What Does it Mean to Incubate Your Husband’s Vision?

Our spouses' dreams can become our dreams, and our dreams can be theirs.

Author/Lead Pastor
Updated Jun 25, 2024
What Does it Mean to Incubate Your Husband’s Vision?

What does it mean for a wife to ‘incubate?’ Much like we incubate a baby, our husbands can plant a seed on the inside of their wives, and we grow it until it is fully developed, grown, beautiful, live and ready to be released, accomplished and manifested into this world.

God has given us and our families through our husbands (and wives, too, but we are talking about men right now) dreams, and we, as wives, can take those dreams and form words of encouragement to grow them to their full potential. We can nurture, remind, pray, push towards, and bring those seeds before God. We can prophesy over our husbands concerning it until that thing grows and develops. That is what we are referring to as incubation.

We can push it out together just as our husbands are with us in the labor room. It's ours together. Our husbands' dreams can become our dreams, and our dreams can be their dreams. We push this out together. Wives and husbands have different roles in the family dynamic. My dynamic is everybody's dynamic, but I think the principles remain that there's just something about the woman that has the ability to incubate. The woman can actually abort the man's vision, or she can help it. She can incubate it, remind him of it, and support it.

Photo Credit: SWN Design/Photo used with permission.

Ken and Tabitha ClaytorKen Claytor is an author, founder of the Alive Leadership Institute, host of the Alive Conference, and sought-after conference speaker. He is also a family man.
Tabatha Claytor is a lead pastor and co-founder of Alive Church, with campuses in Gainesville, FL, and Orlando, FL, and online. She is also the founder of Pio Woman, a ministry that equips and empowers women to pioneer their lives. Married for 24 years, they live in Orlando, Florida, with their 3 children, Hannah, Charity, and Kenny.


Christianity / Videos / Video Answers / What Does it Mean to Incubate Your Husband’s Vision?