Since grief entered my life, the car has become my refuge, my safe space. It’s a tiny spot where I can cry, yell, and break down without fear of judgment or the listening ears of others. It’s a place that holds the darkest portions of my loss and heartbreak—a place of solace and solitary healing—raw and unfiltered.
When I can feel my grief start to untangle, causing an unraveling of my soul, I head to the car. On this particular day, I sat with my brokenness, sadness, and longing inside my vehicle in the dark garage. Hitting play on my smartphone, willing God and my mother in heaven to send me lyrics that would match this moment, I listened, waiting for phrases and lines attached to a melody that would remind me of their love and never-ending influence.
And to my surprise, or maybe by no surprise at all, comfort came– reminders came. Delicate words sang while the softness of a piano hummed in the background, “Be still and know that I’m with you. Be still and know that I am here. Be still and know that I’m with you. Be still, be still, and know.” I have no idea if the band that sang those lyrics knew the symbolism that they held, but my heart and mind immediately felt the impact. They not only matched the sentiment my mother would have sent at this moment, but they matched scripture– a perfect joining of light and guidance from both God and my mother. God for creating the promise, and my mother for teaching it– for living it. Psalm 46:10,
“Be still, and know that I am God.”
This phrase holds so many lessons and so much profound power. It reminds us to not only trust in God but to surrender—to drop our weaknesses and anger over things we have no control over, our confusion about things we simply don’t have the capacity to understand, and our pain for things we’ve lost. “Be still and know” are words that give us hope to embrace that no matter what is happening around us, God is our refuge and strength.
How Can We Learn to Be Still?
For me, this space, my parked car, was not my refuge in times of immense grief; it was my reminder. It was the personal and sacred place that would lead me to my true refuge and my ultimate comfort—God.
Even in the midst of chaos.
Even in the confusion about what is and what will never be.
Even in our anxiety and our fear.
Even in our moments of weakness and the storm of heartbreak.
Even in the depths of grief.
In all of it, always be still and know.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10
4 Ways to Let Go and Trust God
I must know and remember that this special verse is a powerful example of faith, trust, and the assurance of God's divine power and control. These eight simple yet influential words call us to:
1. Practice Stillness & Reflection:
The bold command to "be still" encourages us to pause and trust in God's plan and timing, not our own. It suggests a moment of quiet reflection and faith, especially amid a world that seems to be in a constant hurry and full of stress. God’s plan is perfect, even when it’s not immediately apparent or easily understood.
2. Acknowledge God & His Presence:
The phrase "know that I am God" calls us to acknowledge God's presence, authority, and divinity. It encourages us to deepen our understanding and relationship with God, for our awareness brings us closer to Him.
3. Hope for the Future:
This scripture reassures us that despite our current stresses and worries, God’s glory and righteousness will prevail. It promises that God and His plans provide hope for the future, even when we cannot feel it or see what is ahead.
4. Let Go of Control & Trust God:
We are called to acknowledge and accept God's power and control over all situations. This means we must let go of our desire for control and trust He will take care of things—it’s not always easy, but it’s always powerful.
Suddenly, I find myself moved to tears by the realization and the lesson that has just taken place in my car. I’m reminded that God can find us anywhere, mostly because he follows us everywhere. He is always waiting, always present, always busy, working for us and through us.
My mother lived her life based on an unwavering faith built upon an unshakable relationship with God, Jesus, and Christianity. After she passed, there were times when what I feared most was that I could no longer believe or trust that same faith and those same promises. Yet, each time I’m at my weakest point, my lowest valley, faith restores my strength and resiliency. It’s God who provides the hope to not only survive this pain and grief but to live a life of purpose, meaning, and joy.
Be still and know—these are things that take patience and trust. They are not always easy or instantaneous but always worth pursuing.
For now, back in this moment, suddenly present with my faith and understanding, I shut off the song, closed my eyes, and thanked God for the reminder of His love and the lesson of His wisdom and promises.
And with deep breaths and tears of abundant appreciation, I am still, and I know.
I am still, and I know, I truly know.
God is in control. God holds the power, and more importantly, He holds the hope and the promises for our future. All I need to do is pause, trust, and know—not only in this moment but always.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/jjneff