Oak Ridge Boys Singer William Lee Golden Shares How Group Has Navigated Recent Loss and Grief

Updated Oct 09, 2024

Oak Ridge Boys Singer William Lee Golden Shares How Group Has Navigated Recent Loss and Grief from CCM Magazine on GodTube.

Life is a series of unexpected events, situations, and circumstances. Throughout life, there will be reasons and causes for celebration. Births, weddings, graduations, promotions and retirements are a few of those happy and joyous instances - all blessings from the good Lord.

However, with the good also comes the bad. As most people already understand, not every moment in life will make you want to shout and jump for joy. In fact, there will be several that are the exact opposite. Painful, heartbreaking and gut-wrenching situations do not discriminate. They visit everyone at one time or another.

In 2024, William Lee Golden and his bandmates experienced several losses. As he mentions in the clip, William lost his oldest son and fellow bandmate Joe Bonsall. Of course, these were devastating losses, causing immense pain to William, his family and the other members of the Oak Ridge Boys.

However, he also explains how he and the other members of the Oak Ridge Boys have been able to work through their grief and pain by getting on stage and singing their beloved hits, which they had done for decades.

“You know, after a few days of sitting alone and reflecting and dealing with the sorrow and the sadness, when we went back out to sing, I found that there was a healing power in the music,” he said. “And as we’re singing these songs and performing them, some of them makes you reflect on the times that we were together with our families.”

He added that he and the other members of the Oak Ridge Boys are continuing to heal.

“We’re going through a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing ourselves,” William said. “Because it affects you deep, your whole body is being affected by sadness. But music has that God-gift power to help lift us up and heal us.”

Psalm 23:4 “Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your road and your staff they comfort me.”

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©GodTube/CCM Magazine


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