During filming their dance routine, three young women are caught off guard by an unexpected fourth member. One boy is at the mic and the other two are behind him practicing their routine to Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin."
They kick and move in perfect unison. They are truly incredible dancers, and their joy shines through in their personalities. All of a sudden, a grandmother with a walker sneaks up from behind and walks behind the trio. Instead of just passing by, she stops behind one guy and begins to join in and dance with them while they groove.
The group does not see the older woman at first until they turn around and jump in their routine and suddenly realize that she has come into their routine with them. The three young men jump as the grandmother claps and moves. Suddenly, all three guys burst out laughing and smiling with such happiness that she chose to join in.
I love this woman’s boldness to be a part of a dance video. She did not let her age or walker stop her from doing something amazing. Instead, she embraced what season of life she was in instead of giving in to fears that she couldn’t keep up with the younger generation. This clip reminds us that no matter what we might use as an excuse, God can use us if we say yes to Him. We can be a part of His greater plan, just like this grandma joined in the dance.
“For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13
This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©Instagram/yvngflick