Finding Peace and Hope in God’s Promises during Hard Times

No matter how overwhelming life can be, in Christ, we never lose hope.

Updated Jul 08, 2024
Finding Peace and Hope in God’s Promises during Hard Times

I just counseled someone who has lost many family members in a matter of five or six months. They have lost a young person who ended up having a very difficult situation take place in their lives, and they pass away. Only not too long after that, they lost a family member, a mother. Not too long after that, they lost an uncle. A lot of family members are not helping out with all the details of making everything work, so they have a lot of pressure on them. And then, to top it off, someone very close to them ended up with health issues, and now they have to be there for that person who lives at their house.

Situations like this are constantly taking place, and they can cause us to wonder, 'Okay, what's going on?' Life can come at us that fast, really fast. It can make us feel overwhelmed and hopeless and adopt a sense of despair. I understand that those things can take place in your life. It's not unique that those things happen.

Let’s look at the biblical account of Daniel’s life. He was doing what he was supposed to do. He heard Jeremiah's message and obviously took it seriously. He decided to dedicate his life to God. He walked 900 miles with his hands above his head, probably wearing the same clothes repeatedly for days and months, using the restroom on the side of the road, and eating the soldiers' slop. And then, when he arrived in Babylon, they shaved his head, put on a whole different set of clothes, and told him where to be and how to function in Babylon. No options, no discussion. This is going to be your job. And then, on top of all of that, when you look at his life, he's committed. 

“But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods.” – Daniel 1:8

He was purposed in his heart. He trusted God, and God blessed him. Daniel was committed to his job and everything the job asked him to do, only for people to turn on him and try to cut him in the back and destroy him and end up using his integrity and character against him so that he ends up in a lion's den.

Verses for Hope in Hard Times

Scripture doesn't say Daniel slept in a lion's den. It never said that the lions slept. Could you imagine hungry lions? People who had previously thrown into the lion's den didn't hit the ground before the lions consumed them. That tells you how starved those lions were for days before they threw people in. That's how horrific it must have been for Daniel to be in that hole all night long with hungry lions around him. But Daniel kept the faith, even though the situation was overwhelming. 

I want to challenge you today that when life seems overwhelming, and you may feel like you're in a hole, the Lord is able to do exceedingly abundantly all you could ever ask or think. You just have to keep your faith in him.

Take one step at a time. God says tomorrow will take care of itself. He tells us, through His Word, how to operate, with passages that tell us not to worry about tomorrow and to pray without ceasing. God reminds us: 

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” – Philippians 4:8-9

The account of Daniels's life reminds us to meet anxiety with prayer and not live by what we see. Live by the word of God that you believe. 

I trust today that no matter what you face in your life, and although situations may be overwhelming, God is able. You can do all things through Christ when you put your faith in the very word of God, which is a powerful, double-edged sword. I pray that you will wear your armor, walk by faith, put up your shield of faith, keep your sword of the spirit, keep your faith, keep your breastplate of righteousness, and do what God tells you to do no matter the pain you face. This is how we work out our salvation in fear and trembling. Whatever you're doing, stick with the truth. It'll keep your armor on. 

I trust that no matter if you're overwhelmed or your struggles are difficult, remember, when you're in despair, there is hope when you put your faith and trust in God and continue to obey those steps I just mentioned. It's a blessing to serve.

Stay focused. God bless you.

Photo Credit: SWN Design

Dr. Paul CanningsDr. Paul Cannings is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas, Founder and President of Power Walk Ministries, President of ABC Word Academy/LWCA, adjunct professor of the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, Texas, and board member of TL Africa. He serves as a Bible study leader on "The Pastor's Corner" and hosts "The Pastor's Study," available anytime on and, and his TV ministry at He is the author of several books, which include “Doing It God’s Way: From Conflict to Harmony in Church Leadership”; “Why Can’t Mondays Be More Like Sundays?’ Find all of Dr. Cannings' books and resources at and watch on YouTube at Dr. Cannings and his wife Everette are the parents of two adult sons, Paul Jr. and Pierre, who are married to Tanisha and Monica, respectively, with seven grandchildren.


Christianity / Videos / Video Answers / Finding Peace and Hope in God’s Promises during Hard Times