if the loud contradictions of this world or taking residence instead.
It can break a momma’s heart when she sees her children bend and sway to the lies of this world. It’s easy to want to surrender, throw your hands in the air, and just give up on this whole parenting gig.
As a matter of fact, if I were being completely honest, I have struggled with these descriptive words. What is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable?
Instead of focusing on what is to be true, I’ve caved to believe the lies as well, especially when I look in the mirror these days and groan at the strange woman staring back at me.
Here’s the lie: always believe that soft, still voice, you know, the one that declares your worth… even if it doesn’t line up with God’s Word.
Here’s the truth: the liar isn’t always loud.
This is why understanding these descriptive words and how they are used is invaluable, especially if you struggle with taking negative thoughts (and lies) captive (2 Corinthians 10:5).
In Philippians 4:8, Paul is reminding his brothers and sisters in Philippi that in order to find full joy in Christ, we must focus on the things that are pleasing to God.
Jesus tells His disciples in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life. He shows us ways in which we are called to life. He leads us to the truth found in His Word, and He shares with us how to not just have an abundant life but to gain eternal life as well.
We are called to be in constant pursuit of Jesus. When we choose to seek the way of Jesus and yearn for a relationship with Him, we then receive our greatest joy.
But joy isn’t the only beautiful gift we receive when we seek the way of Jesus. We also gain an inner sense of peace.
Continuing in Philippians 4:9, we see that by learning the truth and then putting it into practice, we are giving peace by the God of peace. That is a promise we can hold on to!
It is a choice to follow Jesus. It is a choice to seek His Truth and dig into His Word. It is a choice to put the things we learn, tuck them into our hearts, and put them into practice so we can live a life that is meant to praise and rejoice in our faithful, loving, and merciful God.
So, why the descriptors of true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable? It is because these are things we must place our thoughts on.
Paul is urging Christ-followers to meditate and be vigilant and very mindful of these virtues because when we do, we receive the joy of Jesus and peace from God.
In other words, our thoughts matter. What we think can either grow us closer to Christ or distance us from Him.
All throughout Scripture, we are told to guard our minds and temper our thoughts. Take a moment to ponder on some of the verses below:
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:2).
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’” (Matthew 22:37).
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will(Romans 12:2).
What Is True?
In our culture today, there is some misconception about what truth is. We are often told that truth is relative and based on how we feel. We are told to believe that we hold our own image of truth.
But we mustn’t fall into this line of thinking. It is a deception handed to us by the liar himself. The deceiver is very good at causing confusion and leading us to believe we can hold our own truth.
But make no mistake about it. There is only one Truth, and it is found in God’s Word. His word is righteous and what we should place our thoughts on. Period.
What Is Noble?
The definition of this word means a hereditary class with a high social status or a person of fine qualities. As believers, we can carry the confidence that we have an eternal inheritance and are seen as loved, worthy, valued, and cherished children of our Father (1 Peter 2:9).
You are worthy. Always remember that.
What Is Right?
God makes it clear throughout His Word what is right and wrong. We see this laid out before us in The Commandments and His laws.
When we dig into the scriptures, we are shown how to walk a righteous path (Proverbs 3:5-6). We are to trust God, and He will lead and guide us and make our paths straight.
What Is Pure?
Pure is a word that we don’t hear much these days. In fact, the opposite is constantly being dished out before us in television shows, in music, and all over social media, in the form of profanity, negativity, immorality, and unrighteous sexual unions and images.
As our culture celebrates sin, we need to place our sights on what is wholesome and pure. Guard your hearts and minds and let only good flow from them.
What Is Lovely?
As I mentioned before, we have tried to instill in our daughters that beauty comes from within. It’s the actions of a pure heart. The one that seeks Jesus and lives a life worthy of her calling is what we should aim for (Ephesians 4:1-6).
However, we miss that target time and time again, becoming swayed by the worldly images of beauty. When we do, we must remind ourselves that this world will perish, as will everything in it (1 John 2:17).
Our youthful appearances won’t last, but when we see beauty the way our God does, we notice that beauty is found in what is truly lovely.
1 Samuel 16:7 tells us that God looks at our hearts. How we display love to others, our compassion, acts of generosity, our blind walk of faith, holding our heads up in the confidence, knowing it comes from being a child of God.
That is what is truly lovely and beautiful.
What Is Admirable?
We are to think on things that are worthy of our respect and praise. But it’s so easy to get sucked down the comparison trap and admire the wrong things in this life.
When we become consumed in our own achievements or earnings (or that of others), we can grow distant from God. We are called to seek after what is admirable. What is admirable to God?
We aren’t to just admire God, but to worship Him as Creator. He is asking for our hearts in a place and posture of reverence. It is showing deep respect and honoring Him for all that He has done for us — in and through our lives. It is recognizing Him and thanking Him for this life!
What Does This Mean?
What are you choosing to listen to today? Where does your mind trail off, and how can you place your focus on the descriptors above? Take your thoughts captive today and focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, loving, and admirable.
For further reading:
What Does it Mean to Be a Wife of Noble Character?
What Does it Mean That the Pure in Heart Will See God?
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