“Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.” - James 1:2
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What does this verse really mean?” I know that I have wondered. Because when troubles come, we’re typically scared. There’s uncertainty roaming through our minds. And the overwhelming feeling that we just don’t quite know the outcome or what God will allow, even though we know it’s going to work out for our good, as Romans 8:28 promises.
Could that be it?
In other words, could shifting our mindset and focusing on KNOWING that no matter what troubles come our way, Jesus will work it all out for our good in the end? Maybe that’s the understanding that the writer of this book wants us to grasp.
Over time, I’ve learned that Satan can’t do anything unless God grants him access. He doesn’t have complete control. God does. I’m so glad that my grandmother read the book of Job to my sister and I when we were younger. That story really taught me the valuable truth that Satan cannot do anything to me that God doesn’t allow. So, if He allows it, then I know victory is sure!
Because God knew that Job would not deny Him, he knew Job would stand strong through adversity. He knew Job would begin to question what was happening. He knew that He would show Job who He was through it all. And He knew that He was going to bless him double for the trouble.
At the end of the book, there is an opportunity for joy in the midst of all the pain. Just as Jesus endured the cross, which was very painful, it was the joy that awaited Him that kept Him strong unto the end. So, when we are going through our own troubles, here are a few things to help us persevere…
5 Ways to Persevere through Hard Times
1. Remember Job
He was a righteous man. Think about your own righteousness in Christ. If you are a born-again believer, remember that because you’ve been saved by grace, our great enemy Satan may be roaming around seeking to devour you, but he doesn’t hold all power. God is with you, so hold firm until the testing is over.
2. You Have the Victory
In the story of Job, God asked Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?” God knew that Job would not renounce Him. He knew that He would stand strong through the various trials and troubles that he was facing. Victory was sure, but He used Job to prove that to Satan. Know that we have the victory in the end!
3. Count it All Joy
I know this is hard. Trust me, I get it. However, this is what Jesus calls us to do. Counting it all joy can look like asking the Holy Spirit to help you to enjoy the company of others as you go through your suffering. It could look like thinking about what God wants to do through the pain. It could look like pressing through with a smile beyond your hurt. Again, I know it’s hard, but count it all joy. Trouble doesn’t always last.
4. Remember Romans 8:28
As you encounter involuntary trials in your life, remember that God is going to work all things out for your good because you love Him and are called according to His purpose. There is pa urpose after the pain. So, hang in there and shift your perspective.
5. Look Out for the Blessings
Job was blessed double! Look at it as if God is saying, “I’m proud of you for standing firm in your faith.” Because if you read the next verse it says, “For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow” (see James 1:3). When we go through troubles in our lives, God is testing our faith. He’s proving us to see if our faith is genuine (see 1 Peter 1:6-7). He wants to see if we will walk away from Him because it’s too hard (because that’s what Satan ultimately wants) or if we will endure until the end. So, stand strong.
Can I encourage you by telling you that your breakthrough is coming? Yes, it is. So, hold on. Hold steady. Stand your ground against the schemes of Satan. Remember, when the enemy has been given access to try you, it’s just a testing of your faith. Let this be an opportunity for joy because victory is yours!
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Kieferpix
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