5 Step Process for Applying Biblical Promises Correctly

Have you ever wondered if you’re applying a Bible promise correctly? Some promises were meant for specific people at specific times, so it’s important to dig deeper! Discover a simple five-step process to understand and apply God’s promises the right way

Updated Jan 09, 2025
5 Step Process for Applying Biblical Promises Correctly

Have you ever wondered if you are applying a promise from the Bible incorrectly? This is super easy to do because some of the promises in the Bible were given to specific people at specific times. This is my five-step process for applying a promise from the Bible correctly. Start with context.

What is going on in the passage? Who are the people? What's the setting? What is God doing, and who is he? Once you know the context, you can determine what the promise was intended to accomplish. Next is the claim. To whom was it directed? Was it given to someone specific like David, or was it given to all of David's descendants, spiritual and physical? Condition.

Is this a conditional promise, which has parameters, an if-then kind of situation, or is it an unconditional promise that is something that will continue no matter what happens or how humans act? Consequence. Does this promise only affect the person involved, or is it something that is issued to all of their descendants, spiritual or physical? Lastly, consistency. Does my use and application of this promise align with how God has revealed himself historically? If this was helpful to you, I hope you will join us in Bible and Year Club 2025.

Our cohort is going to read through the whole Bible chronologically, focusing on the promises of God. Be sure to register before January 3rd.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Justin Kendra
Originally published by @everywomanatheologin. Used with permission.

Phylicia MasonheimerPhylicia Masonheimer is a national bestselling author, speaker, and host of the Verity Podcast. Her blog - Every Woman a Theologian - teaches Christians how to know what they believe and live it boldly. Theology touches every area of life, so Phylicia addresses cultural questions through the lens of church history and sound biblical interpretation. She lives in northern Michigan with her husband and three children. Follow Lisa on Facebook and Instagram.


Christianity / Videos / Video Answers / 5 Step Process for Applying Biblical Promises Correctly