Dump Truck Drivers Help Police Save Missing Girl Following Amber Alert

Starting their week with heroic alertness for a Monday morning, two dedicated and quick-thinking dump truck drivers help police save a missing girl following an amber alert about her disappearance.

Published Nov 22, 2024
Dump Truck Drivers Help Police Save Missing Girl Following Amber Alert

Brandon (“B”) Antoine, on duty with Dion Merrick for Pelican Waste & Debris in New Iberia, Illinois, says the duo received an amber alert around 1:30 in the morning. He says, “it had a description of the car, the suspect, and the little girl.”

As the two sanitation coworkers headed out on their route, Brandon explains that Dion exclaimed, “B!” in shock to his friend, asking if Brandon saw what he just saw. Dion insisted, ”that looks like that silver Nissan!” that he’d seen on the amber alert. The video shows an abandoned silver sedan parked in tall grass and weeds near the edge of a forest with its driver door hanging open.

Dion thought fast and with a heart for the little girl’s life. He maneuvered his truck to the wrong side of the highway to block the car’s escape and called 911. The 911 operator told them a deputy would arrive right away.

In a Facebook Live video that now has hundreds of thousands of views and comments on their heroism, Dion shares that “something told me.” He wondered “what’s that car doing way ducked off in the field like that?”

A proud sheriff commented, “God put you right where you’re supposed to be!!!” Another admirer commented on Facebook, “These guys are angels or saints! Thank you both!!”

The little girl was believed to be abducted Sunday afternoon. The amber alert shows a photo of the suspect and the car’s license plate. Dion and Brandon recognized the car around 7 a.m. In a live, on-scene reaction, Dion shares that he’s just “seen this grey car, parked in the field…” and “...I just saved a little girl’s life...thank God!”

With a grateful and humble spirit, Dion adds, “I was just doin’ my job and actually came across somebody who needed help...you got me tearin’ up right now!” The suspect was arrested for aggravated kidnapping, and the girl is safe.

What Dion wants people to know is that God is real, urging, “a lot of people don’t believe in him, but they need to start believing in him.” In a recorded interview, Dion says, “I’m just so happy and blessed that...we actually...responded like we’re supposed to respond.”

The two heros have connected with the little girl’s family who are overwhelmed by the love of these two good Samaritans, Dion and Brandon. Their actions are a stunning and life-saving example of being ready when God calls.

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Cor. 16:13

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Associated Press


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