12 Insights into the Nature of Angels and Supernatural Beings

Aubrey Sampson

The Bible talks about angels around 182 times. For perspective, the Bible talks about money over 400 times. So, if the magnitude of something in the scriptures equals its importance, then angels are not the most central message of the Bible. Yet they certainly are mentioned, and many of us long to know more about these supernatural beings. 

What did the writers of the Bible say about angels? 

It’s important to know what God’s Word says about these supernatural beings so that we can walk in truth instead of elusive illusion or make-believe. Again, while there is so much we don’t know, there are some things the Bible mentions, and it can be especially meaningful to know what the writers of the Bible believed about angels. 

1. Angels are supernatural beings in a class of beings that serve God.

They are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments (the entire Bible). Angels are always doing God’s work or representing God. They served as messengers and as theophanies (visions of God).  

2.  Angels serve in what scripture describes as the “army” of God and in the “court” of God.

They are often described as doing God’s business when there is sin, oppression, or corruption involved in a city or a community, 

 3. Scripture warns us not to get overly concerned with talks about angels, focus on angels, or worship angels. 

We are meant to worship God and God alone, and if we over-focus on angels, we are distracted from the good news and centrality of King Jesus. 

4. Angels are described as messengers of God.

Sometimes, human messengers of God’s good news are also referred to as “angels” in the Bible. An example of that is John the Baptist. 

5. Angels worship Jesus.

They point to Jesus, honor Jesus, glorify Jesus, and bow down to Jesus. They praise God and obey God

 6. Angels minister to Jesus and to us. 

 7). Angels cannot get in the way of God’s love for us. 

“For I am sure that neither death nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:38

 8. Angels do not have authority over Jesus or us. 

“Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!” - Corinthians 6:3

9. Angels rejoice when someone comes to faith in Jesus.

They bear witness to God’s saving work in the world. Angels long to look at the good news of the gospel of Jesus being proclaimed. 

10. Angels have a choice.

Will they serve God or Evil? They will be judged by God based on their choice. (Satan is described as a fallen angel.)

11. The writers of the Bible taught that we might communicate with angels unknowingly.

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” - Hebrews 13: 2

12. We do not become angels when we die, but the Bible says that those of us in Christ Jesus will be with angels in the New Creation. 

“And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God.” - Revelation 7:11 

Because there is so much we don’t know about the spiritual world, we might accidentally fill in that gap with conjecture and imagination or with stories or myths from movies or books—ideas that are not biblically based. We can search God’s word and find what faithful followers of God, in their day, believed and taught about angels and be encouraged by what we discover.  

Photo Credit:  Image created using DALL.E 2024  AI technology and subsequently edited and reviewed by our editorial team.

Aubrey Sampson is a pastor, author, speaker, and cohost of the podcast, Nothing is Wasted. She is the author of Big Feeling Days, The Louder Song, Overcomer, and her newest release, Known. Find and follow her @aubsamp on Instagram. Go to aubreysampson.com for more. 

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