Adorable Trio of Tots Dance to Elvis Presley's 'Hound Dog'
If you are looking to smile and laugh with happiness, this video is for you. A boy and two girls come out onto a stage and wow the crowd. This adorable trio of tots dance to Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog.”
At the start of the video, the announcer welcomes three precious toddlers. The boy is dressed up in black, and the girls in red poodle skirts. They move like a dog and dance in unison. Suddenly, the boy runs forward and leans over to show off his amazing headstand while the girls do a cute dance behind him. The boy proves to hold his impressive move for a good while.
As they do the motions of a hound dog and cry, they own the stage. The incredible moves include touching their head with their feet, back walkovers, and round-offs. The choreography is adorable, and the three kids finish the performance strong. The audience cheers with delight. The smiles on the little performers' faces say it all as the trio exits the stage.
As we watch this video, it is inspiring to witness such young people with such confidence in front of a crowd. Each brings a unique ability and personality. The girls with their swinging side ponytails have charm and spunk, and the boy with his suave hair has excitement and flare.
When we see such incredible skills at such young ages, it reminds us that the Lord blesses us with talents. There is only so much you can teach a preschooler; the rest is raw talent. These kids have both! Their teacher and parents must be completely proud of them.
God has given each of us skills, and no matter what age, we are invited to use them for His glory. “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” Romans 12:6a
Photo Credit: jmacdance via YouTube
Originally published on GodTube. Used with permission.
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