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‘Come Unto Jesus’ Acoustic Version Keith Kristyn Getty, Laura Story, Jordan Kauflin

Published Jan 10, 2024

Several musicians turned in an outstanding performance as they sang about laying down all their worries, fears, and stresses at the feet of Jesus Christ.

Everyday living, with all its obligations and demands, can be a tall task. Sadly, it can often get to the point where making it through one single, solitary day can feel like a monumental accomplishment. Every choice, regardless of the situation or circumstance, can feel like a lose-lose proposition.

But even in cases of extreme worry and stress, when everything is overwhelming, people will still attempt to go at it alone. It’s easy to see, and most people understand that nothing good usually comes from these situations. In fact, people tend to make their issues immeasurably worse. This all occurs when there is a simple solution: lay it all at the feet of the Savior.

In a clip posted on YouTube, a group of musicians perform an acoustic version of “Come unto Jesus.” Right off the bat, in the opening verse, the songwriters encourage all who have problems, issues, or worries to come to the Lord.

“Come unto Jesus, all you who are weary
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel
Here bring your wounded hearts, broken and needy
Come unto Jesus, mighty to heal”

Many people in the world – people all around us – are hurting and struggling. There are legions of people today who are far too familiar with pain, heartache, and suffering. Some may even believe they are all alone, left to fend for themselves in those times of extreme worry and stress. 

But instead of going at it alone, there is one who is more than capable. He has overcome all. He is a God of love, mercy, and comfort. He invites us to bring our troubles to Him and to cast all our burdens on Him.

“Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©Youtube/KeithandKristyn Getty

