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Why Loving Deeply Is the Key to a Happy Relationship

I don't want my love for my wife to be on the surface. I want to get to the place where I love her deeply.

Author/Lead Pastor
Updated Jun 18, 2024
Why Loving Deeply Is the Key to a Happy Relationship

“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” - 1 Peter 4:8 NLT

1 Peter chapter 4 verse 8, again, says, above all, love each other deeply. That means that I don't want my love for my wife to be on the surface. I want to get to the place where I love her deeply.

We have to love each other deeply. And then it goes on to say that because love covers a multitude of sins, that's deep love. Scripture doesn’t say a few sins but a whole bunch of sins—missing the mark, ungodly sin.

Love covers your weaknesses. Love covers your shortcomings, love covers your idiosyncrasies, love covers your quirkiness and your personality. Because I think those are the small things.

In the infatuation stage, it's easy to fall prey to thinking your spouse can do no wrong, or you can do no wrong. But then, in the fight for power stage, you can do no right, or they can’t get anything right. And we are allowing Satan in our flesh to make small things seem so big.

But love covers all of that. Love covers all.

Photo Credit: SWN Design. Photo used with permission.

Ken and Tabitha ClaytorKen Claytor is an author, founder of the Alive Leadership Institute, host of the Alive Conference, and sought-after conference speaker. He is also a family man.
Tabatha Claytor is a lead pastor and co-founder of Alive Church, with campuses in Gainesville, FL, and Orlando, FL, and online. She is also the founder of Pio Woman, a ministry that equips and empowers women to pioneer their lives. Married for 24 years, they live in Orlando, Florida, with their 3 children, Hannah, Charity, and Kenny.


Christianity / Videos / Video Answers / Why Loving Deeply Is the Key to a Happy Relationship