In Luke 8:2, we read that Jesus had delivered Mary Magdalene from seven demons, and that she went on to live her life following Him faithfully. She was among the group of women who were at the foot of the cross (John 19:25), and those who came to the empty tomb early that morning and found that Christ was risen (John 20:1). John 20:10-18 then tells us that she is the very first one to whom Jesus appeared after the Resurrection, commissioning her to go and tell the others. In the Bible, she is usually mentioned first when in a list of names, possibly meaning that she was a leader among those who followed after Christ. From the triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the silence of the tomb—and finally the joy of “Ra’iti et HaAdon!” ("I have seen the Lord!")—this film honors the first eyewitness of the risen Messiah. Perfect for Easter services, Holy Week reflection, Bible study, or sharing the resurrection message with others.
Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of