Visiting a doctor's office and hearing you have cancer can create anxiety for anyone. Dealing with the fact that you're getting older and single but would love to be married and have kids can create anxiety. Dealing with the financial climate we sometimes experience can lead to anxiety. Watching your parents get older or watching someone you love, especially a child, suffer. Those things can create anxiety in our lives. Managing family schedules and a job can be stressful.
Anxiety is not something we avoid because we are Christian. Jesus Christ himself was overwhelmed by the circumstances of the crucifixion, leading to him praying. We learn from Jesus to pray in and through our anxiety.
The Apostle Paul, who in anxious times would say, "Whatever is good, whatever is right, whatever is lovely to fix your mind on those things." (Philippians 4:8-9) It is possible, in Christ, to fix our minds. I pray for peace to prevail today as we learn to seek God in and through anxious times.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/spukkato