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Quick-Thinking Heroes Save 70-Year-Old Man's Life at the Gym

Check out this news story about some quick-thinking heroes who saved a 74-year-old man’s life at the gym after he collapsed.

Updated Oct 02, 2024
Quick-Thinking Heroes Save 70-Year-Old Man's Life at the Gym

An elderly gentleman passed out in the lobby at his gym in Colorado and was not breathing. He was unconscious and had no pulse. Thanks to some of the employees at the gym, they were able to administer CPR to the man, and they also connected him to a defibrillator, all while rigorously performing chest compressions before a deputy sheriff arrived on the scene.

“How long has he been down for?” says the deputy to the group when he arrived at the gym.

“15 cycles of CPR,” the gym employees reply. “Let me take over,” the deputy says.

The dire situation turns around after the deputy sheriff steps in to continue doing another round of compressions. The man’s pulse returned!

“He’s breathing. We got him breathing,” says the deputy.

One of the gym staffers who helped during the medical situation was Tim Velasquez, and this man reflects on what was going through his mind during the scary event.

“I wanted to make sure I’m doing the best I can to save somebody else's life and to make sure they’re able to go home to their kids or to their grandkids,” Tim shares. “So that’s what was on my mind.”

Many people commented online about the heroic acts of the gym staffers that day.

“That’s the type of facility I’d feel safe working out at,” writes one person on YouTube after watching the news story. “Responsive, well-trained, concerned staff. Shoutout to them and that gym, glad you were able to save him.”

God really had these gym employees in the right area at the right time to save this man’s life. Bless these heroes and their quick-thinking skills that really made a difference that day.

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Inside Edition


Christianity / Videos / Video Features / Quick-Thinking Heroes Save 70-Year-Old Man's Life at the Gym