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Signs Your Spouse (or Maybe You) Might Be Difficult to Live With

Married life can be difficult, but we must switch our focus. It's called doing life with people.

Updated May 30, 2024
Signs Your Spouse (or Maybe You) Might Be Difficult to Live With

Some of us can be hard to live with. We don't know how to live closely with another person. If that’s true of you, here are some tools to help. It’s important for a man to understand how to live with a woman and a woman with a man. There are men who just don't know how to treat a woman. It’s important to develop the tools and life skills required to live together successfully. Single people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. When they come home, everything's where they left it. The second they get married, they come home and can't find a thing. 

“I'm territorial,” Tabatha shared. At work, if I leave my pencil on my desk, I want to come back and see it in the same place. Please don't take my pencil.”

Married life can be difficult, but we must switch our focus. It's called doing life with people. People who sweat the small stuff can be too easily annoyed. (And we know they're reading right now.) It's hard to live with a Debbie Downer. And it's hard to live with a negative Nancy. It's hard to live with a fault-founding Fabian. We need to learn skills to avoid being so negative. The joy of the Lord is our strength. We can look at our spouses and rip them down.

We can look at each other and rip each other apart in our minds. If you always allow your thoughts to go there, your actions will soon follow. So, we need to know how not to sweat the small stuff.

Photo Credit: SWN Design via Canva Pro. Photo used with permission.


Christianity / Videos / Video Answers / Signs Your Spouse (or Maybe You) Might Be Difficult to Live With