Wheel of Fortune Contestant Guesses Wrong Letters to Let Fellow Veteran Win

There are moments in our lives when we’re given the opportunity to be selfless and bless another soul. In this video, a Wheel of Fortune Contestant during Veterans’ week did just that when she purposely guesses the wrong letters to let a fellow veteran win the round.

Published Oct 14, 2024
Wheel of Fortune Contestant Guesses Wrong Letters to Let Fellow Veteran Win

There are moments in our lives when we’re given the opportunity to be selfless and bless another soul. In this video, a Wheel of Fortune Contestant during Veterans’ Week did just that when she purposely guessed the wrong letters to let a fellow veteran win the round. 

The classic game honors veterans on the show for special episodes each year. In this particular moment, three contestants are solving the final spin with the category of, “What are you doing?” It begins with Troy. He lands on $1600 and guesses the letter “T,” then receives $3200 in his bank. Nura, the current leader, is given a turn, and she responds with the unlikely “Z.” Steve guesses “R.” As the round gets back to Nura, she acts as if she cannot think of anything and misses her turn. When it comes back around, she guesses, “Q.” Steve gets up to $3200, and when it gets back to Nura again, she yells out, “X.” The others are all continually startled by her letter choices. Ultimately, Steve solves the puzzle. The host comes over to Nura and says, “May I ask you a question? You called some unusual letters.” She responds, “That’s what I thought.” Nura smiles sweetly. 

Pat ends by saying, “Well, that was an unsatisfactory answer, but she’s not under oath. There’s nothing I can do, but she’s the big winner with $13,970.” Nura begins to cheer out loud joyfully. Her selflessness and generosity have gone viral, with over one million viewers. Nura reminds us to look out for others. Steve was the only one without money, and she could have easily won more. However, she chose to be generous and look towards his interests. 

Through the help of God, we can choose to look out for the needs of others, too. “Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/MarioGS BAV


Christianity / Videos / Video Features / Wheel of Fortune Contestant Guesses Wrong Letters to Let Fellow Veteran Win