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Kelly Clarkson Covers Amy Grant's Hit 'Baby, Baby'

Recently, Kelly Clarkson graced the stage of her show with a cover of Amy Grant’s hit ‘Baby, Baby.’ Kelly continues to amaze us with her incredible talent and heartfelt performances. Wearing a soft blue dress that matched the song's soothing vibe, Kelly added her unique country twist, making it a performance to remember.

Published Sep 20, 2024
Kelly Clarkson Covers Amy Grant's Hit 'Baby, Baby'

Kelly's voice, brimming with warmth and emotion, perfectly encapsulated the essence of 'Baby, Baby.' The timeless piece, which initially graced our ears in 1991, celebrates love and joy. Kelly's rendition was a sweet homage to Amy Grant, and she effortlessly brought the song to life with her powerful vocals and sincere expression. 

Kelly’s heartwarming cover of Amy Grant's lyrics, ‘Baby, baby, the stars are shining for you,’ perfectly encapsulates the song's joyful and loving message, further enhanced by Kelly's soulful country twist. In moments like these, it's clear why Kelly Clarkson is such a beloved artist. Her ability to connect with audiences through her music is a gift from God.

 As the Bible reminds us, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17). Kelly’s gift of music is truly one of those good and perfect gifts that brings joy and inspiration to many.

Watching Kelly perform, one can’t help but feel uplifted. Her voice carries a message of love and positivity, much like the original song by Amy Grant. It's these moments of musical magic that remind us of the beauty in sharing our talents and lifting each other up, inspiring us to connect and appreciate the gifts we all bring to the world.

If you haven’t seen Kelly Clarkson’s stunning performance of ‘Baby, Baby,’ it’s a must-watch. Her country spin on this classic hit is a delightful treat for the ears and a beautiful reminder of the enduring power of music to touch our hearts and souls.

James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” 

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/The Kelly Clarkson Show


Christianity / Videos / Video Features / Kelly Clarkson Covers Amy Grant's Hit 'Baby, Baby'