There are four seasons — spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each of these seasons have their own unique beauty to them. Spring has the beauty of the new flowers, summer has the beauty of the warm sun, fall has the beauty of the changing leaves, and winter has the beauty of snow-covered homes. Each of these seasons are beautiful because God made them this way.
God wasn't careless when He created the seasons. He created each of them with diligent care. Creation works in alignment with science because, when studied correctly, science attests to God. Many people relate the seasons not only to the study of science but it also relates to theology.
Where Are the Four Seasons Mentioned in the Bible?
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” (Genesis 8:22).
“He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning” (Daniel 2:21).
“Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy” (Acts 14:17).
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near” (Matthew 24:32).
The Bible mentions the four seasons many times throughout its pages. Through these passages, we see that God is the One who created the seasons, and He is the One who controls them.
During Old Testament and New Testament time, the people depended on the changing of the seasons for their crops. If the seasons did not change properly, they wouldn't have crops.
Without crops, they would not have any food. Even farmers today rely on the changing of the seasons in order to cultivate and harvest crops. God set seasons in place for a reason. The seasons are not connected with evolution. Rather, they are part of God’s beautiful creation.
One cannot separate the seasons from God. Just as He exists, so will they exist. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). This would tell us that the seasons will also endure forever.
Does the Changing of the Seasons Matter Biblically?
When the leaves change and fall, we flock to take photos on our phones. We love the colors and the aesthetic, yet we are missing the big picture. The changing of the seasons is not simply just a new season coming in. It is actually a testimony to the gospel.
The changing seasons are theological in nature because they come from God. Summer is long and hot, fall comes, and all the leaves change colors; winter comes, and everything dies, and then spring comes and resurrects everything back to life. This is exactly what happens within the Gospel account.
Jesus came to earth to suffer (summer), died on the cross for our sins, and our sins fell to the ground (autumn), was buried (winter), and was resurrected (spring). The seasons point us to Jesus and the beauty of the Gospel.
If we look around us, God is always revealing Himself to us. There are two ways that God reveals Himself to us–through general revelation and special revelation.
The changing of the seasons is a form of general revelation, as we can see it through nature. Special revelation refers to how Jesus teaches us the Gospel through supernatural means, such as through dreams or miracles.
Why Did God Create the Different Seasons?
The changing of the seasons is not purposeless. They hold great purpose. The ultimate reason why God created the seasons was to showcase His beauty. God is a wonderful Creator. To believe that God wouldn't do amazing things with His creativity is to downplay His marvelous work.
The changing of the seasons points us back to God as does the rest of creation. God is never far from us. He has set many things in place in the hopes that His children will come to know Him.
The sunset on a summer night brings us great joy, yet those who don't know Jesus do not accredit Him with the beauty of the sunset. For them, it is just another sunset.
Look around you during the seasons and see all of the beauty that God has created for us. The beauty of the first blooms, the first fall of snow, and the crisp autumn air. The changing of the seasons truly shows the craftsmanship of a wonderful Artist.
Will There Be Different Seasons in Eternity?
The Bible never tells us that there will be different seasons in Heaven, but it never tells us that there won't be, either.
Heaven is only temporary because our eternal home will be in the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21). Within the New Heaven and New Earth, there is no reason to believe that there will not be seasons.
The creation of the seasons was not caused by the fall. They were part of God’s beautiful creation. Since God created the changing of the seasons, one cannot be dogmatic to say that they will cease to exist for all eternity. There is much beauty in the changing of the seasons that stir us to worship God.
How Can I Praise God for The Beauty of the Seasons?
Many of us overlook God as the Creator of the seasons. We start to worship the creation rather than the Creator. When we do this, we need to turn back to God. He is the One we should be praising. There would be no seasons without Him.
Praise God for the beauty of the seasons by thanking Him for them, crafting poems about the seasons, and creating different art forms in your expression of worship. Go to the Lord in prayer and praise His Name.
When the autumn weather comes, and summer subsides, praise Him for the coolness of fall. When spring comes and puts an end to winter storms, praise God.
All of these things are from God, and we need to thank Him for all of these blessings. The beauty of the seasons, new starts, and more temperate weather cause our hearts to rejoice.
How Can I Embrace the Changing of the Seasons?
The changing of the seasons can also become symbolic to us. Throughout life, we go through different seasons. These can include seasons of hope, depression, fear, or happiness. Different seasons can also be rooted in grief, melancholy, or pain. Similar to how the physical seasons change, these seasons will change too.
There may be pain tonight, but rejoicing will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5). The season you are going through today will pass. It will not endure forever. The darkness of grief or loneliness will pass, and you will enter a new season of life. Not all seasons of life are pleasant, but we can learn much from them. New seasons of life teach us to grow.
Just as seasons are constantly changing, our life seasons will also change. We can embrace these changing seasons by focusing on God. Our life and situation might change, yet He will always stay the same. Hold on to God and know that He will be your fortress.
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