![Billy Graham Sermon on a Cost to Following Jesus but the Price Is Always Worth It](https://i.swncdn.com/media/950w/via/20305-billy-graham-gettyimages-keystone-stringer-2.jpg)
In this convicting message, Billy Graham preaches a sermon on the cost of following Jesus and the fact that the price of doing so is always worth it. Listen to this inspiring message from one of the all-time best preachers and speakers of God’s word!
Reverend William Franklin Graham, Jr. speaks here from the Tangerine Bowl in 1983. As the video starts, observe the throngs of people sitting in silence as Billy Graham shares the scriptures, specifically addressing his message to the young people in attendance that evening.
There are Bibles instead of devices in the hands of attendees, and letter jackets, blazers, and feathered haircuts remind us of a year gone by, but the message is timeless. The stadium, by the way, might have held between 50,000 and 75,000 souls, and there is no doubt that each and everyone was touched in at least some small way by the words of Reverend Graham!
In this message from The Billy Graham Classics, Brother Graham begins at Luke 14:27. He introduces his message by explaining that when believers commit to Christ, we must recognize that He wants all of us—our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. Nothing less is acceptable.
When he speaks of the body, Reverend Graham points to the original sins of Eve and of Adam, the temporary hunger of Esau and his choice to give up his birthright to satisfy it, the fleshly temptations that destroyed Samson, drug use, peer pressure and sexual behavior, gluttony, and more. Reverend Graham reminds us that our efforts to abstain or resist these temptations will not work without Christ and His power!
Next, Billy comments on the importance of giving our minds to Christ in our daily activities. He encourages listeners to study constantly, noting that our minds are “a Heaven or a Hell all the time.” He cites verses in Philippians in which we are called to use our minds to focus on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. Reverend Graham shares that the remedy to an evil and sinful mind is to “let Christ take control of the mind and bring every thought into His captivity.”
Lastly, Reverend Graham speaks about the heart, which he says is like a “volcano.” He describes how too often man speaks holiness with his lips, professes God with his words, and sings praises, but has a heart that is far from God. He asks the audience if there are hypocrites among them. With the knowledge that every single one of us is a sinner, Reverend Graham asks what God might find as He searches each of our hearts.
After explaining what God expects of His followers, Reverend Graham outlines how we can fully serve. Through Christ’s death on the cross, we can be forgiven of our sins, justified in Christ, given new purpose and new peace, and guaranteed eternity in Heaven! We can go “under new management.” What a joy that is!
During the final minutes of his 27-minute message, Reverend Graham invites any who wishes to come forward to accept Christ. He explains the process, and, as the beautiful old hymn Just As I Am plays, hundreds of people come forward to begin life anew in Christ. It is truly miraculous!
During his 99 years of life and his 58 years in ministry, Billy Graham preached at 417 crusades. He addressed 84 million people in 185 countries and territories! Thankfully, today’s young people can still hear Reverend Graham’s messages. They are as timely today as they were forty years ago in 1983!
“And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:27
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Keystone/Stringer