The topic of drugs is a popular subject within and outside Christian circles. There are many people who feel there is nothing wrong with drugs, while others believe strongly against drugs.
Drugs can cause short-term and long-term damage to your health and this truth should not be overlooked. Spending your life on drugs can derail you from the future God has for you. With this in mind, what does the Bible say about drugs?
The Bible and Drugs
Drugs are never mentioned in the Bible, but biblical practices can still be applied. Many people want to compare drugs and alcohol to each other; however, this is a dangerous business.
Alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation without causing a person to become intoxicated. If someone drinks socially or in moderation, it is not a sin. It only becomes a sin when a person becomes intoxicated.
However, in the case of drugs, what is the stopping point? You take one shot of a drug, and you could be totally destroyed. Drugs mess with people in ways that alcohol in moderation doesn't.
There is no way to take or use drugs in moderation. Not to mention, drugs can be highly addictive and destroy your entire life. Nobody can live a happy or fulfilled life on drugs.
Drugs will overtake your entire life and make you ineffective for the Kingdom. There is nothing "cool" about being on drugs, nor is there anything that makes you a better person by being on drugs.
Drugs will only cause you problems and it could ruin the relationships you have with others. If you are thinking about doing drugs, it is best to stay away from them. They will not make you happy, and they will not help numb your pain in the long run.
The Bible tells us, "Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly, we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God" (2 Corinthians 4:2).
Drugs are normally done in secrecy, and from this Bible passage, we can see we need to reject secret and shameful ways. Through participating in drugs, we are distorting the Word of God and being a bad reflection of Him to the world.
Being a bad reflection of God to the world is the worst thing we can do. Rather than being a bad reflection of Christ, we need to do all we can to bring glory to His Name.
We need to only do things that are good, pleasing to God, and bring Him praise. Doing drugs is not good, not pleasing to God, and does not bring Him praise.
Treat Your Body Well
Your body is a temple, and it is something you need to take care of (1 Corinthians 6:19). Each of us is only given one body, and it is up to us to care for it. When the Bible tells us our body is a temple, it means we are to treat it well.
We should not desecrate it, nor should we inflict harm to it. Your body is a beautiful masterpiece of God’s, and it deserves to be taken care of with respect.
By participating in drugs, you will only cause harm to your body. Drugs will cause behavioral issues, mental health issues, and physical health issues. If you are already involved in drugs, know that there is a way out.
Never does the Bible condemn you for making a mistake. Instead, go to the Lord for forgiveness and ask Him to help you fight against this addiction. It would be wonderful if your addiction would stop automatically; however, normally, prayers are not answered in this way.
Seek help from a therapist and a licensed professor. Plan a visit with a psychiatrist or a crisis control center. Any of these individuals will be able to help you and connect you to the resources that you need.
Know that one of these professionals could be the answer to your prayer and the person God is leading you to in order to get the help you need. Accepting you have a drug problem is a huge step in itself, so don't minimize this. Take each day as it comes, and don't be hard on yourself.
You might have relapses and times that you turn back to the drug, but know this is normal for recovery. The road to drugs is a slippery one, yet it is a mountain to climb out of.
Even though it is difficult, know you are not without hope. God is walking with you through every step of the path, and He will never leave you (Psalm 23). Many people try to make drug addicts feel bad for their addiction, but God never does.
There is a reason someone becomes addicted to drugs, and we can never judge a person for what has happened to them. Instead, we need to show unconditional love and support to them. If you are a person struggling with drug addiction today, seek out help.
God loves you, and He desires you to have an abundant life (John 10:10). You cannot have this abundant life if you are always caught up in a chemical haze. Drugs have a way of taking away pain, at least for a short time, but they do much more harm than good.
With drugs, there is also the possibility of overdose, and overdose can be lethal. Don't mess around with drugs, and don't get started on drugs if you are not presently taking them. The best medicine is preventive medicine.
Drugs will not enrich your life, nor will they make life more fun. Instead, they will cause endless trips to the hospital, and rehab programs, and possibly losing everything because of your addiction.
My dad lost his brother to addiction, and it is a painful thing to see someone go through. Often, when a person starts taking a drug, they want it for the immediate benefits.
These short-term feelings last only a short time, and you are left feeling worse than you did before. As a result, you will start having to take higher doses in order to get the same high you got before. It is a never-ending cycle that will consume your life.
Think about your family and the future you want. God certainly doesn't want you to have a life held in bondage to drugs. Jesus died in order for you to have life and to have life to the fullest. He has also given you freedom.
You don't need to live your life in a state of bondage to drugs. It might give you a temporary feeling of freedom until it wears off. True freedom and happiness are only found in the Lord.
Turn to Him and allow Him to help you in this season of life. If you are on drugs presently, seek out help to get off the drugs. It will be a long road, but it will be worth it. If you are considering drugs, consider all that it will take away from you.
What Does This Mean?
Drugs are not going to give you the full life God has in store for you. He doesn't want you to pollute your mind and body with a substance that will harm your health and affect your behavior.
Instead, do things that are healthy for your body. Take care of it and treat it well. Even though drugs are not mentioned in the Bible, we know it is best not to get on them, and if you are on them, you need to try to get off.
Drugs are a part of this world that causes many people to fall, but you don't have to follow this cycle. Instead, you can step away from a life of drugs and live the life God has in store for you.
For further reading:
What Does the Bible Say about Smoking?
Is it a Sin to Drink? Should Christians Be Drinking Alcohol?
What Does the Bible Say about Smoking Weed?
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