When you share your story like the demon-possessed man did, the enemy loses. See, this man was enslaved by the community who should have cared for him, and he was owned by a legion of demons. A legion is 6,000 soldiers.
The enemy did not want this man to be free. Why? He hates image bearers, but secondly, he knows this man's potential. When you're set free from your demons, sexual sins, pornography, addiction, unforgiveness, anger, and anxiety, somebody loses.
First the enemy, but also everybody around you who wants you to maintain the status quo. If you change, if you transform, and you no longer identify by your pain, but you let God redeem it, those who want to identify by their pain lose. So you must be bold enough to say, you know what, Jesus came intentionally into my story, and I'm going to keep sharing it because I want other people to be free.
Photo Credit:©iStock/Getty Images Plus/fizkes
Originally published by @everywomanatheolgian. Used with permission.