The concept of "angel numbers" is relatively modern in the realm of numerology and metaphysical beliefs, primarily popularized by Doreen Virtue, a spiritualist and author, in the early 2000s.
Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that some people believe carry guidance or messages from a higher spiritual power. These numbers often appear repeatedly in various forms, such as on clocks, license plates, or receipts. They are thought to be signs meant to communicate specific spiritual messages or life guidance.
Angel numbers have grown in popularity in recent years due to the resurgence of New Age practices. While angel numbers might sound like they have something to do with the angels of the Bible, they do not. There is nothing biblical about angel numbers, as nowhere in the Bible are we told about the existence of angel numbers.
Brief History of Angel Numbers
Early Numerology and Symbolism
The practice of assigning spiritual or mystical meanings to numbers has ancient origins. Cultures worldwide, including the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks, have long attributed symbolic significance to numbers. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, in particular, is often credited with pioneering early thoughts on numerology, believing that numbers had specific vibrations and spiritual significance reflected in the physical and spiritual world.
Modern Interpretation
While these ancient beliefs laid the groundwork for numerology, the specific idea of "angel numbers" is a more contemporary development. In her books published around the early 2000s, Doreen Virtue formalized the concept of angel numbers. She described them as sequences of numbers that carry divine guidance by referring to specific numerological meanings. According to Virtue, these numbers are sent to us by angels as signs to communicate messages.
Virtue's works, such as "Healing with the Angels" and "Angel Numbers 101," detail the meanings of many number sequences, from 000 to 999, each with specific spiritual messages. Her writings have significantly impacted how people interpret recurring numbers in their lives today.
Cultural and Online Popularity
The rise of the internet and social media has further expanded the popularity of angel numbers. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and various spiritual blogs have allowed for widespread discussion and dissemination of the ideas around angel numbers. This has led to a more mainstream acceptance and curiosity about the role of these numbers in everyday life.
Biblical Perspective of Angel Numbers
An example of an angel number is when multiple repetitions of numbers happen, such as 333, 222, or 111. According to those who believe in angel numbers, each angel number has a special and unique meaning. If you see multiple repetitions of the same set of numbers, this is “your angel number.”
While this concept has grown in popularity, there is nothing biblical about this practice. Those who believe in angel numbers think you have found your angelic or spirit guide once you see your angel number.
With one’s spirit guide, the New Age teaches that the spirit or angelic guide will help the individual through any emotional, spiritual, or physical trouble. Spirit guides are also seen within the Hindu religion. Spirit guides or angelic guides are not biblical.
We are never told in the Bible that God gives us a “spirit guide” or an “angelic guide.” Rather, we are told that at the moment of salvation, we are given the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who guides, instructs, and helps us.
Jesus tells us, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit and God’s Word is our guide — not some spirit or angelic guide.
Most likely, these spirit or angelic guides are demons. Demons are always trying to trick and deceive us. Instead of falling into the trap of believing in angel numbers, we need to turn to God and His Word.
Whenever we see anything being promoted in the world, we need to weigh it against Scripture. Because angel numbers are popular right now, it does not mean we should partake in it.
Most popular teachings in the world are not biblical, including the new fad of angel numbers. Instead of placing faith and trust in a set of “angel” numbers, we need to place faith in Jesus Christ.
While angel numbers might try to portray the idea that they offer us protection, guidance, or help, they do not. Only God can offer us true protection, guidance, and help. We need to be careful of many false beliefs and teachings in the world.
Simply because angel numbers sound as though they are connected to the Bible, they are not. Angel numbers are not biblical, and as Christians, we should not believe in them nor place faith in them. Believing or placing faith in angel numbers is only false hope.
True hope is only found in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that hope in Jesus is like an anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:19). Our hope in Jesus will never fade or go away. We can always have hope in Jesus because He will never disappoint us.
Since the Lord loves us and we are His own, He will never disappoint us. God always comes through, even if it is not how we expected. God loves you and knows what’s best for you. Demons disguised as spirit guides or angelic guides only want to cause you harm.
What is Numerology?
Angel numbers are part of numerology. Numerology goes directly against the Bible since numerology is trying to tell the future. God tells us not to be a part of fortune-telling as He says,
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God (Deuteronomy 18:10-13).
Numerology leads us away from God and toward the occult. If we want to grow closer to God, believing in numerology is not the way to go.
Even if others try to claim numerology accurately predicts the future or manipulates situations, we are to stay away from this practice. Instead, we must turn to the Lord and trust Him with our future.
Trusting in angel numbers will only lead to false hope and disappointment. Many individuals who turn to angel numbers or practices dealing with the New Age movement often have a void in their hearts and they are trying to fill it with a myriad of different things that will not help them.
If a person is trying to find spiritual fulfillment, they don’t need to turn to means such as angel numbers because this will not fill their need for spiritual fulfillment. Only faith in Jesus can heal the void in our hearts and souls.
He loves us dearly, and once a person accepts Jesus as their Savior, they will be able to have the same joy of knowing Jesus. The New Age movement, false religions, and false cults will not fill our hearts with love, peace, and fulfillment.
Instead, these things will leave us empty and hollow inside. This is because only Jesus can fill the void in our hearts. Only He can give real peace, love, and fulfillment.
What Does This Mean?
If you have been involved in angel numbers, know it was a mistake and repent of the practice of angel numbers. Turn to the Lord and ask for His forgiveness.
You can also ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by placing faith in Him. If you know someone involved with angel numbers, help point them to Jesus and put faith in Him rather than beliefs tied to angel numbers.
Everything associated with angel numbers and numerology is part of the occult, and a believer has no place in being involved with the occult. Being interested in the occult is dangerous because it can lead you down many dark paths. Turn to the Lord instead and follow His path of life.
Thus, angel numbers are repetitive numbers that show up in various places, such as seeing 333, 222, or 111. It can go up to 999 within angel numbers, and newagers believe each angel number has a unique meaning.
Despite angel numbers growing in popularity, they are not biblical. The Bible never mentions anything about angel numbers. The spirit and angelic guides that newagers believe in are most likely demons masquerading.
Demons love to deceive us and cause us to fall, which is what happens when someone starts believing in angel numbers. A fascination with angel numbers can lead a person to become involved with the occult and pull them away from God.
Instead of placing faith in angel numbers and the false teachings of the New Age movement, we need to follow after Christ and learn all we can from the Bible.
For further reading:
How Do We Know That Angels Are Real?
What Are All the Names of Angels in the Bible?
Are There Angels among Us Today? What Is Their Purpose?
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/gavla