There are many theories and superstitions connected with the number 12. While I was in undergrad, I remember many times when students would ask questions surrounding the number 12 as recorded in the Bible.
Since the number 12 is spoken of and utilized in many ways in the Bible, many scholars wonder if the number 12 has any meaning or significance in the Bible. Since there are many who are interested in this topic, it is important that we understand if the number 12 has any meaning in the Bible.
Why Is 12 a Special Number?
The number 12 shows up many times in the Bible. As shown in the Old Testament, there are 12 tribes of Israel, one of which is the tribe of Judah, which Jesus descended from. The other notable times of the number 12 come from the New Testament.
In the New Testament, Jesus has 12 disciples, although Judas betrays Jesus and is taken out of the twelve disciples. Matthias replaces Judas as the twelfth disciple.
Lastly, we see in the Book of Revelation that there are 12 gates with 12 different jewels on the gates. With all of these number twelves showing up, is there any meaning behind it?
It needs to be first noted that in no way is the number 12 in the Bible used in connection with numerology. Numerology is an anti-biblical practice that believers need to stay away from. There is nothing true about numerology, nor is it going to help you in any way.
The number 12, as shown in the Bible, was decided by God's own divine decision. While many scholars believe this is the "perfect number," we cannot be dogmatic to say that any number is "perfect."
During the time of the Old Testament, particularly among the Jews, numbers had deeper meanings than they do at the present time. The number 12 is often connected to power, government, or bringing about God's kingdom.
As shown with the 12 tribes of Israel, each of these tribes had important parts to play in history. Judah was the tribe Jesus descended from, and Paul descended from the tribe of Benjamin.
In the same way, the 12 disciples of Christ could be another imagery of the 12 tribes of Israel. While we cannot be dogmatic to say each disciple came from a different tribe of Israel because the likelihood of this is low, we can say that the number 12 was reflective of bringing God's kingdom into the picture.
Each of the 12 disciples left their homes, livelihoods, and families to follow Jesus. They were dedicated to following Jesus to learn all they could from Him. It is also important to remember the 12 gates as recorded in the Book of Revelation, which could also connect back to the 12 disciples.
While we do not need to be quick to say 12 is the perfect number or a special number, we can see it does symbolize God's coming kingdom.
There are many other instances in which the number 12 is utilized. As was the woman who had the bleeding problem. She was bleeding for 12 years (Matthew 9:20-22).
Even though it was a horrible illness for the woman to have, the 12 years could also attest to the coming of God's kingdom.
His earthly ministry had begun, and He was healing the people of their illnesses. In this way, the woman's 12-year illness was healed by Jesus and symbolized His coming kingdom.
Going back to before Jesus started His earthly ministry, He was 12 when he stayed at the temple. His parents were looking for Him after they noticed He wasn't with everyone. They found Him in the temple listening to the speakers as well as speaking on matters Himself.
We should not overlook this important piece of the Gospel of Luke. Normally the gospel writers wouldn't include direct ages, yet in this instance, Luke records that Jesus was 12 when He went to the temple (Luke 2:41-52).
During Jesus' adult earthly ministry, He performed the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. Out of a loaf of bread and one fish, Jesus fed five thousand people. This miracle alone attested to Jesus' divinity and power.
After everyone present had eaten all that they wanted, the disciples picked up 12 baskets full of leftovers (Matthew 14). While this could just be for each of the 12 disciples to each have a basket to take home, we could also see how this could once again connect to the number 12 relating to the future kingdom.
Number 12 in the Future
In addition to the 12 gates, as found in Revelation, we also see that the tree of life will bear fruit 12 times a year (Revelation 22). It is supposed to bear fruit 12 times a year, once a month. Similar to our present time on earth, there will be 12 months in a year.
There is debate surrounding whether this passage is referring to the thousand-year reign of Christ or if it is referring to the New Heaven and New Earth. While we cannot be dogmatic on this issue, there are camps on both sides of the argument.
What we can be sure of concerning this passage of Scripture is that the tree will bear fruit 12 times a year. This could also testify to the truth of God's kingdom or the final realization of it. From all the numerous occasions of the mention of the number 12, we can know it is important, and it does hold significance.
This is not to say all other numbers are "unlucky" or "unholy," but rather, by God's sovereignty, He chose the number 12 to be symbolic of His coming kingdom. God has shown us throughout the Bible the importance of this number and how it relates to the people and the government, but also to His future kingdom.
While it is interesting to find out the meaning behind numbers, we don't need to become obsessed with numerology and symbolism. If one becomes unhealthily interested in numerology and symbolism, they are going to lose sight of the true meaning of the Bible.
You may be interested in knowing the deeper meaning behind the number 12 in the Bible but don't become obsessed with it.
The importance is what the number symbolizes, not so much the number itself. The number 12 doesn't have any special powers, it can't heal you, and it doesn't mean something groundbreaking is going to happen in 12 days, months, or years.
Strive to be knowledgeable about the Bible, but don't fall into the trap of obsession surrounding numbers. Allow for the meaning of the number 12 to be enough without always trying to search for deeper meanings behind every number listed in the Bible.
An example of this is the mark of the beast, which is 666. Many have associated this with being the number of the devil and have avoided this number at all costs.
Why Does This Matter?
While numbers hold power in the Bible or at certain times, there is nothing in the Bible that tells us numbers have power in and of themselves. As in the case of the number 12, it is significant because it symbolizes the coming of God's kingdom.
For further reading:
What Is the Biblical Significance of the Number 7?
What Is the Significance of the Number 3 in the Bible?
What Is the Significance of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Bible?
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/mjskok